Open Can You Dance To My Beat?

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
open after Daph posts with Ezra!

Dahlia could scarcely believe she was in her final year at Hogwarts. It felt like a bit of a blur, and it felt sometimes like she hadn't achieved much. She still wondered if she would've been happier at a muggle school, not that she was ever going to get incredible marks but she could've kept up with the hobbies she loved far more easily. But this was the way things were, she and Zinnia each had the lives the other wanted but they just had to deal with it. She could still work on her performance art, she supposed, though it was a little harder to do it on her own. But again, she'd just make it work.

Dahlia had found a quieter spot in the courtyard, sitting down and humming a song to herself. She was tapping her feet in rhythm with the song, stopping and frowning every few seconds and restarting the phrase. It was an awkward form of practicing, but she was rather caught up in it. "Ugh, lost the key," she muttered, humming a note and then wincing. "Nope, that's not it...ugh, anything for a music player."
Ezra had trouble wrapping his mind around this being his final year at Hogwarts. The thought of it scared him slightly. It made him feel stressed out if he thought about it too much. He really hadn't accomplished as much as he had hoped at Hogwarts. His grades were mediocre, he wasn't on the Quidditch team, he didn't run any clubs, he wasn't a prefect. It was all just... nothing. He had hopes that he would at least date someone while at Hogwarts. Something about going through seven years without a single date felt embarrassing. Though he planned to ask Savannah out, he wasn't sure how that was going to go. She kind of intimidated him.

He was thinking about this and pacing around the courtyard a bit, when he noticed one of his classmates tapping and humming in an odd way. He tilted his head, watching her for a moment before approaching. "Hey Dahlia. What are you doing?" He asked. It looked and sounded like she was trying to play a song, but as far as he could see, she didn't have an instrument.

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