Bruin's Detention

Bruin Dumbledez

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" - Dragon's Heartstring Core
Bruin wandered down the third floor corridor searching for the Trophy Room and realized that this was his first time that he had even been on this floor. He saw a sign for the Hospital Wing and walked past the Charms Classroom, making a mental note of the location and figuring that he would be spending a lot more time here next term.

Bruin walked a little further down the corridor and came upon a large wooden door with a plaque reading "Trophy Room" above it...Well, I guess this is the place, he thought to himself. He tried the door, but it was locked. Bruin looked down at his watch and realized that he was a few minutes early, so he thought he'd just have a seat and wait for them to arrive.

Bruin picked a spot on the opposite wall, slid slowly down it so that he was now seated on the floor with his arms around his knees and wondered just how big the room behind the door was. More importantly though, he worried about how dirty it might be seeing as the only thing that he knew about his detention was that it involved this room and cleaning supplies...he sighed, losing house points over a relatively innocent conversation was bad enough, unpaid manual labour was practically criminal...weren't their child labour laws in this country???

As Bruin sat patiently, his thoughts drifted to her, as they had been just about everytime he had a moment alone these days, and his mood brightened appreciably...

Bruin's plan was beginning to take shape and he couldn't wait for it to to enter Phase One...
Seeing Bruin sitting on the opposite wall Professor King walked up to the trophey room door, pointed is wand at it and said "Alohomora", the door opened a crack, he now turned to Bruin, "You may begin whenever you are ready, no magic is to be used to clean this room, tell Heath the same thing... I willl not be supervising you, as I have alot of marking to do..." he then turned and left towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classrooom.<i></i>
Bruin was a little concerned that Heath hadn't arrived yet, but knew that the sooner he got started the sooner he could finish and go do something fun...he picked himself up off the floor and walked over to the door. Bruin took a deep breath and pushed the door open, closing his eyes as he did so, afraid at what he might find on the other side.

Bruin opened his eyes and walked slowly into a large stone chamber, with long wooden shelves and display cases lining each of the side walls and a raised platform-type stage at the far end. Upon first inspection, the room didn't look too bad...maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought. A little dusting, a little polishing, maybe sweep up a little and then, bippitty boppity boo, he'd be done.

Bruin took a second look around the room and realized he had a problem however. "Great!" he exclaimed sarcastically, and then continuing in his best impersonation of Professor King's voice "You may begin whenever you are ready, no magic is to be used in cleaning this room..."

"Fine!!!" Bruin yelled, "but holy crapoley, would it kill you to give me a rag and maybe a can of Pledge or something???"...Bruin's voice echoed throughout the trophy room and corridor, he hoped...and then set about looking for something to improvise with.
Returning all of a sudden to the Trophy room Professor King said, "By the way, the jannitors closet should have everything you need, it's in the back behind the platform ;) " and turned to leave the room again.
"Ohhh, er, right...thanks Professor" Bruin stammered, hoping that the professor hadn't overheard Bruin's impression of him. He kind of liked the professor, well, as much as any student could like someone who assigned him essays and gave him detentions.

Bruin wandered slowly towards the janitor's closet, glancing at a variety of trophies and plaques along the way. They came in all shapes and sizes, with many depicting witches or wizards in various poses. But unlike the trophies that Bruin was used to ... the little figures on these ones appeared to move, almost as if they were performing spells, mixing potions, or flying around a Quidditch Pitch themselves. Man, polishing those is going to take some skill, Bruin thought to himself.

Bruin found a small door behind the platform and turned the knob. He heard an audible click, and then froze...he wasn't so sure that he wanted to know what had just caused that scurrying sound on the other side just yet...
Heath bolted through the trophy room door and bent over grabbing his knees trying to catch his breath. Noticing Bruin at a door on the opposite side of the room he said "Hey Bruin, sorry I'm late, I slept in"
"No problem, but I could use a hand here...", Bruin replied, careful not to remove his hand from the door knob or let it open before they were ready.

"Ummm, I don't know exactly how to say this, but...the cleaning supplies that we need are behind this door. The problem is that I"m not convinced that there isn't someone or something else in there with them..." Bruin said, trying to sound brave, but thinking he probably sounded a little tentative. "What do you think I, or shall I say, we do???"
Heath thought for a second before grabbing an unprotected trophy, moving to a spot beside the door to the closet, flattening his back against the wall and raising the trophy over his head, ready to hit anything that might jump out him "Okay, open it" he says.
"I love your style, that move was definetly old school (referring, of course, to the trophy grab)...well, Heath, it was nice knowing you...on three then???", Bruin whispered...pausing for a moment, he took a deep breath and began the countdown..."One, Two, Three..." and with that Bruin flung the door open and stepped backwards into the room...
Heath closes his eyes and runs into the closet screaming and flailing the trophy around...

(OOC: Sorry but I didn't know how to RP this next part because I didn't know if you had something in mind or not)
Bruin stood back and watched as Heath ran courageously, or was that foolishly, into the closet. Bruin took a step forward before being overcome by a foul smelled like something was rotting in there...

Bruin pulled out his flashlight and shone some light into the closet, putting more trust in Duracell then in his ability to generate a good lumos spell. Heath stumbled back out beside him. They wisely covered their mouths with one hand and slowly peered into the closet to see what was causing the horrible smell...
Something green and horrible looking scuttled under the floorboards as Heath peers into the closet "I'll run and find Professor King" he said before dashing out of the trophy room.
Bruin wasn't sure if he should run after Heath or stay here and make sure whatever the thing in the broom closet was didn't try and make a break for it...

"Alright hero!!! You run and grab the professor and I'll stay here and try not to vomit on myself..", Bruin called after his friend. Bruin inched closer to the door and closed it with his toe in hopes of reducing the putrid smell coming from within.

He stood back armed with only his flashlight and Heath's discarded trophy... "I really need to learn some spells..." he muttered to himself as he sat back and waited for Heath to return with the Professor.
Heath lead Professor King back into the Trophy Room and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, the smell from the...whatever it was...was horrible. He looked at Professor King, then pointed at the closet from which the noxious odour was emanating.
Unsure of where the horrble smell was eminating from Professor King, cast the bubble head charm around himself and the other two students, creating a bubble of fresh air around their heads, he then approached the closet and opened the door, seeing nothing, he turned to stare at the two boys who had brought him there...
"Whatever it is, it's in the closet" Heath said, again pointing to the Janitor's closet.
"Yeah!" Bruin said appreciating the breath of fresh air..."It had a lot of legs, and looked like moldy green jelly. It smelled fine in here until I opened the closet and it scuttled away. Do you know what it is???"
"Under the floor boards you say,?" Professor King inquired, "Green... many legs, eyes.... it appears we have a Bundimun in the castle.... their harmless... really scared of you two acutally, I'm sure you can deal with them yourself.... pop your bubbles when your done, or you might sufficate..."
Heath listened to the professor and watched him leave the trophy room, he wasn't sure exactly how the Professor expected them to take care of the little beast himself. He tried to think of a simple spell take care of the Bundimun....

(OOC: Sorry if Prof King wasn't leaving yet, but I assumed if you were leaving us to fend for ourselves you weren't going to stick around)
Bruin waited for the Professor to leave and then turned to Heath..."You know, it doesn't look too bad in here...almost like someone else has just cleaned it up...I say we just bang some stuff around, sweep up a little and then jet!...Do you see anything that really needs cleaning???".
Heath looked around the room, it was virtually spotless. "No" he said "Maybe there's self -cleaning charms on the trophies that Professor King didn't know about, but I'm kind of looking forward to zapping that Bundimun..."
"I'm a little confused though...didn't he say he we couldn't use any magic to clean up the room??? Wouldn't blasting that critter with my signature "spark attack" constitute using magic???".

Bruin thought for a moment and then reached into his bag. He pulled out a can of Axe Body Spray and walked over to the closet..."One little blast of this and that little Bundimun will have all the little Bundiwomuns crawling all over him...what do you think??"
Heath laughed "It might take care of the smell but I think a little magic might be more affective"
"Alright, we'll try it your way then, but I don't have a clue what you want to do to him. What do you think...Can we shrink it??? Make it sprout flowers??? Give it a bath??? Transport it over to Bellatrix's bedroom??? Remember, my battery of spells is pretty limited...", Bruin rambled out in one long, excited breath.
"My father once taught me how to perform a Stupefy spell, it knocks your opponent unconscious" Heath said "I was never very good at it but I'm sure I can do it well enough to knock out the Bundimun" he finished, drawing his wand and moving to the doorway of the closet waiting for the Bundimun to show itself again.

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