But How...?

Caley Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
caley was walking along the streets of brightstone with steve,her arm around his waist.`so how are you feeling`she asked as she looked at the huge bruise on the side of his head from earlier that day.she really regretted making him take her to meet his family so much.
"I'm fine, really." He smiled at her as he walked. "This is nothing." He was telling the truth. Jas was his proof. "Believe me, my dad's done loads worse to people than what he's done to me."

(wrong person)
`HEY watch where your going`she yelled as she toppled into steve and tightened her grip on his waist it didnt help that she was wearing the highest pair of stilettos she had owned in a long time .she buckled her ankle as she fell.
Steve held onto Caley to keep her steady. "Watch it midget." He stared down at the girl and held onto Caley. He felt protective of her after today and would do anything to keep her out of harms way.
"I am NOT a midgit, Thank you very much" she said eyeing the boy up, she seemed to be at his hieght so he couldn't realy say to much. Although she was taller than the girl.
"Hurt my girl and I'll do whatever I want to you." Steve glared at her. "Do you not have eyes to stop you walking into people??"
I am so sorry, I will be more careful next time. Unfortunatly noone does have eyes in the back of there heads!
"Well then grow some. Perhaps then you wont be so dumb as to walk into someone who's so obviously much better looking than you." Steve grinned.
`steve its ok..SHE didnt hurt me`she said `leave her alone even i dont have eyes in the back of my head`she heard his next comment `awww thanks hunn`

((wrong person))
Steve wrapped his arms round her waist. "You sure??" He smiled as he kissed her.
She giggled at the girls comment and held out her hand and said "I am Rosa Blance... It is very nice to meet you, why dont you introduce yourselves, you are..."
Steve looked at the girl. "Steve." He didn't shake her hand because his arms were already wrapped around Caley and he didn't want to let go of her.
`Im Caley`she said not letting go of steve `as he did not let go of her so she was not going to brake there arms.she leaned up and kissed him.`i love you `she mouthed.
He grinned and kissed her back. "So, where were we??" He wanted to get Caley's attention off of him as his bruise was starting to sting.
`hey whats wrong...`she asked him`come lets go and get you something to ease the pain`she said `good bye rosa we will see you around.`she said taking steves hand.
Steve shook his head. "I'm fine. Really. It's nothing."
`now im not that guliablem,come on...i can see that your in pain`she said worrying.
"I'm fine." Steve said. "I don't want you to make a fuss over nothing." He kept hold of her so she couldn't take him somewhere to get it dealt with.
`your not though you cant hide it from me i know you toooo well`she said
"I don't like it when people fuss over me. I'm fine. I can handle it." He kissed her head and smiled.
(Listening in to the convosation) He opened the door, Rosa fell on top of him! "U u uuum, I was just. umm, (Damn) she wispered. checking the door handle works. But I think it might do after that. Rosa Smirks.
Steve looked at the girl curiously. "O...k. I'm not going to ask." Steve gave her a hand up and then turned back to Caley. "I think someone's a bit coo coo." He laughed quietly to her.

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