Cave man

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex headed out towards the middle of the Dark forest, to a cave which was in the clearing. He had been there once before and found out that there was actually a pond that was perfect for swimming in there. As he reached the mouth of the cave, he looked around to see if any creatures had followed him, seeing nothing he ventured into the cave to find it deserted. Where was Dominic? Wasn't he meant to meet him in here? He looked around but didn't see anyone and though that Dominic mustn't have arrived yet. He set down all his things and looked around a little bit to see ho abandoned it really was. There was nothing that was really out of the ordinary, other then stalagmites growing from the wall of the cave. He walked back over towards where he had set his stuff to see a figure in shadow standing over it all. " Dom, man is that you?"
Dom made a dash for the forest, making sure his backpack didn't make any sound. He had nearly been caught as he passed the greenhouse, but managed to hide between the plants. The teacher left the greenhouse, but was still out on the grounds. He figured that if he was quiet enough, the teacher wouldn't see him, so he ran towards the forest. The teacher didn't hear a thing. Dom found the cave with ease and entered to see that Alex was already there.

"Yeah, it's me," Dom said, "Sorry to keep you waiting, but I nearly got caught sneaking out and had to hide for a while." He put down his backpack where Alex had left his things. Rummaging through his backpack, he found the matches. "We should set up a fire," Dom told Alex as he lit the lantern he had brought with him. He searched the area around the cave for some fallen logs, twigs and dead leaves. "Come help," Dom called to Alex who was still inside the cave.
Alex was relieved to find that it was Dom and not some other person, who scared the crap out of him. " It's all good man, as long as you didn't get caught that's all that matters." He said not wanting his friend to get caught sneaking out into the forest, with a bag filled with things that would make it easy to spend the night out. He wondered if Dom had been taught how to use his wand to summon things, but thought that the muggle way, was good it kept a man fit. Which was what Alex liked to do, seeming he lived on a fam and had to run around there twenty four seven and fix everything up and attend to the animals that where injured and such.

He quickly ran up to Dom to catch up, he didn't really want him running around the forest alone. He felt protective over Dom, ever since the night he saved doms life from the Werewolves, with Dom's help of course." So what gave you the idea of sleeping out her?" He asked as he picked up a rather large log that would be good for the night, maybe they could even split it up and use it as smaller pieces for the fire.
"Well, I don't know really," Dominic told Alex truthfully, "I just came by the cave when I was exploring and thought that it would be cool to camp there one night. I just remembered it before I mentioned it to you." A chilling breeze came through the forest, causing some leaves to fall from the trees. Now had an armful of leaves and twigs that could be used as tinder. "Oh, and by the way, I think it would be cool if we decided to use no magic tonight. We could camp the muggle way," Dom said. "Oh, unless it's an emergency," He added quickly referring back to the werewolves. On his way back to the cave, he picked up some stones to surround the fire. If sparks got out of hand, the two could set the whole forest alight.
Alex thought it was weird to use no magic tonight, but he would go along with it. " Yeah man it's all good, no magic." He said as he made sure that his wand was tucked away good in his belt. They stepped back into the cave and Alex plopped the large log down onto the ground. It weighed about forty Kilograms, which was probably going to put the fire out. Unless it was a massive one. " Forgive me for asking, but why no magic?" He asked feeling a little puzzled as to why there was no magic going to be used.
Dominic already knew the answer. "Well, I think it would be more fun, you see. I think when you do a regular muggle activity, like camping, using magic is like using cheats on a video game. The whole thing becomes easier but it's not as fun anymore." He laid out the stones in a circle shape and began to put logs in the circle. Underneath he put the leaves and twigs that he found to make sure the fire would get going easy. "See, if we used magic, we could have summoned logs and put up a fire in seconds." Dom acknowledged that Alex might be a little confused, getting a fire up in seconds would be a great thing to most people. But Dom believed that it took out some of the fun in camping.
Alex thought it was weird how muggles had to manually do every thing but the Witches and Wizards have been using magic to do things since the dawn of time. It was way easier then living like a muggle. " I know you are right, but sometimes the cheats on a video game make things more fun. Like say if I summoned a bull riding machine, or a Tv and a video console it would make things more fun, also if we had a generator to run it." He said as he took the matches off of Dom and lit the fire with the first match he lit. " I've done it all before, I live on a farm mate." He said with a smile as he stepped over the small, but strong fire.
"Yeah," Dom quickly agreed before things got too literal, "But then it wouldn't really be camping, would it." It was a statement not a question. "We could come here another day and summon TV's and bull riding machines." Though Dom did enjoy his luxuries it was nice to get back to the simple things sometimes. "That's awesome," He said truthfully, Dom's mother grew up on a farm and had always told him stories about the farm. He sometimes wished that he lived on a farm.
It was great the feeling of breaking the rules and doing what he wanted, he knew that he could get expelled for camping out here, but he doubted he would get caught. " Yeah I know it would be pretty cool, I was just like trowing something out there." He said as he sat next to the fire on the other side. It was great that he didn't have to pitch a tent and that the cave was close to the school if they had to make a dash for it. Seeing as they would always be able to get back and get into there common rooms.
Dom put another small log on the fire. Now they had a good, strong, normal sized fire. Dom reached into his bag and pulled out some marshmallows. Yes, it was childish. But who didn't like some yummy roasted marshmallows. He found a stick and attached the marshmallow to the end. "Want one?" Dom asked, as he held his marshmallow over the fire.
Alex shook his head, he wasn't really a person who liked to eat marshmallows, instead he walked over to his bag and pulled out two bottles of Op rum. ( The straight rum.With another two bottles of coke. It would be nice to have a drink with Dom, even though Dom was under the legal age, who was going to find out. He placed the bottles down and headed back to get two glasses out of his bag, which hadn't broken when he dropped it. He sat back down next to Dom and chucked him a bottle of rum, a bottle of coke and placed the glass next to him. " Drink up, got to enjoy life while you can right." He said with a wide grin on his face as he took a sip out of the Rum straight, which burned his throat as it went down.
Dominic was surprised when Alex handed him the bottle of rum. Dom had never liked Rum, he had tried it a few months ago, he didn't really like it. "Sorry mate, never really liked rum," He told Alex as he poured himself some coke. Alex might think he was a loser, but Dom didn't care, he couldn't control his own taste buds. Dom walked over to the edge of the pond and dipped his foot in. It was cold, but bearable. "Ever been swimming in there?" Dom asked motioning to the pond.
Alex nodded as he poured himself up a drink and realized he made it two strong. He knew he was going to get drunk off of it, but that was the plan. " Yeah man, it's cold on the outside, but when you get closer to the middle it is beautiful." He said as he stood up and downed the rest of his drink in a single go, it was a silly thing to do, but the water just looked so tempting.
Dom watched as Alex drank the whole drink in one go. Dom wondered how he could do that. "Doesn't that burn?" He asked. The cave was getting really warm now, thanks to the fire. The water looked so inviting. "I think I'm going to go for a swim." Dom told Alex. Dom drank the rest of the coke and put down the cup nearby the fire. DOm placed a few small sticks on the fire.
Alex laughed at Dom asking him if it burned. " Yeah man, it burns like a B*tch, but you get used to it." He said as he took off his shirt, he hates swimming with his shirt on, seeing as when you get out of the water and the breeze hits you, you feel like you have been snap frozen. The water was like Ice at first, then after while it felt like he was in a sauna, it was good.
Dom wondered if he ever would begin to like rum, he didn't think he would be able to get past the burning sensation when you swallow it. Dom followed Alex into the water. It was freezing, but in a nice way. After a few minutes it began to get warmer, it was actually a very nice place for swimming. "So hows things?" Dom asked. It had only been about a day since he last spoke to Alex, but alot can happen in a day, as Dom knew all too well.
Alex smiled, feeling half tipsy as he spoke. " I'm pretty good mate. What about yourself?" He asked as he ducked underneath the surface of the water wetting his short, white hair. A look of surprise was on his face when he came back up, with a face full of mud, it seemed as if it was deeper then it actually was. " I'm telling you this now, rum tastes good if it isn't to strong, coke is for making it taste better."
Dom laughed as Alex came up with a face full of mud. "Yeah, I've been pretty good. I met so many people today, it was crazy," Dom said, reffering back to yesterday when Dom had told Alex that he barely knew anyone around this school. Dom reached down with his hands and picked up a scoop of mud in his hands, watching as the mud fell through his fingers. "Made some enemies," Dom said laughing, enemies were sometimes more enteraining than friends.
" Made enemies, With who?" Alex asked wondering if he knew any of them. " Maddiie told me that you met her man. Did you like what you saw?" he asked as he floated on his back, and scooped up mud with another one of his hands knowing that Dom was probably going to throw it at him, so he had to be prepared for a attack, maybe it was just the alcohol that was making him think that, but at the moment he didn't know.
""Well, I was trying to teach myself how to fly a broom when I landed on someone, she wasn't happy," Dom said, laughing, "It was kind of funny... Well for me not for her." Dominic was a little taken off guard by Alex's question about Maddiie, it sure was a hard question to answer. He didn't want Alex to get the wrong idea that he liked her, but he didn't want to say that she was ugly and then offend Alex. "She's very nice," is all Dom said, sounding like he didn't put much thought into his answer. Dom laughed as Alex picked up some mud and went into a defensive position. "You know I wasn't going to throw this at you," om told Alez, holding up the mud, "But thanks for the idea." Dom threw the mud, but it didn't stay in a single glob, it spread out and Alex only got hit by a few specks of mud.
Alex smiled at Dom's comment on Maddiie being nice, it was true she was the best thing that could ever happen to him. He felt the splash as some of the mud Dom threw at him had hit the water before him, but some of the mud still sprayed him. He lobbed the piece of mud at Dom, with perfect accuracy it would hit him if he didn't move. " You asked for it now." He said laughing as his face was still covered in mud, it was kind of like a facial that women get when they went to a beauty salon.

(( Do women actually put mud on there faces?))
((Yeah, its supossed to be really good for your skin :doh: ))

Dom tried to duck under the water as he saw a glob of mud going straight for his face. But he was too slow and the mud managed to get in his hair. He rana hand through his hair and pulled off a huge glob of mud. He laughed. "I think I'm going to get out now," Dom told Alex before ducking under the water to get all the mud out of his hair and off his face. He re-surfaced and as he got out of the water he felt a breeze hit him, he was freezing. Dom ran over to the fire and quickly sat by it, feeling the nice warmth hit his body.
Alex couldn't help but laugh at how Dom got out of the water as soon as the mud his his hair, he was kind of acting like a girl would if you done it to them. He climbed out of the water, not really feeling the cold, it was like that where he lived just of a night, boiling hot of a day, but freezing of a night. He walked over to the fire and put his shirt back on and regained his seat and poured himself another drink. " So have you met any girls you like yet?"

(( Loz I thought it was like a joke when I got told that.))
Alex couldn't help but laugh at how Dom got out of the water as soon as the mud his his hair, he was kind of acting like a girl would if you done it to them. He climbed out of the water, not really feeling the cold, it was like that where he lived just of a night, boiling hot of a day, but freezing of a night. He walked over to the fire and put his shirt back on and regained his seat and poured himself another drink. " So have you met any girls you like yet?"

(( Lolz I thought it was like a joke when I got told that.))
Dominic wondered whether Alex had thought he had decided to get out after the mud got in his hair. It actually wasn't, he had just decided that he wanted to get dry. Dom picked up his glass and poured himself a coke, he pondered on whether he should try some coke and rum but decided that he probably shouldn't, the two would be lucky not to get expelled from being caught in the forest if they were caught drinking aswell, they could be arrested. And plus, Dom didn't like rum. "Hmmmm..." Dom thought for a second, "I did meet a few girls today, but I don't really know them yet... But who knows." Dom shrugged. He turned his head to look out at the forest, an idea crossed his mind. "Do you think it would be possible to make like a little room in the tree?" Dom asked suddenly, "It would be pretty cool if you climbed up the tree and then came to a part that you could open like a door, inside there would be couches and stuff." Dom suddenly realised that this was a very random comment. he pictured the whole thing in his head, it was probably impossiblle, but with magic it just might be possible.
" Yeah that's cool." Alex said as he looked out towards the tree Dom was talking about, it seemed weird that he would want to put a room in there. " Why not just put a massive big tree house in there, with its own running electricity. that would be the smartest idea it would make it easier." Alex said thinking it was funny that someone who was underage wouldn't want to drink. " You know whats funny, I'm legally allowed to drink alcohol and your not." He said feeling slightly drunk as he said so but it still didn't stop him from filling the half full rum bottle up with coke and proceed to drink it.

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