Calling all woman and childern...

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Eric Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11" Elder wand with Pheonix feather core
Okay I know have another one of these open already but this one is for something else, Eric Evans is going to be a wedding planner for the rich and famous and was wondering if anyone would be intersted in having a wedding planner to plan that perfect wedding for any lucky newly weds.

As for the childern Eric is also a private tutor for anyone who wants to be taught more outside of school would anyone be interested in that either.
Emma would definitely want to learn more outside of school. Either they could meet before she starts at Hogwarts, which would get her really excited to start school, or they could meet after she gets used to Hogwarts and wants to learn more than she can just by taking usual classes. She's always really eager to learn, so it wouldn't take long for her to decide she wants lessons. What do you think?
I got Manson here.. my lil babyyy :wub:

teach him everything! lol *planning on making him a genius*
Elizabeth- I would still have to see about tutoring you, since you are going to hogwarts and all. i will be able to tutor you in everything except magic unless I get and okay to tutor spells outside of school.

Sally- I can teach the baby the basic muggle things such as reading writing and other things that a child his age will learn but he will not be able to learn magic until he gets a wand. I can also educate him in the basic wizarding things, such as nurser rythems and basic infromation on animals and plants.
Whenever Cree finds "the man of her dreams" and they decide they want to get married, she would gladly hirre you as a wedding planner!

And Cree would love for Storm to have tutor!!!
I would love to plan your lucky day

If you would like me to tutor storm I can also set that up
Manson could read and He's active in muggle world. He just had his first piano recital and had been learning all his life. This boy is pretty exhausted so perhaps when Eric teach him, his non will be mad at mansion if he won't concentrate and he'll cry but still have to learn ..
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