Bringing out the KUANGS

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Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale

Sally Kuang (15)

Is ambitious and eager to learn about everything, she wants to know about anything and about everything about other people. Sometimes she can be rude to other people for not minding her own business. But she's totally fun and could be Hyper. When it comes to family, she very protective to them especially when she know that they're in trouble, she's willing to risk her life for them (duh!) :p . Anyway, she's modist and a girly-girl and is very cute. She's also good at hiding her feeling, so even though she's smiling widely, she could be sad inside. So people wont know her real feeling except her brother.


Zac Kuang (16)

An older half brother of Sally Kuang and is very loyal and kind. He's very patient and is very paranoid. He had been having visions of the future about his beloved cousin Genvieve who's about to die (hopefully), Zac is not violent at all, he's not afraid to break down and cry when he's extremely sad. He never really hate other people and is very nice toward other people. He's a total gentleman and loves to spoils girls, but he's not a casanova. He sticks with a girl (well that is IF he has one :p ).


Vivian Kuang (14, Beauxbaton)

Vivian is a cheerful, feminine, young girl who ha a good relationship with her brother, Brad Kuang. Brad Kuang protect his sister at all time and gets jealous easily when someone becomes her friend. But Vivian's used to it, she get use to his attitude, even though sometimes he annoys her. She's sweet and friendly, she’s nice toward other people. She's nervous when she’s in the crowds, but she'll be over confident when her brother's there. But in the future, she'll be confident around other people. Vivian rarely shouts at other people, she can be calm and can be hyper. Depend on the situation.


Brad Kuang (14, Beauxbaton)

This boy is good at martial art but like his brother, Zac, he's not a violent type. But his dad wanted him to learn all those movements to protect the family, Zac didn't want to just cause.... ( :p pffft I can't find a reason :p ) Anyway *cough* Brad is in love with dancing hip hop and with music, he's also a big fan of muggle gadgets like the rest of the family and he pulls pranks when he's bored. He's also a total gentleman but isn't as `nice` as Zac. But he's still nice and wont insult other people, at least not in the language that they understand... He's really energetic and a little crazy and like the rest of the family, he's nice. He's really protective toward Vivian and gets jealous easily, especially when she's with her friends.


Genvieve Kuang (16, Durmstrang)

Genvieve... Honestly I don't really know about her but... She's sorta umm a loner type and she needs friends. Like her cousin Brad Kuang, Genvieve is protective toward her twin sister Saria Kuang. She's also nice and is 75% tomboy. Or maybe less... Or more... :erm: ... Basically, she's nice and protective and is calm.

So none of them are psychopaths, they're all nice and none of them are a violent-type.

A Friend? Lover? Crush? I don't mind really, I just don't want an enemy :p

Or if you have a plot in mind, post here/ PM me :D


Hey :D

I can offer

Libby: Zac has already met her. Maybe they could be close friends and maybe...get closer, if you know what i mean. I can also offer her as a friend to Sally and/or Genevieve seeing as they're in the same year etc.

Andrew Spinett: 5th year durmy. nice guy. not really sure i dont use him much but i guess he could be a friend?
Libbeh: Yeah sure! That'll be great! :p :D

Andrew: Woo another Zac Efron PB :p ... yeah sure2... Wanna start?
I can offer Bree as a friend for Brad or Vivian. She'll be nice to people, but if they're mean to her, she'll do the same. But if the person changes and she can tell that they did, she'll get nicer.
Yeah sure! I would love that.. Vivian is calmer than brad and is more shy than brad. They're both nice .. I don't mind which one u want tee hee.. Would u like to start?? :D
I'll start a topic in Beauxbatons and post the link here... You can reply with whichever of those two you want to reply with.
Yeah ok sure..! Thx!Maybe with Brad cz they both loves dancing. Btw, I might reply it today/ fri cz I'm moving to Perth soon.
I have Isaac Pike Here. 5th year Beauxbatons.
He could be friends with any of your BB people.
Here is a little bit about him:

I</B><i></i> am a laid back kind of guy who likes
to <B>in the crowd. I'm really nice and friendly, and I give super great
hugs and I love being with my friends. I'm a hard worker, and I try my
very best in all my classes. I'm loyal, as I'll stand up for any of my friends
and I will fight for them and myself. I can be pretty daring, and will do
almost anything that I am dared to do. This is not exactly my best trait
since I have done, a number of things I'm not proud of. I follow my heart
and my emotions. I don't really think about things before I do them. I love
strongly, and act independently. I will at times, sometimes be forced into
doing things I don't like, but it's nothing major. I'm relaxed and easy going.
I don't pressurize people. I hate people who assume things. I like to give
everyone a chance. I am the type of person who thinks that everyone is
good and honest, even if they don't show it. I'm really easy to be friends
with, and am very open to most. My favourite colour is a light red, almost
pinkish colour. Which seems odd since I'm a guy, but I don't think colors define
who you are as a person. So really, I'm a fun loving easy going kind of guy.
Sally, Baby, glad to see that you're brining them out! Saria of course needs something with them, since she's related to all of them.
Also, She's loosing her innocence, adn I'm even plotting other things, like a love potion type thing...
You need to inform me when you get on, so that we can talk about it!!
And i've always got my other characters!
Emz :wub: : Oh yeah sure! Wanna start? Or should I? xD

Cole :wub: : mygawd cole.. we're changing the plot -.-... im on xD
Yeah sure I can start but tomorrow cz I'm on my iPhone ryt now... I don't mind xD which one d'u want?
P.S zac is now officially paranoid :r
I have Ritsuka who is very traditional in his way :p I don't mind role playing with Zac or any of the girls :D he's Jaden West Vietnamese cousin let me know what you think ^_^
I 4got to mention that Zac is officially Paranoid *sobs*

yeah sure sure which ever u like xD
soo... Zac?
Thanks D: was on for a bit yesterday and didn't log on as much ^^
xD no problem!
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