Character Meet-up

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
So, I swear this has been done before (and anyone who finds me the old link will earn my eternal gratitude and a big :hug: ), but we thought it’d be fun to do a character meet-up. In the character spotlight, we always ask the question of whether you’d want to meet your character and why. Well, let’s write that out. :r

What would happen if you met your character(s)? Would it be a complete disaster? Would you be best friends? Lovers? How would the meet-up happen? Would you see them on the bus? Sit down and interview them? Go out for Starbucks? Get in a fist fight? The sky is the limit here, and really, only you would know how that interaction would go, but we want to know too!! ^_^

I can’t wait to read the RPs, and I am definitely working on a few myself right now! :)
:hug: You found it!!
So far I've got three characters I've picked, but I might do more if I get time. I'm pretty excited to see what everyone else has to write! KR's, yours was great. :lol: I'll add them to the topic as I go.
I've got myself meeting Wilfred Raven here.
I was always nervous when I met up with Ioan. Half the time, I expected him not to show up, to just leave me sitting in our meeting place alone, choosing at the last minute to stand me up as he'd done to countless women he'd dated. He was a wizard, for crying out loud, and as I sat in the diner, a cup of coffee in front of me, I figured that this time it really would happen. He'd never done it before, but this time...this time would be the first time. I'd asked for him to bring his daughter this time so I could meet her properly. Maybe I should've remembered when he'd last told me that his children were off limits before making that request. Playing with the little square of Equal, my hands needed something to do. My eyes bounced up every time I heard the door, widening when he filled the doorway.

He nodded his head as I went to stand up, his hand coming up quickly, to stop me and reassure me that I was fine before he was squeezing into the booth across from me. A teenaged girl dragged her feet, sullen behind him at having been dragged out of her home, though her eyes, the red of her eyes bore signs of curiosity as well. I held my hand out. "Cyndi" I introduced myself, her hand moving nervously into mine and giving it a shake before she settled in beside her dad. "You look well" I smiled at Ioan. It's been ages since we last saw each other. Alana hadn't even been born then. "Well, you know, work has been keeping me happily busy" he grinned back, a wink that made me blush. "Yea, I know" I responded back, falling into the banter that was familiar between us.

Alana watched me, on the verge of saying something several times, though she stopped herself each time. It wasn’t until we had food in front of us that the words seemed to spill out of their own volition. “My dad says you know things that are going to happen to us” she said, the words a challenge on her lips as if she dared me to prove it. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, though I had been expecting this. “Yea” I mumbled, exchanging a look with her dad, wondering just how much he’d explained. Ioan sat back, his arm across the back of the booth, a grin on his face that I wanted to slap off in that moment though I would’ve loved at any other time. “So, what’s going to happen with…you know” she finished, not wanting to show her interest in the outcome, though it was apparent in her eyes. “You and Chaos?” I asked, not beating around the bush. Alana nodded quickly, her gaze falling to her plate. “I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. I only know some things” I explained, not even wanting to get into the fact that there was someone who knew Chaos’ fate as well. There was no need to confuse the poor girl. “Buuuuuuuuut…things are going to get…interesting.” Alana looked up sharply at that, her head turning to the side slightly as she considered my statement. In his seat, Ioan narrowed his eyes at me, not liking the words. Well, he’d just have to deal with it. That was all he was getting.

As the pair got up to leave a little later, I reached over to hug Alana and whispered something in her ear. She looked at me sharply. “You sure?” she asked. I nodded, and she smiled. Hugging Ioan, I reminded him to behave which was pretty funny considering he was way older than me. “Come on. You know me better than that” he smirked before letting me go, his hand guiding Alana towards the door.

The following took place about 10 years ago

“Desislav Zhefarovich! If you do not sit down right now, I am going to put you on timeout!” I yelled at the preschooler who was running around me, a toy dragon skimming my head every ten seconds. He’d been at it for the last half hour, running and jumping and leaving littered toys around the room as he followed his whims. I was exhausted, and with a glance at the clock, I realized that his parents had only been gone for 45 minutes. Luckily, my yell had caused Desi to freeze and he dropped onto the nearest sofa, his eyes widened as he looked at me seated on the couch across from him. “What’s timeout?” he asked after a moment, his eyes still wide. I raised my eyebrows surprised that there was a four-year-old who hadn’t heard of it. I shook my head at him, eyes widening myself. “It’s scary. You don’t want to know” I lied to the little boy. He scrambled further up on his seat, pulling his legs off the floor and hugging them. “But…if you behave, you won’t have to find out.” Desi nodded his head, eager to be good.

“But, Cyndi?” I looked up at him, having returned my gaze to my Stat textbook where I’d been trying to complete an assignment. “I’m booooored.” Right. I was supposed to be keeping this kid entertained. I looked around the room at all the toys he’d left thrown on the floor. “Well, what do you want to play?” I asked, and he paused for a second before hopping off the couch and running out of the room. He returned quickly with something that looked like a hackeysack in his hand. “I know this game” I told him, and he grinned mischievously. I should have known. We started the game and for the next few moments we kept the sack in the air, Desi much more coordinated than I expected a four year old to be. As I tried to kick at the bag, I missed and the bag dropped in front of me. Desislav was laughing before it even happened. The sack shot a stream of water at my face. I spluttered, my hair, my shirt, the front of my pants drenched as the four year old dropped to the ground, his knees kicking in the air as he laughed. “Again! Again!” he yelled. “Oh, you knew that was going to happen, didn’t you?” I asked, and he nodded his head, that mischievous grin back on the little tow-headed boy’s face. “Let’s go again” I urged, determined to not lose this time.
I didn't know what to write :D I might do some more soon!!

After five long, anxiety inducing years of deliberation, I'd finally plucked up the courage to visit New Zealand.
Where did I go first?
Donna's house. Naturally.
After that, I cast my fears of the unknown aside and ventured out into the nearest town with a second hand book shop. Of all the places I could have gone - all the sights I could have seen - I went to a second hand book shop. In its defence, it was a very good second hand book shop; not just for its books (although those were pretty brilliant too), but for the person I met there.
Later, I decided his name was Montgomery Pendleton. It suited him.
"Excuse me, could I just, er...?"
I hadn't even realised I was in the way. "Sorry!" I said, quickly scooting aside for him to reach the shelf I'd been stood in front of. I think I must have smiled, because he smiled back.
Expecting that to be the last of our encounter, I returned my attention back to the book I was considering buying, doing my best to ignore how adorable the man beside me was. Being so young was a curse, sometimes. But as the seconds ticked by, I realised he wasn't looking at the bookshelf, but at me.
"Sorry, am I still in the way?" I asked, giggling shyly and moving over a step further.
The man looked shocked. "Oh, no!" he said quickly, his gaze falling on the book in my hands. "I was just... Are you going to buy that?"
What a strange question! My mouth hung open for a second before I replied. "I... was thinking about it, yes." Suddenly it struck me. "Oh! Did you want it?"
The man blushed and looked away, as if he wished he hadn't said anything. "Well... it's all right. I'm sorry; forgive me."
There wasn't any forgiveness required. "Please, have it!" I insisted, thrusting the book at him. There were plenty of others in the shop I'd enjoy reading. Besides, as I'd mentioned before, this man was just completely adorable. His jacket even had tiny little gears on it. Could he have been any cuter?
Slowly - reluctantly - he faced me again, opening his hands to take the book I was practically forcing into them.
"Thank you," he said eventually. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't be - I wasn't going to get it, anyway," I lied, turning back to the shelf to look for something else as interesting.
I think the man disbelieved me, but I saw him smile in my peripheral vision before he wandered away to find the counter. As he left, I was suddenly overcome by the strangest urge to cry. There had been something so familiar in his disposition that his absence felt like losing a part of myself. I wondered what his story was; what had made him so shy; why he'd wanted the book I'd been reading; how he had come to acquire that gear embellished jacket.
When I left a few moments later, it was without having purchased any books. I'd decided I didn't need to: I was going to write one myself.
It isn't very good but I might add some others when I feel like it ^_^

I never liked going on trains in the night time but when time called for it, I knew I had to face my fears eventually. In all honesty, it wasn't even night time yet and was only 7.08pm and peak hour had only just finished, but even just travelling by myself as the sun set outside of the window was still a bit terrifying to say the least. Public transportation was definitely not my forte but I needed to get home somehow. I was in New Zealand and had just finished my music recital which was something that I had been practicing for for quite a while. I was tired and wanted to get home quickly. The closest place to my hotel was a train station so it was the only way.

I made sure I paid the fair before walking onto the station. The walk to the station was a bit much but I needed more exercise and I always thought walking long distances made you feel better the more you did it. It was kind of like exercise but without all of the hard movement. Depending on how fast you walked, it was much calmer and didn't involve massive sweat patches if it wasn't too hot. Thankfully, it was only 14 degrees Celsius and I was wearing my large black coat with the fur-covered hoodie on top of my head.

It didn't take long before the train came and I quickly stepped on, minding the gap as I did so. I tried to keep my distance from the few people around me as I made my way up the stairs to the top of the carriage where only three people were sitting - a couple who were making out in the corner and a small Asian who seemed to have fallen asleep. I had the sudden urge to wake him to ask him if he missed his stop but simply sat down, realising that that was probably none of my business and knowing my luck I probably would have woken him up for no reason.

There were only 6 stops on the train that I needed to sit through and unfortunately I didn't end up catching a fast one. Fast trains were always the best as it wasn't really much of a stop and start all the time. When the train stopped too much I always ended up getting train sick and I was only hoping that I didn't expose my lunch all over the seat in front of me tonight. On the bright side, that would definitely stop the couple behind me. Or would it?

Most of the ride was peaceful, mainly because I was sitting with my back faced to the couple and I didn't even notice them get off. The Asian man was still sitting to my right on the other side of the carriage fast asleep and I even almost fell asleep a couple of times too until the snoring from the small, slouching man became louder and louder with every second. Eventually, I ended up occupying myself with a small find-a-word book I had found at the bottom of my backpack, using my mind to cross off each of the words as I lacked a pen or a pencil. I used this distraction to help me keep my mind off of the constant stopping and starting of the train, occasionally looking up to see where we were.

"Hey there!"

I jumped as a loud voice from behind me had stepped onto the train. It would have been heard throughout the whole carriage but yet the man to my right was still sleeping and didn't even flinch. Was he dead? I didn't want to think so. Slowly, I turned around to find a small girl with long blonde hair and green eyes that were lit up with excitement. She was leaning over the back of the seat and I looked around to see if any of her parents were nearby but to no avail. She looked like she was by herself.

I didn't know what to say. "H-hello." I mumbled, my voice cracking from not using it for a while. "Where are your parents?"

The girl looked at me as if I was silly and suddenly began talking in a fast pace, not even pausing to take a breath. "My mother is here below us on this... train! Yeah, this a train, right? We just stepped onto it and she said I could explore. My brother and my father are back at home. I've never been on such a form of transportation before. Do you know how it works? I tried having a look at the tracks below us but these big guys in bright jackets told me not to. I felt a bit upset that they didn't let me but I guess safety comes first, right?"

She looked at me with her big green eyes and it took a moment for everything to sink in. Why did her mother let her have a go at playing on the tracks? What kind of parents were bringing up this child… and her brother!? She seemed eager for an answer but I was lost for words and simply looked at her puzzled, hoping that I perhaps fell asleep and that this all was just a dream. But when I tried to bite the inside of my mouth, it hurt and so I knew I was awake. "Yeah, yeah... you're right." was all I could muster, but it seemed like a satisfied answer to her and she began talking yet again.

"Oh I'm so sorry that I haven't introduced myself! My name is Charlotte. What's your name?" She put her hand out for me to shake.

"Kaye." I said tentatively, carefully grabbing her small hand and shaking it, wondering where exactly this conversation was going. There were still three more stops until I was able to get off and I only hoped that it would all end quickly.

"So, how does all of this muggle transportation work? You know it is much easier to just use floo powder instead of having to go through the trouble of paying for a ticket to go on a busy train every day, despite the dust." She chuckled and I tried not to express how weird the whole situation was on my face. I knew exactly what a muggle was which only made me think that Charlotte was some type of wizard, something that I found quite hard to believe. As much as I liked to think it, wizards did not exist or otherwise my Hogwarts acceptance letter would have arrived ages ago. "Oh I wasn't supposed to tell you that!" Her expression changed from excited to alarmed and she looked at me as if she had just seen a spider.

"Are you a wizard?" I asked after a moment of silence, wondering whether or not this was just some type of prank. What kind of person would just walk up to someone and practically tell them they're a wizard?

"Maybe, but that's confidential." she said slowly, beginning to back away from the seat. She kept her eyes on mine as she walked backwards away from me. "I'll be back." And with that, she ran down the stairs, probably back to her mother, and I simply shrugged and continued reading my find-a-word, which was beginning to frustrate me with the lack of progress.

In no time, the girl was back with another blonde woman, presumably her mother, and I watched as her mother took a sideways glance at the Asian man who was still fast asleep before taking out a long elongated stick and pointing it in my direction. Suddenly, I dropped my book onto my lap and pushed myself up against the wall, almost in tears. What was she going to do to me? "I didn't do anything!" I said in defence, hoping that she would have some mercy. I couldn't believe how weird this whole experience was getting.

"I'm going to Obliviate you." the woman whispered calmly. "This won't hurt a bit."

There was a lady standing in front of me with a small child who seemed to be staring and I gave them a questioning look before going back to my find-a-word. "Come along now, stop staring." I heard the lady say to her child and they had walked away.

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