Closed Catching Up

Jace Blade

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jace was impatiently waiting in the Entrance Hall for his best friend to finally make an appearance. He hadn't seen her for a while, and she was easily the best part of his life at the moment. They were soon to be starting their second year at the school and he hoped that they would have more classes together this year because at least then he would have someone to help him whenever he didn't understand, which tended to be a lot. He smiled to himself at the thought, Padme was always willing to help him out and he really appreciated that about her. He stood waiting, rooted to the spot, every so often he turned around to see if he could see her coming.
Padme skipped her way to go meet Jace, she was a little bit later than intended but had been helping some first year when she’d got caught up. The hufflepuff was moving quickly without getting into trouble for running, and she was so looking forward to it. It was going to be so amazing to spend time with her best friend now as second years. Moving up in the school and more capable than ever. They would pick their classes, they would learn even more, this would be the most exciting year, more exciting than the last, though Padme wondered if perhaps that just meant that every year would be more exciting. Padme doubted that the years in which she’d have big exams would be that exciting but everything even around those would be. They would have to be. When she finally spotted him, Padme smiled easily, ”Jace!” she called out, excitedly rushing over to him and throwing her arms open to greet him in a hug, ”Sorry I’m late!”

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