🌹 Rose Giving Brilliant Bunches of Roses

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Beatrice wasn't sure if she'd find Tori in the library, but she knew she was one of the few people outside of Ravenclaw that seem concerned with their classes. She thought it might be possible until she wandered upon an area with lots of students, hoping to see the Gryffindor sitting nearby. @Victoria de Lacey
Tori was not good at studying, but she knew she would need to get some of the books she needed early if she was going to have even the slightest chance. She'd conferred with Antares and Vega on what books she should check out that she might have a hope of getting read before the end of the semester and was focusing on those. With her feather quill between her teeth, and the notebook in her hand she trawled the stacks trying to find the list of books she had written down.​
Beatrice didn't see Tori sitting but did see her near one of the shelves and walked over quietly, holding out four yellow roses, making a small bouquet. "Someone must really like being your friend," she said, doubling checking her notes to make sure the girl was in fact supposed to get four roses. "These are for you."
I'm very glad to have you in my life - Yew
To my Asterope,

Thank you for suddenly coming into my life with the force of a lightning. I will forever appreciate you and our friendship and there is no one other I'd rather share girly gossip with.

- Lili ♡

P.S. You'll always have someone in your corner!
*Thank you for being my friend*
Hi Tori, Jasper here! Do you want to play Gobstones later? Signed, er, Jasper
Tori was surprised to see a bouquet of roses in Beatrice's hands as she held them out. She wasn't really expecting to get this many roses, enough to make a bouquet. She took the roses happily, "thanks Bea! Are you doing okay with your deliveries? Do you need help finding anyone?" She asked, looking around to see if she recognised anyone. She quickly looked over the attached notes with a smile, though she was unsure why Lili signed hers when just being called Asterope told her who wrote it. Still, she appreciated it. She smiled at the one from Eoghan too. Her friends were the best... it made her feel a little guilty about leaving them though... she supposed she had better tell them. The other two roses though, she wasn't too sure who they were from. "There was only the two notes?"
Beatrice smiled as Tori offered to help her, surprised someone was being so friendly to her. "Umm, I think I have found everyone or know where to. I only have four people to give them out to," she said, knowing some people had been given a lot more.

Bea was confused because she thought she'd given the Gryffindor four notes. "Oh wait, I think you dropped one," she said, picking up two off the floor and handing them to her.

ooc: there are four notes if you expand the spoiler unless i'm misunderstanding what tori was asking :)
Tori looked at the notes she'd dropped, "oh! Thanks you! Aw this is so sweet," she was happy that Jasper had sent her one, even if it was only pink, and she would have to put all of them in water. She wasn't sure exactly who had sent her the one that thanked her for being their friend, there was a couple of people it could have been and she's received so many roses today she wasn't entirely sure who all of them were from. She was just deciding that they were probably from all of her friends and she would just thank all of them so as to not be awkward. "I think being in second year has a bit of an advantage, we kind of can know where everything is," and she thought that was the best.​

ooc: for some reason it wasn't letting me expand the code, I had to copy it to read it. Thank you!

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