Old School Week Camera Ready

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Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had work to be getting on with. She had arrived early to the dance and was working away, taking pictures of everything. She didn't mind it, though she missed just letting loose with her sister.
Veronique adjusted the dress her mom had bought her. It was itchy and not anything like what she would have chosen at all. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do at this thing and saw Rosie nearby. She didn’t know anybody from Accio terribly well, but it at least helped her not feel as lonely when walking around. “Are you getting any good shots?”
"I hope so," She said to Veronique with a little smile. She knew there was a lot riding upon doing well, so she had to hope some of her shots were half decent. "hows your night going?"
Veronique adjusted her dress again, awkwardly pulling it down. It wasn’t too short, but the under layer kept riding up. “Boring. I don’t have a date. Do you?”
Rosie shook her head, she had briefly thought about coming to this with Xinyi but there hadn't been the time. "No, I thought about asking someone, but then time passed and it was too late," she added.
Veronique was surprised, as she thought most girls would have a date. But she was glad to see someone else not having one. “I totally understand that. Things are just so busy, right?” Things weren’t actually that busy, but Veronique liked to pretend she was.
Rosie gave a little knowing laugh. "Yeah, I don't know how others manage everything, it's so much," the girl said. She didn't have half as much as others and she felt like she had no time.
Veronique felt a twinge of panic at Rosie’s comment. “Is fourth year really hard?”
Xinyi was running a little late, having gone to the gardens first for some fresh flowers. He had picked three, knowing Rosie was always attracting company. He smiled as he approached, slipping in next to her. "Hello, ladies," He greeted, offering them both a red rose, the third tucked safely in his lapel.
Rosie blushed deeply as Xinyi joined them with a red rose. "It's beautiful," she said by way of thanks. "This is Veronique, she and I work together on Accio!"
Veronique's eyes widened as a boy she hadn't seen approached them, handing her a flower. She had never received a flower from the boy and blushed. "Hi, I'm Veronique," she repeated. "What's your name?"
Xinyi smiled softly at both girls. "Xinyi Huang," He introduced, his hand hovering just over Rosie's lower back. "Might I say you both look lovely this evening?" He offered with an easy smile, before looking to Rosie. "You aren't working too hard, are you? Would you like a drink?"
"Thank you," she said with a light blush. "Sure, some pumpkin juice would be nice," she said.
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