Building the Foundations

"Okay good," Scorpius said with a playful over-exaggerated sigh of relief. He listened to Taylor talk about her sisters and laughed lightly as the water continued to wash back and forth over his feet, soaking up the bottom of his jeans, which he didn't mind. He tried imagining how Taylor was with her sisters but couldn't produce a mental image since he'd never seen them. "Will Jessica be going to Hogwarts when she turns eleven?" he asked curiously. He thought of Orion turning eleven and going to Hogwarts but he'd be in his sixth year by then, that seemed so far away. He wondered which House his brother would be put in. When she asked if he got along well with his brother Scorpius shrugged. "For the most part we do," he said, "I mean he always wants to follow me everywhere so it gets annoying and there are those times when I just tackle him to the floor out of frustration and my mom get's mad at me but we always manage to fool her by saying we were just playing around," he said with a chuckle. But in the end, he had to be a role model for his brother and he didn't mind it. "Shall we sit?" he asked, looking around at the beach.
Taylor nodded slowly. "Yeah, next year I think she'll be going. Unfortunatly." Taylor said in a slightly joking matter, although she had to wonder how much she was actually joking. She loved her sister, but school wouldnt be a pleasent experience with her. "I can practically smell the Slytherin on her." Taylor said, although it held no relevence, houses did play an important role on who you were, regardless of what house stereotypes said. Taylor had wanted to be in Slytherin herself when she started school, but the hat had said the opposite and it couldnt have been more right if it had tried over and over again.

Taylor tuned into Scorpius speak of his brother. She laughed remembering Jessica acting in exactly the same way only a few years ago. She also remembered the fact that she used to beat her sister up, even though they were girls. It never stopped them, Jessica would get so annoying, Taylor would simply have to shut her up. Causing massive uproars from her Mother, thankfully the house wasnt like that anymore.

Taylor kept a fond smile on her face as she nodded and turned to take a seat a little further away from the water. She placed her arms behind her and looked at the families with children laughing and running around. She also noticed the many couples sitting together just as Scorp and Taylor were. It made Taylor feel slightly uncomfortable and awkward, but also incredibly giddy. She wondered how long Scorp was going to need in getting over Luna. She instantly felt a familiar pang of guilt at such thoughts. They hadnt broken up all that long ago really, Taylor looked over at Scorp again and felt a blush as she admired his features. How she hadnt acted overly jelous at the first news of him and Luna amazed her.
Scorpius laughed at Taylor's joking manner when she said her sister would be coming to school next year. "Wow don't sound too excited," Scorpius teased, playfully sticking his tongue out at her. "Why do you say you think?" he asked with a chuckle, just to clarify. He laughed once more when she said she could practically smell the Slytherin on her. "I wonder what house my brother will be in," Scorpius voiced his thoughts out loud. "Though I think he's too young for me to tell just yet," he concluded.

Scorpius sat down on the beach with a huge grin on his face, feeling like he was in complete bliss. The sound of the waves crashing were surprisingly soothing and the warmth of the sun was unfamiliar yet pleasantly welcome to his skin. But best of all was the company he was in. He turned to fix his grey eyes upon Taylor but realized she had been looking at him for a while already. Embarrassed that he had been wearing a silly grin on his face the whole time, Scorpius looked away and blushed. He brought a hand up to ruffle his hair before laughing nervously. Not even when he was just getting to know Luna was he ever this nervous. He wanted to say something, but his heart was in his throat and he didn't know what to say that wouldn't come out awkwardly, or worse, in a squeak.
Taylor laughed, "I'm still confused on how the school year works." Taylor explained, "So I dont know whether Jess will be going to Hogwarts this year or the next." She admitted. Taylor simply nodded when Scorp spoke about his brother, she didnt know what to say as she hadnt met the boy.

Taylor was caught off guard when Scorp glanced over to her and then away, Taylor copied his movements, blushing like crazy. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, the famous hair ruffle and she let out a small laugh. "You realise you do that way too often." She looked back at Scorpius, her eyes flicking upwards. She hoped her comment had broken the small wave of awkwardness. There seemed to be alot of those when she was around Scorpius, although Taylor didnt think it was a bad thing, if the blush on Scorp's face was anything to go by. Everything had all of sudden happened. One minute Scorpius and Taylor were first meeting in the Dungeons, the next Taylor discovers he is with Luna and lets go of the crush that she was beginning to form for the boy. Suddenly they are meeting again and she falls deeper and struggles with not liking him, the next moment Luna is gone and now he is here. Wow. Seemed weird when you string it all in a series of events.
"Oh okay," Scorpius replied when she had explained why she didn't know if her sister would be coming to Hogwarts the next year. After he had looked away and ruffled his hair, Taylor pointed out that he did something too often. "What?" he asked her, not realizing what she meant until he saw her green eyes flicker upward towards his hair. "Oh!" he said before he laughed. "Wow actually I never realized it. I only do it when I'm nervous or around you," he said, the blush on his face creeping back. "Or both," he added, which seemed to be more accurate for the moment. He laughed lightly before he finally caught sight of everyone else sitting on the beach, noticing they all seemed to be coupled together. He then looked at Taylor, noticing how bright her eyes seemed to be right now, or how the sun glistened off her blonde hair and how cute she looked when she smiled, thinking that the Australian weather must've caused her to look more radiant now. But he was suddenly reminded of the day they first met, down in the dingy, gloomy dungeons. He recalled the memory so perfectly still after almost a year, and remembered how she looked just as radiant then in the dimly lit dungeons as she did now, so it had nothing to do with the weather or lighting.

He thought of how Taylor had been the only girl not to flip out on him when he started dating Luna and for a while he thought Taylor never really liked him in the first place. Everything from the beginning to now seemed like such a blur. He remembered their secret gift exchange when the feelings he developed for her had to be suppressed because he was dating Luna and he remembered how even though he'd just broken up with Luna, he asked her out on a date. The timing was just never right for the two of them, but now, he had been broken up with Luna for a few months now, and he didn't think it was too soon. He felt like the timing was finally right. "Taylor?" he said out loud, his voice surprisingly calm. As soon as she looked at him however, he choked because he didn't really know what he was going to say at all. He just bit his lip, wracking his brains for something to say before he gave up and leaned in to kiss her, probably in mid-sentence.
Taylor melted at Scorpius's words, she saw the blush on Scorp's face and it only increased the one now rising on hers. She looked down, not wanting Knight to see the smile that she couldnt wipe off her face. She looked back up through her lashes and saw cogs turning in Scorp's head. Man, he was cute, Taylor didnt think she had appreciated that fact enough. She willed the blush to go down, but Scorpius was staring intently at her and Taylor could do nothing, but stare back with a smile, one that held gratitude for Scorpius being here with her and adoration because, well, it was Scorpius. This was the guy that she didnt think would ever like her, would be with the Luna girl for ages, would only see Taylor as another member of the group, that came to see her every day she was in hospital! It was all too surreal. Taylor couldnt help but feeling she would wake up, or drop out of a fairytale or something.

Taylor was about to break the silence, when Scorp spoke her name. "Yea-" She went to answer but was cut off by lips on hers. She blinked in surprise, but soon let her eyes fall shut. First kiss, oh my god, first kiss, Scorpius, first kiss! Her mind played over, threatening to shut off at any second. She was so deliriously happy, she thought she would explode. Sure, she didnt have any idea what she was doing, but decided it didnt matter, it felt right, so it must have been.
Scorpius' heart was going faster than he'd ever felt it before and was pumping so hard against his chest, he swore Taylor could feel it too. He couldn't believe that after everything that had happened the past year and the suppression of his feelings for Taylor, he was finally showing her that he really liked her with a kiss. After what felt like a lifetime of their lips together, Scorpius finally pulled away though as soon as he did he suddenly felt like the kiss hadn't lasted as long as he wanted it to. He looked at her with anxious grey eyes as he bit his lip, wondering if what he had done was too sudden for her, but reassured himself with the fact that she hadn't pulled away. At least there isn't a piano! he thought gratefully, remembering his first kiss with Luna. It was weird how even when he thought of Luna he never longed for her that way at all. He focused his attention back to Taylor, giving her a small smile before stuttering out, "I um," he was going to apologize for what he'd just done, but he wasn't sorry at all so he stopped himself. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he admitted instead, a grin appearing on his face.
Taylor opened her eyes as Scorp pulled away, her heart in her throat as she bit her lip trying to suppress the ridiculous 'oh my gosh Scorpius just kissed me' grin that was threatening to break out on her face. There was a small silence and Taylor struggled to find something to say, although she didnt think she could trust herself. She would either say something completely stupid, or not be able to speak at all. Then Scorp was the one to break the silence. "Me too." She said slowly looking down shyly, pleased when her voice sounded relatively normal. She felt her face burn, but she welcomed it with open arms. Looking back into Scorpius's grey eyes, she felt like she had been falling and now she had finally settled on the botton and Scorp had been there to catch her. With that thought in mind she looked back out to the Ocean, admiring the waves crashing on the shore, and allowed her head to drop and rest on Knight's shoulder, a soft smile in place. "Mr. Fantastic indeed." She said quietly, feeling like a fool, but loving how good being a fool felt like.
Scorpius' grey eyes sparkled with happiness when she agreed with his statement. This was it, at the beginning of his second semester everything seemed to have fallen apart all at once but finally everything was finally settling down and things were piecing themselves together. He felt Taylor's head on his shoulder and smiled to himself, chuckling at what she'd said. He kissed the top of her blonde head and then rested his own head atop hers. "I knew you were fantastic from the day I met you," he said with a grin on his face, laughing lightly at how their little joke now seemed to be a compliment between the two of them. Now he was just curious as to what that meant for the two of them?
Taylor couldnt contain the blush, so she welcomed it. She couldnt contain the smile either, so she let it stay on her face. Things had turned out so well, it was almost hard to believe. Maybe their group could be normal again. Taylor even had a slight feeling Sam and Toni would get together again, but she had been wrong before. They didnt matter at the moment though. Her friends would always come first, but at this present time, she only wanted to think about Scorpius. She tilted her head, to look up at Scorp. She knew the next statement was going to sound stupid, but surely Scorp had to be thinking it too? "So, does this mean, we are like... A couple?" She let a small laugh escape to make the weird question less awkward, hoping Scorp wouldnt turn around and randomly say no. Taylor had a rather good feeling that wouldnt happen though.
Scorpius allowed there to be silence between the two of them, it wasn't awkward or anything, just peaceful and happy. He was thinking of how grateful he was that Taylor was in his grade, unlike Luna who had been a year older than him. But best of all was that Taylor got along with all his friends. When he was with Luna they just both seemed to have their own group of friends and they never really got to know the other's friends, quite sad really. Being with Taylor just seemed perfect since they could skip all that, besides their friends seemed to have caught on that they liked each other already. He was brought back to the present when he heard Taylor ask if they were a couple now. He grinned excitedly at the thought of the two of them finally being an official couple. "Hmm I don't know, what do you think?" he asked teasingly before laughing and said, "Well, I don't know about you but I'd like to assume so."
Taylor laughed also, facing the Ocean again. "Well, if you were to say no, I think I would have to hit you." She teased, before adding. "I'd like that very much." She snuggled closer for extra measure, placing an arm around Scorp's waist. She wanted to say something else, but the silence that washed over them was comforting and Taylor could practically see her heart beating in her chest. She vaguely wondered when he was going to tell the others. Oh dear, Aeon. Taylor thought with a pang of guilt, did he still like her? She couldnt know, she didnt see him alot. She bit her lip and pushed the thought away. All that mattered was Scorpius right now. She settled on that thought, the smile creeping back to her face.
Scorpius laughed at her teasing him but shook his head as he said, "Are you crazy? I would never say no." He grinned at her in reassurance, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before resting his head once again on her golden locks. He felt her place an arm around him and he too wrapped his arms around her comfortingly, not caring that his heart was still beating erratically fast and afraid that Taylor would hear it. He was glad that he no longer had to hold back his feelings for her. He smiled to himself mostly, thinking of when he'd see Sam and tell him that they had finally gotten together. He had been the only one to officially know of the crush he had on Taylor since he was his best friend after all. "I wonder what the others are going to say about us," Scorpius wondered aloud with a soft chuckle. He hoped Hoshi wouldn't break his hand again but he didn't think that would be the case this time, they were like brother and sister now.
Taylor shut her eyes for a moment, smiling gently. The sound of Scorp's fast heartbeat soothing, at least she wasnt the only one. She opened them again when Scorp voiced her thoughts. "I was just thinking that." She chuckled. "I think most of them know." She said truthfully. "The quidditch game glances were a bit of a giveaway." She laughed, remembering the looks exchanged between the two of them, thinking there is no embarassment in admitting it now. She was about to mention Aeon, but thought it could wait, she didnt want to wreck this moment with concerns about other people, even if it was playing at the front of her mind. "I dont think Hoshi will have a problem with us either." She grinned, at least Scorp could keep his hands. "She told me at the Quidditch match she approves." It was a comforting fact that at least one of their friends would be okay with them. Taylor made herself a promise that their relationship wouldnt tear up the group.
Scorpius laughed along with Taylor, recalling the friendly Quidditch game against each other in which the two had been slightly, or rather obviously, distracted by each other. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at how much their thoughts seemed to be in unison as she mentioned Hoshi approving of their relationship. Scorpius felt giddy just thinking about them 'in a relationship' now. He grinned in response and said, "Well that's good, I would rather avoid the Hospital Wing this year," he chuckled, subconsciously flexing the fingers of his hands. He rolled his grey eyes playfully though he was mostly serious. Especially now that Sidney wasn't there, he didn't want to keep getting hurt and start his year off like last year.
Taylor chuckled. "Yeah, it might be a good idea." She shook her head fondly, but then an idea came to her and she smirked. "Although, I kind of like the idea of deliberatly hurting myself, just to have you come see me everyday." She nudged Scorpius lightly to let him know she was obviously joking. She was suddenly filled with a gratefulness on just how lucky she was to have Scorp, he was genuinly a nice guy, he was funny and quite obviously good-looking. "I have a feeling this year is going to run alot smoother than last." She stated absently. "Hopefully for everyone." She looked up at Knight briefly, before flicking her gaze back to the Ocean.
Scorpius laughed lightly but shook his head as he said, "No I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself for that! I can still see you every day without the expense of you getting hurt Taylor!" he told her with a tone that said, 'duh!' He smiled at her playfully and nodded his head in agreement when she said this year would be a lot smoother than last year. "Well let's hope so," he said with optimism. Last year had been so crazy and chaotic for him, for all of them really, it almost seemed surreal. He hoped that this year was a lot calmer than last, though not calm enough that it was downright boring. "I think everyone will be okay with us being together," he said, with a slightly puzzled look at Taylor, wondering who she could possibly be thinking of when she said hopefully for everyone.
Taylor laughed, knowing she wouldnt deliberatly hurt herself, although she did plan on spending alot of time with Knight. She looked up to meet Scorp's gaze at his statement. "Oh, I just meant, with Sam and stuff, I hope they have a steadier year too." She said, "Did you think I meant people wont be okay with us being together?" She asked absently, thinking maybe she should mention Aeon now, the atmosphere seemed to have settled. "I think everyone will be fine. Im just not sure about Aeon, but I could be wrong, so it's nothing to worry about." She attempted a shrug, but it was awkward in her position, not that she was complaining.

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