Open Capturing Ants

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was always looking for ways to push his photography, and though he didn’t always have time to, he had definitely noted that he needed to work on certain elements. The time he’d spent as an intern for EVELYN had illuminated the areas of difficulty he had. Where school profiles and events pictures didn’t quite stretch it. It was just more difficult at school to get the right people or find the right people. There had been a lot of things he’d liked about working at EVELYN, but part of it certainly had been just the constant photography, he hadn’t particularly enjoyed the lack of creative control he’d had, given that he was an intern but at school he had the latter but not the former. He didn’t really need models for his work, he wasn’t sure he liked that sort of photography but it lacked at school. He didn’t really know how to ask, but he was often just trying to take pictures with his camera of the vegetation and the life within it, which was what he was doing currently. He’d set up a camera in the court yard, having found a little nest of ants, and he’d set up a camera with a macro filter to see how close he could capture their work. Vader would try to capture anything.
The weather was getting warmer, and Aisa was taking a break from studying to take a walk outside. Things had been a bit strange since the spin the bottle game, though Aisa didn't really show it outwardly. Aisa had enjoyed kissing some people, but it had made her feel more confused about who she liked. How did you even know when you liked someone? It was a lot trickier than she had expected. Abian wasn't exactly a good example to follow either, as he was a huge mess and seemed to be crushing on multiple people simultaneously at all times. Though Aisa knew that he'd had the same crush for a while now, too. She was lost in thought when she suddenly spotted a camera out in the courtyard, and it didn't take long to see it belonged to Vader. Aisa had always kind of liked the older boy, even if it probably wasn't really something anyone could tell just by looking at her. She'd felt almost protective over him, which was strange as he was older than her, Abian's age. But in her first years at Accio, older students had sometimes doubted his leadership skills, but no one seemed to doubt it as much as Vader himself. She had been glad to see he seemed more confident lately. She approached him, looking at his setup curiously. "What are you doing?" She asked.
Vader was often in his own little world when he was spending time with his photography, his mind focused so heavily on it, it was difficult to remember some of the other things that were going on in his life, and it was why Ava had always gotten frustrated with him, why she’d always brought food and water. Vader looked up suddenly as a voice appeared next to him, familiar, ”Oh,” he said a little in surprise before just smiling. He liked Aisa, she was nice, had always been pretty supportive of him, especially while Caro had been so unsupportive. He thought she was really good, she was a good photographer and a good person overall. ”I’m….ehhh...I’m taking pictures of the ant colony with a marco lens,” he replied a little shyly, knowing that it was probably something that sounded silly and pointless to most, he just liked different challenges, ”After taking pictures for EVELYN over the break, I really needed something to ground me,” he joked with her, a little small smile on his features, he was more at ease than most other times, but still admitting it to someone did make him more visibly nervous. She always had his back, but what if she didn’t today. Vader could appreciate however, that despite the still awful sleep, it was better than previously, he was definitely in the pre-exam yuleball stress and low sleep, but he knew he looked less dead on his feet.
Aisa crouched down a bit to see what Vader was doing as he explained it to her. She knew a bit about photography, but not nearly as much as the older boy did, which was clear immediately. She raised her eyebrows a bit as he mentioned the EVELYN brand, remembering that girl in the shop who had freaked out about it. It was clearly a big deal, and Vader getting to take pictures for that brand was clearly something he was proud of. She couldn't help but think about how other people would have bragged about a thing like that, but Vader hadn't done that. "You took pictures for that fashion brand?" She asked him, glancing at her feet. "I have shoes from them." She commented, though Aisa hardly cared about fashion. "What was it like?" She asked him, wondering why he now needed something to ground him. "You really like this stuff, don't you? Not just for the yearbook. I always see you with your camera." She commented quietly. "And you're good." She said it as a statement, as it was true.
Vader had turned back to his camera and was adjusting the lens as he prepared to take another picture. He looked back at Aisa, with a small curious expression. He hadn’t really expected her to know the EVELYN brand or perhaps care about it. But she knew it. He nodded to her in response, ”Yeah, I have an internship there,” he told her with a small amount of pride in his tone. He hadn’t expected others to really think it was anything more than just another summer job. ”It was intense, fast paced, different in every way,,” He said, letting himself joke slightly but it had been sometimes the difficult element of it, working with them. Vader smiled at the question that followed unable to stop himself laughing lightly. He could admit that he likely liked it more than most, that he like photography outside of accio. He nodded, but blushed lightly at her compliment. ”I do really like it, I feel most at ease behind a camera, I occasionally get a little stressed and it just helps me feel at ease,” he said with a quiet voice, ”I’m hoping to make a career out of it, but running accio is only one sort, so I branched out,” Vader said with a small smile. He hoped that at least Aisa liked it enough while doing it. ”How do you find it? Photography, accio?”
Aisa whistled as Vader said he had an internship at the brand. That was impressive. "That's great." She told him. "Though you don't strike me necessarily as the fashion photographer type, or is that something you want to pursue?" She asked him, glancing again at his current setup. She listened as he explained how it had been. It sounded like a lot, and Aisa wondered if he was enjoying the internship. But even if he wasn't, she knew that it was an incredibly opportunity and he would be a fool to give it up. "Are you trying to make a portfolio, then?" She asked him, wondering if that was what he meant. "Do you want to work with magical photography later, or muggle?" She added, wondering what he preferred. She considered his question. "I enjoy it." She told him. "It's fine, it's nice to see the finished work. But I wouldn't say photography is my passion." She said after a moment.
Vader gave a little laugh as she said that she hadn’t thought of him as much of a fashion photographer. He would definitely have to agree with it. ”I don’t think so. I wasn't sure at all before, but now I'm fairly certain fashion photography isn't for me,” he was happy to know this now, even if he had been pretty sure of it before it all, but now he knew for sure. Vader shrugged, ”I’m thinking about taking up nature photography next, seeing if I like that better,” he shrugged a little, though he was actually being relatively serious. He nodded, ”Yeah, i’m building one up, and probably magic, I think there’s just so much more that can be done with magical photography,” he liked muggle photography, but he had just really fallen for magical photography. He nodded as she spoke about her own interest of photography, it was a fair answer. He knew that not all of the accio people had a deep passion about photography like he did. ”What is your passion?”
Aisa was glad that she hadn't offended Vader with her assessment of him. She seemed to have been right. Vader seemed a lot more artistic than he'd need to be for something like fashion photography. "Nature seems interesting." She told him, gesturing to the setup he had. "And you have gotten a head start." She said lightly, though she was a bit impressed by his dedication to his hobby, and a bit jealous as well. Aisa hadn't played guitar nearly enough lately, too distracted by homework and other school obligations. She nodded as the boy explained there was a lot to be done with magical photography. She had to agree. Muggle photos seemed boring in comparison. As he asked her what her passion was, Aisa felt a little put on the spot. Mostly because she really hadn't put a lot of time into it lately. And it felt strange... confessing something was her passion. She usually tried to seem disinterested in things. "Music." She said with a small shrug. "I play guitar."
Vader nodded, certainly hogwarts had been kind enough to give him ample opportunity to pursue and grow the yearbook. To have plenty of pictures to show off as his range of skill and of the progression of his talents. He wasn’t sure that nature would be the right fit for him, and he had a lot of experience with people, but he’d always enjoyed waiting for the right moment for some pictures, which was why he was more certain of it. ”Hogwarts has been kind to my passion,” he replied glancing back towards the school and smiling softly almost to himself, ”Though it’s given me stress in equal measure,” he joked lightly, adding it on to try and not get too wrapped up in any one mood, or to overstate the roll of the school in his passion. He listened to Aisa as she told him her passion, ”Guitar?” he said, ”Wow, that’s cool. Must be difficult to find time for that in amongst everything else,” This again pressed to him how lucky that his passion and the yearbook had worked out. He had been able to from first year unflinchingly pursue his passion, slowly and steadily, though in his view he had become the leader of accio way too young.
Aisa nodded at Vader's words, then sighed softly. "Yeah, you seemed stressed a lot of the time." She admitted. "But less now." She added, hoping to soften her blunt words. "And you've done well, with the club and everything." She said quietly. Aisa usually wasn't one to compliment others a lot, but Vader deserved it in her opinion. The yearbook was probably the most intensive club to run, with maybe the exception of the paper. And he'd been doing it for years now. She nodded at his words about her hobby. "It is pretty difficult." She admitted. "I've been neglecting it a bit, I can admit." She shrugged. "But that's alright."
Vader gave a little shy and tight smile but nodded. It was a rather blunt way of putting it but not really incorrect. ”I get caught in my own head,” he said by way of explanation but it was nice, Aisa had always been a place of support to Vader. Even when he thought he really hadn’t deserved it. ”What do you think of Ajaccio? He’ll probably take over from me, but I don’t want him to have the same...problems..I did,” he would be older than Vader had been at the time but he still didn’t want that really bad situation to happen. There had been nothing vader could’ve done to help it. ”You know, you could always use the accio room to practice guitar. I’m sure folks wouldn’t mind,” He knew he wouldn’t mind and he was almost sure Ajaccio wouldn’t either, but others perhaps would. He could imagine that they would though.
Aisa nodded as Vader said he got caught up in his own head. "Make ssense." She told him. "You seem alright now." She added with a shrug. He did seem to have improved. Aisa was a bit surprised when Vader said Ajaccio would probably take over from him. She didn't know the Ravenclaw that well. "Well, he seems a lot more chill than you are." She told him after a moment. "I doubt he'll get very stressed." She didn't think she'd ever seen him stressed out so far. "And I could look out for him, keep him away from the coffee and all that." She said with a shrug and a slight smile. His offer about the accio room made her think for a moment. "I might do that." She said with a small shrug. "Seems more private than the arts room, at any rate."
Vader gave a little smile at her as she said he seemed alright now, he was glad that she thought so. Since he did too and it was nice to see he wasn’t the only one that had picked up on the fact he wasn’t stressing as much. He laughed at her assessment of his intern. That was pretty apt, he had noted that while he worked hard, he wasn’t apparently the sort to get overly stress by things and Vader had to think this was a good thing. Of course there would be no telling how he’d be on his own, how he would manage running the yearbook, but Vader felt pretty confident about it. The gryffindor smiled, ”As far as I can tell, he doesn’t even like coffee, so already that’s a step up,” he nodded as she seemed to consider the accio room. ”It’s more private and I think people might occasionally appreciate a bit of music.”

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