Bring Them Some Love?

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Claire: Here is the topic for Pandora x Bridget! Feel free to take as you need to to get to it.
Kaitlyn: Would you just like to start one Rp at a time and see how it goes? I know you have a pd up too, so you might have a lot to work on at the same time. If so, who would you like to rp first?
Emzies: I think he and Zinaida will get along really well! Especially since she will admire that he stands up for himself and doesn't take crap from others (since a lot of Hufflepuff's seemingly do that). Plus he doesn't seem like he'd be too scared of her brother.
So would you like to roleplay the two of them?
Daniel: Thanks! Just keep me posted for when you do!
Jamie: I can see Brittany and Pandora getting along since they're into the same thing. One thing though, Brittany sounds like she's only looking for 'followers' and Pandora isn't the type to follow. When she's with her friends, she does what she wants and isn't the type to get bossed around. I don't know if that'll be an issue or not. Let me know.
Pattycakes: OMG, I totally didn't recognize Serenity's pb till you pointed this out! I think they need to be best friends. Srsly, it only makes sense. No one is really 'too much' for Zinaida so long as they aren't jerks. As for Zinaida crushing on Peter, her being a flirt makes that perfect. Plus he's older, so it'll be one of those silly crushes!

Ooooh, someone else for Pandora to bully. I love it. I need more opportunities for her to bring her mean and nasty side out to!

I also like the idea of someone else hating on Zechariah. To be honest, he sounds like he could even be buddies or something with Vladimir, Blaine, and Panda and those are so far planned to be her biggest bullies, so it sounds perfect! Flying class? Ha perfect! I can see him knocking her off her broom or something and getting her upset.

So would you like to rp any of this kiddos?

Hi my dear! If you are still looking for some RPs, I have the lovely Clara Zhefarovich. Clara is a lovely, friendly and fiercely loyal friend. She is not very trusting and pretty self-conscious, but in that way it makes her a good friend, because she doesn't want anyone to feel the way she does. Clara will always stand up for her friends, but is less likely to stand up for herself.
She can be a good friend for Zinaida or Belladonna, and can be someone for Pandora to bully. It's all up to youuuu. If you want any more info, her bio is here.
Belladonna Metzger said:
Kaitlyn: Would you just like to start one Rp at a time and see how it goes? I know you have a pd up too, so you might have a lot to work on at the same time. If so, who would you like to rp first?
Like which ones though? Damn I need a list of who all to start RPs with, and with what characters and such. xD
I don't have that much work. :r But I think I wanna RP with Matt and whoever you want to join up with!
Zinaida & Serenity
Yay for bffls, I got so excited when I saw her PB and was so upset when Serenity didn't get into Hufflepuff but I agree they do need to be besties. Serenity isn't very good with confrontation so I can see her being intimidated by Vladimir but if anyone was to say anything wrong to Zinaida I can see her piping up and sticking up for her.

Zinaida & Peter
Well let me know when you want to have her see him, or at least interact with him. Maybe it can be a random bump into each other situation and Peter help her with her books or something and walks her to class.

Pandora & Serenity
Perfect! Serentiy really needs to sort of grow a backbone and getting bullied would really help with that. Again, let me know

Belladonna & Zechariah
Haha knocking her off her broom would be hilarious. Maybe it could be some sort of initiation sort of thing for Zechariah seeing as he isn't pureblood like the rest of them
Donna: I think that either Zinaida or Belladonna would make a perfect friend for her. More likely Belladonna than Zinaida, because Zinaida has her brother that Clara would need to worry about. What do you think?
Kaitlyn: Should you or I write up a list with the ones we need to do? :r Matt x Belladonna then?
Pattycakes: Awh you were aiming for Hufflepuff? Well that's fine, Zinaida will love her regardless of what house she's in. I dunno if Vladimir would bother her too much to begin with, I think certain blood status' and stuff triggers him more, but you'd have to ask. Zinaida will protect her if she needs to.

I forgot what year Peter is in for some reason. xD Ooooh so probably about halfway around the year would be best?

I just hope it doesn't come back to bite Pandora in the ass. :r I'm good for these two whenever you are!

Lol, yeah. Maybe they'll see how mean he is to her and accept him in? But who knows? So these two will probably get started once classes are underway?

Zinaida Zhefarovich said:
Kaitlyn: Should you or I write up a list with the ones we need to do? :r Matt x Belladonna then?
I already have a list. xD But I can start Matt x Belladonna if you start the one with Vlad, Belladonna, Blaine and Pandora! You know, that plot. *nods*
Zinaida & Serenity
Yes, but alas, oh well it'll work regardless. So you wanna start or will I?

Zinaida & Peter
Yeah maybe a bit on in, let me know when you want it to happen, whenever suits me!

Pandora & Serenity
I think we can start this now and work on it, it's not something that has to be done quickly so even if we are both busy it can just continue at our own speed. Do you wanna start or will I?

Belladonna & Zechariah
Yeah I think maybe week 2-4 of classes, whenever they can get on brooms first, I forget.
Belladonna Metzger said:
Emzies: I think he and Zinaida will get along really well! Especially since she will admire that he stands up for himself and doesn't take crap from others (since a lot of Hufflepuff's seemingly do that). Plus he doesn't seem like he'd be too scared of her brother.
So would you like to roleplay the two of them?
That sounds good! And he probably wouldn't be scared of her brother.
I'd happily roleplay them.
Do you want to start something, or would you like me to?
Hey! Brittany is a leader type and, i think that they could be friends. But it is a risk, i think that Fiona is better for Pandora. She is also a mean girl, but a lower level. She can use a friend in her stalking thing, maybe if Pandora helps her. She get angry letters to! I think that brittany is too much of a queen. And they can be nice to each other but good friends is better with Fiona i think? That's what i think after your good point!
Zinaida Zhefarovich said:
Donna: I think that either Zinaida or Belladonna would make a perfect friend for her. More likely Belladonna than Zinaida, because Zinaida has her brother that Clara would need to worry about. What do you think?
I would actually love for Clara to be both of their friends. I don't think Clara and Zinaida's friendship would be harms way, because Clara wouldn't blame Zinaida for her brother, but I would love for it to test Clara and think it would be a good way to develop her.
I also forgot about my other character, a second year, Lamia Lewis. Lamia could bully Belladonna, especially since they are in the same house, otherwise she could be an enemy for either of your other characters (or friend if it would work haha)
Donna: Awwh so Zin x Clara sound like they could be really awesome friends then, especially if she doesn't mind her brother! I also like the idea of Lamia also bullying Belladonna, especially since they're from the same house so it will be a shock to her!
Jamie: Fiona sounds like she might work better. As long as she doesn't try to boss Pandora around, or get her involved in the whole letter thing than maybe we could make them work as friends!
Emzies: I like it! Would you be willing to start something? I'm working all weekend so I have little free time to myself.
Pattycakes: Would you be willing to start the topic for Zin x Serenity? I figure we can hold the others off until we get them underway and stuff?

I don't remember when they actually get on their brooms either, but once they do one of us can poke the other and remind the other of the plan for that too happen.

Sounds good Jessyecat.... Do you want to start a topic? :r
Riley Sparkles said:
Sounds good Jessyecat.... Do you want to start a topic? :r
I suppose I could be less lazy and actually start one instead of making everyone else do it. :r I'll get to it soon and post it here Donna!

Yaaaye! Thanks Pat!
Hopefully I should have it answered to within the next couple of days!
Jessye!! :hug: I don't think we've RPed enough and so!!! Here I am!! xD

I'm offering my firstie to either be enemies or be bullied by Pandora! (But if you get other ideas I don't mind... xD )

Charmaine is from a muggle family whom manages a small chain of hotels. She had been attending a muggle school before she entered Hogwarts wherein she experienced bullying causing her to lose some of her confidence and self-esteem. This girl is very, very clueless about magic and she has no idea that there are others who value blood status as she thinks that there are many who came from muggle families. She would do almost anything for a friend, or what she thinks is a friend. This girl is also dense that there are times she doesn't know that she is already being bullied or used unless she gets hurt rather badly.

Well, that's all for now... I can answer your questions if you have any... :)
I think Charmaine sounds like the perfect victim for Pandora to bully just because. Pandora absolutely loves taking those down that she feels are easy to take down and won't be a threat to her later!
Would you like to Rp them?
Sounds perfect! :wub:
Would you like me to start something or would you rather?
Would you be willing to? If it's not too much trouble? :)
Naaah... I'll start it.. :)
Thank you Marga! :hug:
I should be able to get to it within the next couple of days!
I feel like Belladonna and Luxy could be friends until Lux starts to get interested in boys. She'll be jealous because well, she's no saint and certainly no part-veela but until then she would be as friendly as ever to Bella and defend her, if the time came.

Pandora would probably be seen as competition to Lux but she doesn't hurt so easily and would probably have fun with a hate/hate relationship.
Ahh so they'd be friends until Lux's jealousy tears them apart? I like it. Any idea what year she would become interested in boys, or are you just going to wing it and see when it happens?

Ahhh yes, Pandora always needs more enemies. Especially some from her house! ^_^
I was mostly planning on winging it but assume around 14/15 years old because teenage hormones and all that.

Awesome. Would Pandora make comments about her not knowing anything about magic and all that because I think it would be fun.
I was mostly planning on winging it but assume around 14/15 years old because teenage hormones and all that.

Awesome. Would Pandora make comments about her not knowing anything about magic and all that because I think it would be fun.
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