Brotherhood Soccer Tournament Match 2

Professor James Cade

'Daddy Cade' | Father of 9 | Always | DADA 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Geo)
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
It was difficult for James to show enthusiasm for the Brotherhood soccer tournament when he despised the sport but what he did want was for the boys to come together and show the school what being in the brotherhood was all about. The boys had been split into four teams and what stood in front of James was the Green and Yellow teams. James thought it would be funny to use the house colours for mixed teams as it would annoy some people.

James saw the thumbs up from Matthew and returned the gesture. Both were ready to get their games going. "Okay lads, Green take the goal behind me, Yellow the one in front. You know the rules but here's a quick refresher. Here is a ball, kick the ball, score in the net. Simple. Green you guys kick off,"
Green Team

Tristan Collins
Oswald Brigham
Hayden Lavish
Jerara Tapsell
Archie Villiers

Yellow Team

Rufus Villiers
Spencer Owens
Perry Wyatt
Norton Gillespie
Ares Jeffreys

OOCOut of Character:
If you're a member of the Brotherhood, an announcement and explanation of this tournament has been posted in the Brotherhood subforum. If not: welcome to the Brotherhood soccer/football tournament! It will consist of four small teams playing against each other, two matches will happen now and one later to determine the winner.

Though, this event isn't really about winning. What we are aiming for is the interaction on the field between characters, which is why there are no strict rules to the game. Don't worry too much about who is scoring or in possession of the ball, though do look at what others are doing. The outcome of the match will be made with a random number generator, which Daphne or I will post when we end the match. I hope you'll have fun with it, and feel free to be creative!

A topic will be made for spectators, much like the stands for quidditch games. You can find it here: here
As Tristan stood on the grass, he silently wondered what he was doing here. He was at a magical school where he learned how to make things fly, change shape, and other wonderful things he could never have imagined, and he was standing here to play soccer. Like some muggle child. He couldn't help but notice the president and vice-president both weren't playing, but of course they made everyone else do it. He scowled as he waited for the game to begin.

He rolled his eyes when he said the green team would kick off. Might as well start and show these wizards how it was done. Even he himself forgot for a moment he hadn't played this game in years, as even as a kid he was hardly a fan of the sport. So he ran at the ball and kicked it, but it didn't go in the direction he wanted. It rolled away to the side somewhat ineffectively. He glared at it, but hoped someone else in his team would go for it as he didn't feel like running after it like an idiot.
Jerara hadn’t played football in years, not since coming to school, and it was that that had persuaded him to sign up and do it. He loved playing with his friends, with his old friends, and everything that had been before the magic he did. Jerara was in the green team, which he thought was odd for the ravenclaw, but he went with it. The teen was smiling to himself, pretty excited and keen to get at least one touch on the ball, he was happily in a team with Tristan. He walked forward to the ball when they were told they would. He kicked the ball the get started and pushed forward kicking the ball forward. He would score and he would have great fun as he did so. He passed the ball, hoping that someone else on his team would get it.
Ares was glad that for once that he wasn’t playing quidditch and nor that he was the one in charge. The hufflepuff quidditch captain was just happy to sit back and enjoy himself with some light football. Some soccer, just something that wasn’t his OWLs, his crush on Damide, or quidditch. He was pretty eager for it, anything that was different was welcome. Ares was ready for this game. He stepped forward to take his position and followed the ball as it was handled by the other team. He followed along, running easily next to him and eventually trying to take the ball, but he was giving it a little effort, not too much, just trying to enjoy himself.
Norton had been surprised that his first real event with the brotherhood would be a football game. He hadn’t played much of the sport growing up, he’d stuck to taekwondo. That had been his sport, and he’d kept fit to be able to do that, but he hadn’t kept up with it upon coming to magical school. He’d swapped the sport for quidditch, which was an entertaining sport, this would be good. He moved into a good position and rush hung back, following along slowly with the rest of the team as he pushed forward, he wanted to steal the ball but couldn't seen an opportunity. Until the other team passed the ball. He rushed forward to try to get it, to kick it and be in possession, but his eagerness caused him to trip up and fall before he even got to the ball. He laughed as he got back to his feet. Boy he had missed actually playing like this.
Tristan followed Jerara as his friend seemed to know what he was doing, he spotted Ares and gave the boy a quick smile before focusing on the ball. Only to see it be passed his way by Jerara. He grimaced and tried his best to pass it to another team member immediately as this really wasn't his thing. But at least he wasn't falling over like a boy on the other team. He snorted, glad he at least wasn't the worst player on the field.

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