Old School Week Canopied Adventure

Ngawaiata Martin

🎶 stoic 🎶 not your friend 🎶 duellist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sky) (Bisexual
Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2043 (20)
Auntie Kahu had told her not to go in there, but Ngawaiata just didn't see why the bush around the castle was forbidden. She had never spent much time in the bush, growing up in the city, but now seemed like a perfect time to start. She kept her eyes down as she slipped between the trees, hoping nobody would pay attention to her.
Isadora had been curious about the forest ever since the headmistress had said it was forbidden. She spotted someone else going in, Ngawaiata, the girl they had met on the train. She decided to follow her, walking up behind her and tapping her shoulder. "Boo."
Noelle just came back down after sending the two boys to their common room. He also sent a note to Prof. Castillo about the situation and went back to the forest perimeter to continue his patrol. Just a few minutes into it and he already saw a girl slip through the trees. He sighed. He's gonna have a long night.
Ngawaiata had barely stepped next to the first tree, not quite over the borderline into the forest yet, when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She frowned as she turned around, frowning deeper as she spotted who was behind her. Had Isadora tried to get her in trouble on purpose? "Got it." Ngawaiata said loudly, pretending to bend down and pick something up, grabbing a twig shaped like her wand and shoving it in her pocket. "I just dropped my wand." She added loudly, before turning away and walking back into the castle, her afternoon thoroughly ruined.
Noelle stood at the edge of the forest, his eyes on the girl. Apparently, another one was already there and they seemed to know each other. One of them seemed to be making her way back to where he was standing now so he just stayed put, arms crossed.

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