Burn, baby, burn

Chaos Zhefarovich

potions master • expelled • sahp
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
There was truly no telling why Chaos Zhefarovich was outside in the middle of the evening. He was going to make sure that someone he knew personally was going to never fight back. Chaos was tired of this boy, and he longed to see the mudblood burn. Chaos had one thing in mind, as he marched across the lawn, with the muggle-born in front of him. Chaos' wand was currently out, and pointed toward the boy's back. He uttered, "Keep on going." The forest was not too far from here. And he needed to be there. This would ensure maximum privacy. Chaos motioned for the boy to go into the forest, and followed after him. Malice was evident within his eyes. Nothing could stop him. No one even knew what he was doing out here. He had this all planned out. All it needed was a little push, and to wait until it is night time. Only then, would his plan be a complete success. He was going to make his family proud for what he was going to accomplish. After all, people like Logan needed to disappear from the face of the planet. They could not be trusted. They had magic, which did not originally belong to them.
Logan Vacarius could not believe his luck. He spent the last week or so within his dorm, only leaving for classes. And when he left to go hang out with a friend, he ends up cornered by none other than Chaos Zhefarovich. Logan wanted to run, but as soon as he saw the wand come out, he was scared. Logan heard all about his reputation, and did not want to risk hurting himself. He wanted to talk to Dean about it, but this was slightly worse. Logan held his hands limply at his side, and felt like he was going to cry. However, he remained strong and walked in front of Chaos. He did not know where he was going, but it seemed like outside. And in the evening. This was completely uncalled for since Logan had yet to have dinner. He bowed his head as he continued walking, before he heard Chaos say for him to keep going. He looked ahead to see none other than the Forbidden Forest. Why would Chaos want to take him there? "Chaos, I've done nothing to you. The least you could do is tell me what we are doing out here." He was not about to run. He didn't want to explain yet another black eye or something equivalent.
Alana's knee still had a scab from when the trip jinx had caught her. She knew she could've gone to the nurse for a quick fix, but the cut fueled her anger at Chaos and the whole engagement situation. And Alana was angry. Not only had he hit her with the jinx but he also hadn't even bothered to apologize for it. It wasn't like they never saw each other. They had classes together and he even sat behind her in one. She'd sat through class, tense, waiting for him to tap her so she could turn and hiss something nasty at him. He hadn't even cooperated with that. The Slytherin had just pushed her plate away and glanced up. With her view, she could see the front door of the castle, and she spotted Chaos slipping through the doors with someone else.

Alana's red eyes narrowed. He had begun to suspect that something was happening with Scarlett and Chaos. Not that she cared, of course. Maybe they'd fall in love and save her from having to go through with the marriage. Alana could hope. Before she realized what she was doing, Alana found herself outside of the Great Hall. With a glance back to be sure that no one was watching, she slipped through the front doors, wondering why they were still open in the first place. It was dark out and growing darker, but Alana didn't use her wand to light her way. She was hoping to catch him in the act. She was shocked to hear another male voice ahead. Well, well, well. Do we have a secret, Chaos?, Alana thought to herself as she crept closer, careful to remain in the shadows.
Chaos smirked as Logan did nothing but listen to him as he walked into the forest. He knew better than to go to deep within the forest. There were half-breeds and everything else. Chaos did not want to chance himself with one of those, not until his mission was complete. As the boy said that he had done nothing to him, Chaos simply purred, "You were so proud of your blood status. You should have known someone would have become offended by your very existence. In fact, you should have stayed in your world. Run, and I'll make sure you will beg for death." Chaos was not aware that it was Logan's desire to remain in the muggle work, but it was too late now. Chaos was going to end it all tonight. No one would miss this mudblood. From what he knew. Chaos was completely oblivious to being followed, but a few moments passed, until the deepest, darkness finally settled it. Was it time? He inhaled the scent, and then grabbed the mudblood by the arm, and dragged him to the edge of the forest. From what Chaos could see, no one was here. Good. He shoved Logan against the tree, and took a few steps back with a devilish smirk on his lips.
The whole time Logan was thinking, 'Why me?' Of coourse, he would not want to wish this on anyone else. The Gryffindor could not want nothing more than to go home. Run into his big brother's arms. He heard Chaos' words, but Logan merely cast his gaze down. He wanted to go home, to the muggle world. Sure, he liked the magical world now, but not when he was causing something so violent within his life. The threat was made clear, and he believed it coming from this boy's words. Logan was wondering what he could be doing if he had not become proud of his blood. Would he not be in this position? Logan felt his shoulder grabbed as he was led out to the edge of the forest, and then shoved against the tree. Logan watched Chaos, and that smirk was embedded within his head. Logan looked down at the wand, which was still out. He was too scared to grab his. Logan uttered, "Chaos, what are you planning to do?" That smirk didn't go away. "Come on, let's just go back in and forget what happened! If you want, I can even transfer schools if that would make you happy!"
Chaos raised an eyebrow. Did Logan not know what Chaos was about to do? Seriously, how dense was this kid. He was supposed to be really smart. Chaos folded his arms across his chest, with his wand pointed behind him. It was just itching to get action. He had yet to cast many good spells, and he had just recently mastered the spell he was going to use. He would have loved to use an Unforgivable, but he was too young to even attempt something like that. He couldn't do it. Not yet. Chaos listened to the Gryffindor ramble on, before Chaos rolled his eyes, his smirk vanishing as it was replaced with something equivalent of annoyance. He tapped his arm as he said, "The damage has already been done. You should have never boarded that train to begin with. So, no, you will not be transferring schools. But, if you don't mind, I would like to get on with this." Chaos was being somewhat merciful. He almost felt like a mastermind. It was empowering. Addicting. Holding a person's fate within his hand. No wonder Voldemort turned out like he did. The feeling was euphoric. Chaos could not get enough.
Logan tried to inch away, but the tree was large. He wanted to shout for someone's attention, but he could not see anyone. Logan prayed for a prefect, professor, someone to just stop Chaos. It started to set in on what Chaos was wanting to do. Logan went over all the spells that they have learned in his third year and before, but couldn't find one that could have serious damage. Unless Chaos was trying something drastic. Beyond his years. Chaos looked entirely too confident right now. Logan murmured, "Get on with what?" He could see the wand starting to move, as it was pointed at him. Logan placed both of his palms on the tree, and his mind started to switch from fear, to fear and anger. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be bullied by a kid younger than him, despite being somewhat smaller than Chaos. "Chaos, you can't be doing this to people! You don't know what you are doing! Just, stop while you can!" Logan paused, before he actually shouted this time, "Drop the wand, and stop this nonsense!" Logan didn't know where he was getting this bravery from. But it didn't spread to his legs. His legs were frozen in place.
Chaos was barely fazed when Logan started to yell. 'Oh, finally starting to realize that you are going to suffer? Finally, the lesson is kicking in.' Chaos held his wand toward him, and he answered only one question for Logan. "I'm doing the world a favor. Performing an execution." Chaos loved this. Every second. He was taking in the fear that he was installing in a Gryffindor. A Hufflepuff scaring a Gryffindor. Who would have thought? Perhaps his cousin, Hades the Secound, would have been where he had been, if he had a target. Chaos did not stop. He was going to teach his mudblood a lesson. One that he would never forget. That is, if he lived after tonight. Chaos smirked, "Burn, baby, burn." Oh, this was too sweet. He summoned all the power he had, and he could not wait. Nothing could ruin this moment. It wasn't like anyone saw them sneak out. What in the world could go wrong, especially when the Gryffindor appeared not to be able to run? Chaos finally hissed the single word that would do the deed, "Incendio!" The spell shot out of his wand, and headed toward Logan, making absolutely no haste.
Spying on someone wasn’t as easy as Alana thought it would be.  She had to let the two guys get enough ahead of her that they wouldn’t hear her footfalls, but she had to remain close enough not to lose them.  The two seemed to be talking, and the Slytherin girl chanced getting closer.  The Forest creeped her out, and she didn’t want to be too far from them in case anything jumped out at her.  She’d heard the stories about the crazy creatures that lurked the forest.   Alana had no idea that the craziest one was likely the Hufflepuff boy in front of her.  As she peeked from behind a tree, Alana realized that she’d drawn closer to the boys than she had expected or wanted to.  Now, she could hear everything that the two were saying, and it became apparent to her that this wasn’t some romantic tryst.  No, there was clearly some anger between the two.  Or from Chaos Zhefarovich anyway.   Alana had never been exposed to this level of hate.  Sure, her parents weren’t exactly muggleborn enthusiasts, but they also didn’t go around threatening or attacking them.  At least, she’d never seen them do that.  It wasn’t until she heard the other boy’s shout that she realized that Chaos wasn’t just threatening the boy with words, though Alana should have known that for herself.  She’d seen just how easily he’d attacked that first year the other day.

Alana’s heart raced as her own sense of self-preservation kicked in.  If he was doing this and saw that she was a witness, what would he do to her?  They were supposed to be married, but Alana knew that she didn’t mean anything to Chaos.  The Slytherin’s grip on the tree tightened momentarily.  It was too dark to see the fear in the other boy’s eyes, but she knew it had to be there.  “Nooooo!” she yelled as Chaos cast a spell, one she hadn't even seen in her textbooks yet.   Without waiting to see what happened, Alana took off, tears beginning to stream from her eyes as she ran for her life.  She hoped she wouldn’t get turned around with it being so dark.  Pushing forward, Alana felt low branches scratch at the top of her head, her cheeks.  But, she didn’t want to stop.  Not even when she stumbled on a large rock that was only half buried beneath the dirt.  Fighting to catch her step, Alana continued on, too afraid to draw Chaos attention to call out for help.  
Logan was frozen. He heard the word 'execution' and he knew that this was life or death. Logan whimpered slightly, trying to think of a way out of this, but he was blocked. Trapped. Like a poor animal. Logan felt like an ant and Chaos held the magnifying glass on him. Then he heard the spell. Incendio. Chaos was going to burn him alive. He was a goner. And then, suddenly, it seemed like his entire life flashed before his eyes. Dean's smile, his wedding, seeing him off while going to Hogwarts, and then the crash that killed his parents. But he remembered their smiles, happiness that he had not experienced since they were killed by the drunk driver. Suddenly, his vision focused, and he heard his mind screaming at him to move. Move! Logan threw himself to the ground, and the tree behind him exploded into flames. He barely heard the female voice that cried out. It might have been a student, but to him, it sounded more like his mother, crying out over her child. Burning tree branches collapsed on top of him, and he felt the heat sizzling against his back. He had to move. Logan was too scared to. But somehow, he crawled out from the debris, and fell forward. His body was burned, but, he was alive. Logan didn't even look up to see if Chaos was coming to finish the job. The pain was too much.
Chaos heard a voice, one that was very familiar. What the hell? He lowered his wand and turned toward the voice, who belonged to none other than Alana Finch. She had seen everything. She knew that he tried to kill Logan. Chaos was about to go after her before he saw that Logan had barely jumped away in time, but came out injured none the less. Chaos kept staggering back and forth, not knowing what he needed to do the most. Finish Logan off, or go after Alana. Chaos let out a screech that could make the hair off of a cat jump away out of sure rage. He couldn't get anything done because of that brat! Chaos decided to leave Logan be, in case the tree did the jump for him. Chaos took off after Alana, which seemed to be a movie right out of the muggle world, with the killer running after the blonde that kept tripping over something hidden. Chaos had a smirk on his face however. He was enjoying this. What was missing from his hands was his wand, as he had put it away. The castle was not too far from here. That was where she was heading, and so was he.

Once in the castle, Chaos managed to catch up to her. He grabbed her by the shoulder, and pinned her against the wall. He murmured, "Spying on me, were you? Did you like what you saw? Because that is the type of people you will consider family one day. My family." Chaos was dead serious, but he was positive that he would not have to worry about Alana ratting him out. Perhaps he would be able to do this again tomorrow. This time, not let Logan dodge.
Somehow, the teenager made her way back to the castle. As she ran, Alana couldn't help but wonder if Chaos was letting her stay ahead of him. She wondered if he was enjoying it, enjoying stalking his prey. Alana didn't dare glance back, knowing that would be a horrible mistake. The loud murmurs and the clatter of dishes from the Great Hall sounded so normal and like it was a lifetime ago. The moment of hesitation in looking at the Great Hall was all it took for Chaos to finally catch up to her. As she was pushed up against the wall and crowded by the taller Chaos Zhefarovich, Alana prayed that someone would come out of the Great Hall or up the dungeons steps. They were in a tiny alcove, a knight's armor concealing them. There needed to be a witness, or Alana feared she would be suffering a similar fate to Logan. You killed him. You killed him. Alana whimpered, the tears falling off of her chin. She didn't move, but instead listened to what Chaos said. Alana hadn't known just how far his crazy extended. Now, she knew. She couldn't become part of this family. She just couldn't. Alana didn't know what she'd have to do, but she would find a way. She was more concerned with surviving, and shook her head. "I won't tell anyone. I didn't see anything. Really. Just let me go back to my common room. Please." Just let me get far, far away from you. Alana knew the boy in the forest needed help, but she couldn't give Chaos any indication that she might alert a professor.
Kalif honestly had no idea why he was patrolling with Misha Haden of all people. Although it was past dark, and the curfew was in, there would not be a student out of bed. Kalif let out a sigh before he looked down as he walked. This was on the ground floor of the castle. The doors were closed. "I'm not sure why we are even walking together just to patrol, Haden." Kalif was not happy about it, but figured that there would be a reason behind it. Before Haden could respond, suddenly, Kalif stopped. Well, perhaps Misha did respond but it went on deaf ears. He looked out the window and saw fire. There was a tree aflame, lighting up the sky. He gestured toward the window to let the Charms professor have a look. Sighing, Kalif uttered, "Perhaps we need to go investigate, and get that fire out before it burns down the whole forest. I'd rather not deal with centaur drama." Kalif had been there a couple of times when centaurs went nuts. Without wasting time, taking long strides, Kalif walked out of the castle and toward the flame.

Upon arriving, Kalif looked toward the ground, and withdrew his wand. The flames on the grass from the fallen debris went out immediately. He was about to turn his attention to the tree, but a body of a young student that he knew to be a Gryffindor, Logan Vacarius, laying on the ground, on his stomach. And with burns all down his body. "Haden, we need a nurse. Now." Kalif didn't even look while he extinguished the flames from the tree, before putting his wand away. He tapped the boy on the shoulder, and there was hardly any response. Kalif remained knelt down, looking for any sign of consciousness. Was this the boy's doing? He would have expected more coming from this one.
Chaos noticed that she was crying. How sweet. With his left hand, he gently touched her cheek to wipe her tear away, before he rested his hand upon her chin. Chaos could not be so sure that he could trust her. How could he? She was basically scared out of her mind, and he could see it. He murmured, "You actually look amusing when you cry. Although it isn't very appealing when I am used to seeing blood opposed to tears." Chaos was only letting the darker part of him out, since he was perfectly sane. Well, what would be considered sane within his family. If he made his first kill tonight, he would hav been so happy. He might have even smiled with joy. But, right now, he was more focused on Alana. He smirked, "We both know that you are lying. You saw everything. There must be some part within you that secretly liked what you saw. Perhaps even hoped that Logan would be dead right now." Chaos was hoping for a glimmer of something within her that he could possibly connect with. How else were they going to survive their marriage? He finally said, with a straight look on his face, "I'm not going to hurt you. Your existence does not torment me. It...amuses me."
It was of course just Misha's luck to have been stuck with Professor Styx of all people when he was patrolling, the two couldn't be more different, yet there he was having to patrol with a man, far taller and far sterner than he was. Misha loved his job, he loved teaching, but it was dealing with the kids outside of the classroom setting which made him want to cringe inwardly and just disappear. Kids were great, he liked them, he just didn't like having to deal with them when they had problems which weren't to do with charms. Were this any other non-boarding school, he wouldn't have to deal with them at all, once out the room, not his problem, but not at Hogwarts. Which was why when it was dark and he would much rather be doing anything else he was walking with Kalif Styx, trying his best to not just leave the man to do it himself, "Because the head mistress, as in our boss, told us to," implying that they were to patrol together mean they had to walk together, although, Misha tried to stay a half step behind, keeping up was a little exhausting, "Suck it up," he whispered mostly to himself.

The man rubbed his nose slightly as he then, along with the man he was walking with noticed the burning tree, and at least he knew he wasn't seeing things, since Kalif just started taking huge strides out of the castle that Misha had to half jog to keep up with. He'd always thought of himself as fit and active, but not against this strangely fast man, despite his clear old age. He followed behind him, until they arrived at the area, and like Kalif, he withdrew his wand, keeping it close to him, and then noticing the unmoving boy lying on the ground, Logan or something, Misha was shaking his head slightly. How stupid were kids? This was hugely dangerous and it looked as though someone was badly hurt. How stupid were these kids, Misha was really thinking there was something in the water causing all these kids to go nuts or something, some croatoan type virus. He looked at the boy and then nodded at the words, leaving Kalif in a small sprint to go to the Hospital wing and fetch someone far more qualified to deal with whatever was wrong with the boy.
As Chaos touched her, Alana cringed backward and turned her head to the side. There was nowhere for her to go. Chaos had her crowded in the corner. She was at his mercy. Alana took in a deep breath as he called her a liar. It was true. She was lying, and she wasn't even doing a good job of it. As Chaos seemed to be searching for some sign that she'd enjoyed that display of insanity, Alana finally turned her gaze back to him, her red eyes turning stony. She wouldn't respond to him. There was nothing for her to say. She hadn't enjoyed that display. She didn't want the boy named Logan dead. When he tried to reassure her, Alana wasn't sure what he expected her to say. She surely wasn't going to thank him or be happy that he somehow found her amusing. "Great" she sniffed, her voice in conflict with the word she'd spoken. "Let me go then" she added quietly.
Chaos could hear the footsteps coming their way. He knew that he was busted, and there was no way around it. He should have dropped that kid off of a cliff or something. No evidence, right? He just thought that burning would have been suitable, such as the Salem witch trials. Alana flinched at his touch, which was no surprise. However, to his great disappointment, she did not seem to enjoy the satisfying reward when it comes down to hurting someone. The empowerment it gave him. She did not enjoy it at all. Was there truly nothing that they could bond over? She asked if he could let her go, and he shook his head. "That won't be necessary. You'll see in a minute." He paused for a moment, before he released Alana from his touch. He rubbed his face with his hand and said quietly, "I'm sorry for the accident at the cliffs. It won't happen again." Chaos cast his gaze down. Sure, he was insane, but he only gave out what he felt others deserved. Alana didn't deserve that. She did nothing to him. After all, she would be marrying him eventually. That was punishment enough.
Professor Kalif Styx had a hunch of where Chaos Zhefarovich was lurking. He would not be in the dungeons. Instead, he walked the ground corridor, stopping to listen to voices. He was good at finding people. Perhaps that was where Hades inherited his talents. From his dad. Kalif eventually found Chaos, cornering Alana. Perhaps she saw everything? It wouldn't matter, because of Logan, and Kalif's special gift. He reached out and grabbed the Hufflepuff third year by the scruff of his collar, and started to drag him away. "Alana, get to your dorm. As for you, Chaos, you have a special trip to the Headmistress's office." Kalif didn't even punish Alana for being out after curfew. Dealing with Chaos, knowing her future with the Zhefarovich family, perhaps he should take it easy on her for tonight. Tonight has been a headache for all. However, he didn't know if Misha would meet him in the Headmistress's office or not.

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