Old School Week Broomsticks

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree was part of the quidditch team, an alternate, but still a part of the team. he had the school broom in his hand and decided to start practicing. He shot up into the air and started flying around. He liked flying, that was the only good things about magic.
Lysander didn't think he would get a chance to play in the upcoming Quidditch match, but he wanted to be ready for when the time came. Borrowing one of the schools brooms, Sander headed out to the pitch and noticed he wasn't the first there. He recognised the boy who offered to help him during his Halloween costume crisis, and flew on over. "Hey! I remember you!" He called out.​
Daintree looked at the boy who flew over to him. He didn't remember him, the voice was a little familiar but it didn't really help him, "Where from?" he asked, maybe that would help Daintree remember, "Do you play?" he motioned to the boy's broom, he could figure he did if he had one and was flying well.
Lysander grinned. "Halloween! I was the dog." He told him, momentarily forgetting that he'd been hidden away in that big suit. "Well, kind of. I'm a beater for the Gryffindor team, but I'm only an alternate so I've just been practising." He was sure it was just a matter of time before he got to play for reals. "What about you?"
The slytherin smiled lightly, "Oh yeah! How much did you struggle all night with that costume?" He listened as the boy told him what his position on the team he was on, "Same, but for slytherin," he told him, "Do you want practice a little?" he ask, might as well make the most of this situation and of the other person who might be willing to practice.
"Too much. I'm never putting that suit on again." Lysander chuckled. It had been a nightmare to wear, and would probably collect dust at the back of his closet for the rest of time. He paused when the older boy told him he was also an alternate beater, which put them in direct competition. "Cool! I'd love to practice. I need to get more experience so I can make the team for real." He grinned. He didn't want to pass up seeing how other beaters played, and what strategies they had. "How long have you been playing?"
"About a half a year," he replied, "Shall we just release a beater and have fun?"
Lysander had to hold back a laugh. "...You mean a bludger." He said. "Yeah, lets! I brought my bat, so I'm ready!"
"Of course," he said, "I was just testing you," He flew down to the quidditch stuff and let a bludger lose, "After you," Daintree challenged when he flew back up into the air.
"Watch and learn!" Lysander called back. He raised his bat and gave chase to the bludger, smacking it back towards the older boy. "You know, Gryffindor is totally going to win this next match. Slytherin doesn't have a chance." He taunted playfully.​
Daintree flew up and was able to watch the other boy knock the bludger back towards him. He flew to it and smacked it back to the other boy with his bat. "Oh come on, Slytherin's way better," he retorted back, he didn't usual care for house rivalries but he knew in quidditch it was important.
Sander missed his first swing, and had to fly off in order to hit the bludger back toward the older boy. "So what's it like?" He called over the dull thwack of metal on metal. "Slytherin, I mean. I don't really know anyone from there." It seemed his friend group consisted mostly of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. He'd heard about Ravenclaw from Spencer, but nothing about Slytherin.​

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