Closed Building Skills

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Isaiah was stoked he had somehow managed to make the gryffindor team as an alternate. He knew their current beaters were the same age as his cousin so they'd still had two seasons to go, but being an alternate had to increase his chances of moving onto a permanent spot once they had graduated. He didn't really care if he'd have to wait two years for that, already keen that he even got to be part of the team right now. If anything, he was confident it would help increase his popularity which was another added bonus. Deciding he could use some extra practice to make sure he could show their captain he'd made a good choice in picking him Zay headed off to the pitch on a quiter afternoon, glad to see it pretty deserted. He wasn't too keen on letting any bludgers out when it was just him around, so instead he decided to just build on his flying skills. That would always turn out to be useful. After stretching for a few seconds he quickly hopped onto his broom and pushed himself off into the air, way too impatient to actually warm up properly as he started doing laps around the pitch. (@Branson Archer)
Branson was very pleased with himself, having made it on to the team. He'd been an alternate in the year before and hadn't thought he would get a spot this time around but he'd gotten one and he was very pleased with it. The boy needed to improve his skills, needed to get better at flying, needed to get better at spotting the bludgers, at being able to quickly pass the ball and just work on all the skills which would make him good at his position in quidditch. He came to the pitch with the second hand broom, his dad had promised a new one soon, and he did a few stretches. He spotted that there was someone already on the pitch, but from this distance could not figure out who. He finish his stretching and then shot up into the air and only then did he spot who it was. "Isaiah!" he called out with a wave, but the boy was doing laps so he might not spot him until he stopped. Branson was left wondering if he should just go for it, do laps with him or give it a few minutes to see if he would stop.
Isaiah had been mindlessly flying laps around the pitch when he realized he might actually have to start focussing on something. Like trying to change speed every now and then, or maybe changing altitudes. He was confident in his own flying skills but there was definitely room for improvement there as well. Especially now he made the team and would also have to swing a bat around. Flying just had to become his second nature and he was keen on making that happen one way or another. As he moved around the pitch Zay thought he heard what sounded like his name on the wind, almost wondering if it was calling out for him to focus like he should. He eventually noticed a shape from the corner of his eye though, slowing down to see what or who it was. "Yooo Bran!" He grinned when he spotted the boy, changing course so he could fly over. "What's up, you here for some extra practice as well?"
Branson watched Isaiah fly for a bit before he spotted him. He smiled at him as he approached, "Hey Isaiah," he greeted the boy back, though perhaps he was less enthusiatic. He didn't mean to be, but he was just less like that. He nodded at the question, "I actually made the team in full," Bran told him, he was pretty proud but now he was a full member of the team. "I don't want to interrupt you though, I was gonna do some laps to begin with,"
Isaiah didn't hang out with Branson a lot, but he did actually quite like the boy. Bran was a bit more quiet, perhaps a bit more modest than he himself was but he reckoned it was good to have people like that around. If he only surrounded himself with friends who were as loud as he was he was sure even he'd get a headache from it. "No way, congrats dude! That's cool as." He grinned when Branson mentioned getting a started position. Zay shook his head when the other boy mentioned interrupting him. "Nah bro, I was just doing laps because I wasn't exactly sure what else to do." He answered honestly. "I made the team as an alternate so y'know, I just wanted to get into the air and see what I can improve." He added with a small shrug, wondering what Bran had been planning on doing other than flying laps.
Branson nodded in shy pride. He was pleased at least he wasn't interrupting him, but laps seemed like a good place to start. "I was gonna start with laps and then work on throwing," Bran said with a little shrug, "You do beater right, maybe we could do like muggle baseball, I throw, you hit?" he thought it would be an odd way to practice for both of them, but he thought it could work. Maybe..He wasn't sure Isaiah would like it but Bran was thinking it would be fun to practice with a friend.
So far, Isaiah was glad Bran had somehow decided to get some training in at the exact same time as he had. He was sure the other boy was smarter than he was so was curious to hear what he had planned on doing and on top of that training together was probably a whole lot more fun. "Oooh, that could be fun dude. Or funny." Zay laughed at Bran's proposal, already keen to see how that would work out. "We could do a few laps first and then try that?" He offered in return. He'd already gotten some laps in and didn't specifically feel like he needed to do some more, but Bran hadn't gotten to that yet so they might as well do them together.
Branson nodded, glad that Isaiah liked his idea and didn't think it was pretty dumb. He did agree that it would be good to get some laps in together. "Yeah!" he agreed, he moved his broom, to be ready for a lap and then looked to Isaiah and said, "let's go," he began his first lap, going at a steady pace, not too quick, getting into the feel and rhythm of flying and he'd pick up the speed in a moment but he glanced back to see is Isaiah was following.
Isaiah grinned when Branson started moving for his first lap, already liking the fact that he didn't have to go through this little training exercise on his own. Maybe they could even do this more often if it would turn out to be useful for both of them. He moved his own broom to follow Bran when the boy had headed off and tried to catch up, which luckily wasn't too hard since the other boy was still going at a steady pace. "You gonna increase speed with each lap?" Zay called out curiously, wondering what his plan was and mostly just keen to get to the throwing and hitting idea. He knew warming up was important though so he happily flew along as Bran took his laps.
Branson spotted Isaiah moving in beside him as they made their way around the pitch for this first lap. He gave a little grin, though he wasn't sure if Isaiah would be able to see it. But at what he said, he first nodded and then added, "Yeah!" he agreed very loudly, "let's see how fast we can go," Bran knew he wouldn't be as fast as others his broom being slightly older that some others brooms. Branson urged his broom to go a little fast to help show he was definitely serious about trying to go a little faster even if they were only just getting to the mid-point of the first lap.
Isaiah had always enjoyed flying but admittedly, he had never much made his way out to the pitch before he had made the team as an alternate. Now though, he planned on spending every spare second he had between class, friends and other things that occupied him flying around. "Yeeeesss!" Zay laughed when Bran agreed on increasing speed, grinning when the other boy already did so. He tried to push his own broom to go a little faster as well, which wasn't too hard yet since they were still going at a steady pace but was fun nonetheless. "I'll just try to keep up with you." He called over the wind when he almost pulled up next to Bran again, far more keen on having fun than seeing whether one of them would be quicker than the other. "How many laps do you want to do?"
Branson kept trying to move faster and he found himself grinning as the wind whipped around him. He could hear what Isaiah was saying but instead of trying to reply he held up his hand to demonstrate five, they could do five more laps, and then they could get to practicing and improving and five laps really wasn't that many considering and they'd be able to really speed up during it. He gave a thumbs up and tried to urge his broom to be a little faster, keep the speed slowly increasing. This was a little dangerous but he didn't mind too much.
Isaiah grinned when Branson seemed to be trying to keep moving faster, his grin widening when the boy held up a hand to indicate he was going for five more laps. He tried his best to keep up with Bran as he continued to speed up, feeling a little unsteady on his broom for a second before finding his balance again. Even though he enjoyed flying he had to admit he had never seriously considered training before he had actually made he team, so he wondered how far he could push his broom, and his own skills, today. Knowing himself, Zay would probably push further than he should in an act of impulsiveness. So far, so good though and he happily followed after his friend, wondering how much faster he would try to go.
Branson wasn't sure if this was as fast as the broom could go, but as much as he wanted to try to go fast it was getting to a speed he felt far less in control of. So he maintained pace as much as he could with Isaiah flying in behind him. They did one lap, then another and another, until they were nearing the end of the fifth lap and Branson began to slowly slow down. He was sure if he came to an abrupt stop now he'd go flying off the broom entirely. he wanted to steal a glance back at how Isaiah was doing but was sure he remained behind him.
Isaiah hadn't expected flying laps to be actual fun. He had thought of it as more of a way to warm up a little before trying his hand at actual practice but he had to admit that trying to speed up made doing laps a whole lot more fun. He quite enjoyed having the wind in his hair, not having to think about much rather than wanting the broom to go faster and making sure he wouldn't somehow accidentally crash into Bran. Zay hadn't been paying attention to how many laps they had done but when he noticed the other boy slow down he figured it had to be five already. "Dude," He laughed when he pulled up beside his friend. "That was pretty good, huh?"
Branson gradually slowed down till he was mostly just hovering as Isaiah did the same. He gave a little laugh, almost nervously and was glad to see that Isaiah appeared to have had as much fun as he had during it, if his expression was anything to go by. He nodded in agreement. "It's was fun," he said, his tone almost hinting at surprise at having enjoyed it. "Speed is good for games....but maybe not that fast," he joked lightly, "Shall we get to practice?"
Isaiah laughed at Branson's remark, glad the other boy had thought the same. He did agree that going too quick might not be good during games but it was nice to see how fast they could go anyways. "Yeah, for sure!" He nodded at Bran's question, heading down to where he had left his bat just in case. "So," He said as he flew down, trying to remember what they had agreed on. "What was the idea again? You throw, I try to hit and then you'll try to catch again if possible?"
Branson nodded, "Yeah, like baseball," he said. He knew it wasn't that close to baseball in a good number of ways but it would get them moving around, hitting, throwing, catching, which for both their skill sets on a team were useful things to pactice. Useful things to ensure they were doing correctly. The ravenclaw smiled at him. "If you still want to do that?" he wasn't sure if maybe he'd changed his mind about it and was now more interested in doing something else.

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