But How...?

`comeing `he shouted down to his sister.`ok so what do you need he asked looking at steve?
Steve took his top from Caley. He started walking along the path towards his house and could feel his head steadying out. "We need you to run into Jasper and Paul's room without dad finding out. I need to know that Jas and Nick are ok."
`ok ...but how will get back out again after?`he said `ok i wontt worry about that.. ill see you guys when i get back.`
Steve looked at Tom. "You're not going alone I'll be right outside the whole time. Paul will aparate you out." Steve wasn't happy about Tom going in but he had no option.
`be careful..`she said as her brrother prepared to go in.`welkl be here for you.`
"Be careful." He smiled woryingly at Tom as he walked along the path. "Walk up the stairs, it's the first door on the right."
tom ran up the stairs and knocked on the first door on the right.then without response walkied in.`steve sent me`he saidas he entered
Nick turned his head when he saw someone come in the room. He saw someone he didn't know but the boy seemed to know Steve. "How is Steve?? Is he ok?? What happened??"
`umm hes ok...yeah your dad walked in on him and caley.he got really angrey it took the half the family to get him of steve...he turned and grabbed steve and threw him down the stairs`he said`hes conscius again now.

[[wrong character]]
"Conscious??" Nick's jaw dropped. "He was unconscious. Dad's really pushing it now." Nick couldn't believe his dad had turned so crazy.
`yes but caley and alexis sorted it out.`he said `as i said hes ok now though.`
"Christ." Nick collapsed onto the bed. "Where is he?? Why isn't he coming back??"
`they all say its better not to come back ... dervish told him that he cant call him his son anymore...`he said `we dont know when it will be safe.`he said
"Cr@p!!" He looked at the boy. "Dad must have been really p!ssed at him." Then he decided he might as well ask the boy the question. "Who are you anyway??"
`im caleys brother and you?`he said`i take it your a relation of steves?`
"Yeah. I'm his brother, Nick." Nick pointed to Jasper who was led asleep in bed after Dervish had beat him up to find out who Caley was. "That's Jasper, Steve's cousin."
`umm is he alright?`tom asked.`umm he said something about paul where is he?`
"I think so. He got beat up till he said who Caley was and he was determined to keep her safe. It took a lot to get him to speak." Nick looked worried at his cousin. "He's helping Ana and Odie. He should be in here in a bit. Why??" He frowned curiously at why Tom would need Paul.
`oh im sorry that we caused so much problems for you.`he said`steve said that he could get me out so im not seen by dervish`he said hoping it wouldnt be long.
"You haven't." Nick shook his head. "If he hadn't heard about Caley then he would have found some other reason to hit us anyway." He shrugged. "Well, Paul should be here any second. Why did Steve want you to come here in the first place??"
`he wanted to make sure you were all ok.`he said`well its got steve into alot more than he ever was.`he said
"Steve's probably saying that he doesn't care because he loves Caley too much." Nick laughed when he thought about how his brother would react.
`i was in the room when he said those exact words`he laughed with nick
Paul walked into his bedroom. "Christ, that man's mental." He looked at the new guy who was in the room. "I don't know you but hi."

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