Open Chaperones and Baubles

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi Kingsley was happy for the end of the semester. It hadn't been a particularly difficult one, but it had felt very long and she was ready for a break. The woman enjoyed that there was a party before the send off, and she often chaperoned. Tonight was no different. The woman wore a red dress as she stood off to one side, watching as the students filed in, some with dates and others independently. It was sure to be a fun night.

Slipping to the snack table before the line got too long, Cyndi walked away with a to-go cup of peppermint hot chocolate and a very large cookie that looked like a Christmas decoration. The decor was gorgeous and she felt bad she hadn't participated in decorating this year. The woman returned to her spot along one wall and began to enjoy her snack.
it was the end of semester and elvera was looking forward to the holiday. this yea would be a big one new year would be the twin's seventeenth birthday which meant that her little girls were going to be adults. she wasn't sure how she felt about it. they were her little girls. but in the last few years they had both grown so much she would be interested to see where the winds of the world would take them. tonight before birthday parties and celebrations there was the small matter of the yule ball. She dressed in a simple black dress with an embossed shrug not wanting to upstage any of the student's dresses again. she felt a bit guilty that she had won one of the Halloween costume awards with her last-minute costume when the students had put so much effort in.
She enjoyed the ball and always made sure that she had chaperone duty. even if she didn't she would have attended she loved the atmosphere of the night.
she wandered around the hall keeping an eye out for students getting in trouble. she noticed there were a lot more couples than usual some of them gave off a rather odd vibe. before she realised that the sisterhood and brotherhood had organised a blind date. and that would have been the result. she hoped that the blind datees were having a fun evening and things weren't too awkward for them. She passed the food table and picked up a glass of cranberry lemonade as she continued on her round she saw Cyndi standing eating a cookie a hot chocolate in her other hand. "Happy Yule Cyndi" she said as she approached the other lady. It was funny she always seemed to run into Cyndi at these events. she reminded herself to make more of an effort next semester to catch up with the other teacher.
"Happy Yule Elvera" she smiled as one of her colleagues greeted her. Elvera was more than a colleague though, and Cyndi was happy for her company. "That is a lovely shrug" she complimented the woman. They'd known each other for years and Cyndi always enjoyed spending some time with her. The woman took a sip of her hot chocolate as she watched the dance floor. She hadn't seen any signs for it but from the odd conversation that she'd overheard here and there, the woman had figured out that some of the students here were on blind dates with each other. It was an interesting concept for them to try at a big party like this, and she commended their bravery on signing up. "Did you hear about the blind dating thing?" she asked Elvera wondering if she might have some more information about the event. The whole idea of it amused the woman and reminded her of years past.
Elvera smiled as her friend wished her happy yule and complimented her on her outfit. "thank you. you dress looks great on you too" she said. red always suited Cyndi. she wasn't sure if it was just coincidence that she was also head of Gryffindor house. she took a sip of her lemonade as she watched the students move through the hall. everyone looking do differently in their formal attire. she spotted on of the girls she had had in her class this year dressed in a red suit that suited her personality. this years class had been a really great group. she would genuinely miss them in the new year when they moved on to professor Chamberlin's classes.
she was brought back to the present by her friend's next question. "oh, yes. it was organised between the brotherhood and heta omega." she said. Selene had signed up and then been nervous when she had received her date both worried that he wouldn't show and that he wouldn't like her. it had taken until she had pointed out that he was one of the organisers and wouldn't assign himself with someone who he disliked. and standing his date up would be very poor show on the brotherhoods side.
The professor chuckled as she received some additional details about these blind dates. "Ohhh, that makes sense" she replied. Spme of the dates seemed to be getting on ok while others looked like they needed an eye kept on them. That's what she was here for.

Finishing up her snack, the professor rubbed her fingers together so she could lose a few crumbs. "What do you have planned for your break? Anything fancy?" she smiled. Elvera's twins were nearing the end of their Hogwarts education so she knew that time with them was precious. She remembered her own last years with her boys. Jacob was still living in the home though their schedules were near complete opposite, and Noah had moved out on his own a while ago. Eleanor was a chatterer though and made Cyndi forget how empty her nest was getting.
Elvera watched was the students milled about around the hall. keeping an eye on some of the more risky couplings. the problem was she only taught two years of one of the less popular electives so she didn't have a huge idea about the personalities of the students.
she took a sip of her drink and spotted Selene at the food table with her date she was glad that they seemed to be getting on which she was relieved about. "I have work to do at the shop. I am looking into organising an event over the winter which will take a bit of planning. and the girls are coming of age so I have two seventeenth birthday parties to organise" she said. "did you have any plans for the holidays?" she asked remembering that Cyndi's youngest son had just graduated. "and how is Jacob? has he found a job, gotten used to adult life?" she asked.
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