Closed Broken Routine

Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (21)
Caleb wasn't sure what was wrong with him. Somehow he found himself on a broom hovering in front of the quidditch hoops waiting for Louis to toss a ball at his head. Of course he knew it was called a quaffle but he liked to pretend not to know things to bother the other boy. He had avoided this exact situation countless times over the years but things were different now. Caleb had expected what happened on Valentine's to be a one time thing never to be spoken of again. He had been wrong, at least partially. The kissing continued but they hadn't talked about it either, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. He could live like this. Except for when it now involved dodging quaffles when he'd rather be doing anything else. "Hey! Watch it!" Caleb called out when a particularly fast one came right for his head. Thankfully he ducked in time and he used a summoning charmed to catch the falling quaffle. "You're going to end up by yourself if you end up killing me." he whined and tossed it back to Louis.
Louis was thrilled he had managed to convince Caleb to play quidditch. He was pretty sure their new kissing arrangement was the cause of it, but he wasn’t complaining. It had definitely improved his friendship with Caleb. And it was just fun. He laughed at Caleb’s reaction to the quaffle. “Don’t be so dramatic.” He said, then winked. “If you get hurt I’ll kiss it better.” He grabbed the quaffle, laughing at his words. “I’m sure someone would comfort me in my grief.” He joked, wiggling his eyebrows slightly.
Caleb frowned exaggeratedly to the point he was nearly pouting. "I'm not being dramatic." he scoffed. "You nearly took my head off. Sorry not all of us are quidditch pros." he added. He didn't need to help Louis' ego so he made sure to sound very sarcastic at the end. But Louis was pretty good, as far as he could tell. Which wasn't saying much since he never payed attention to the sport in school or out of it. "Promise?" he teased as Louis grabbed the quaffle again. But his playful expression faltered for a moment when the other boy mentioned someone else. Caleb was perfectly aware that what was between them wasn't serious in the slightest but that didn't stop a wave of jealous over a complete hypothetical. He did his best to squash the feeling down and instead rolled his eyes. "Would you forget me so easily?"
Louis smiled fondly at Caleb. “Thanks for calling me a pro.” He said, choosing to completely ignore his sarcastic tone. He hadn’t expected his throwaway comment to bother Caleb, but it was clear he wasn’t entirely happy with it. Louis laughed and tossed the quaffle in the air before catching it. “Of course not. You're very memorable.” He said. “Just saying I look extra handsome when I’m all sad and tragic, no one would be abe to resist.” He said. “Ready to try again?” He added, moving closer to the hoops to throw the quaffle again.
“You know I’m flattering you?” Caleb said dryly. Knowing it had been a mistake to give Louis a complement of any kind whatsoever under any circumstances. But he was please that Louis seemed to realize his mistake even if he had had to drag it out of him. “That’s more like it.” he said and crossed his hands over his chest. His balance on the broom wasn't great but it was getting better. Caleb grinned. “Maybe I need to hit you in the head with that thing to see for myself.” he teased. He rolled his eyes as Louis came at him again with the quaffle. “Fine. But I feel like we’ve been at this for hours.” he whined.

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