Brightstone Weekends

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
HNZ operates on a site timeline, where month, season, and year changes are recorded. Because of this, we open forums for students seasonally, maintaining the canon idea of a "Hogsmeade Weekend" with our "Brightstone Weekends". More forums then open during the holiday months.
The negative side to this, of course, is that it can be difficult to complete roleplays on time.
The idea of this was actually originally brought up and voted in to existence by members. It appears that some members would like this system to change.
So, I ask you: Do you think that brightstone weekends should be kept (where the forums open/close periodically for students)? Or would you prefer it be open all the time?
Note: The outcome of this topic does not guarantee change, it is a topic for discussion, ideas, and opinions.
I think that they should just be open periodically as it sticks to canon that way. Ample time is given to complete roleplays during the time that the village is open and sometimes the times have even been extended. So my opinion of this is that they should just open and close the way that they have been.
I would prefer to keep it canon and closed except during the weekends and such. It would have the same negative effect as the Holiday forums (countries and etc..). Thus, my opinion is clear: Keep them closed periodically.
It gives the students more to look forward to, and well, it could get confusing after a while.
I agree with Kaitlyn and Katie but maybe they could be open for a bit longer because it is a little hard to fit in with everybody's schedule. :)
Since I am one of the longer standing members (almost 3 years) of the site, I have to chime in on this.

I remember the days when we had the Village open for the whole school year. Students were able to shop, go out to get drinks, etc whenever they wanted to. It was fun, but it because there was no sense of urgency to get the threads completed, they would drag on forever. I will admit, I was against the change to the 'weekends' format, but since that happened I have really seen the benefit of it. I find that I plan my rp's out more since I know that I only have a certain time in which to complete them. To me, this makes my thread of a higher quality and better organized.

My opinion, having had both opportunities, is to keep things as they are. I like the fact that there is only a specific time for the threads in the Village and it really gives something to be excited about as a student. Besides, if there really was any item that needed to be purchased that you were not able to purchase when the Harbour/Village/Mall areas are open, you can always PM the shopkeeper and do the purchase via "owl order" ;) Opening and closing of the areas are a lot of work on Nick and the site staff, and for as long as they are willing to put in the work, I say we keep to cannon.
Just like Julie, I will have been a member of the site for three years in July. I agree with what she, Alexis, and Katie said. I think we should keep it cannon and only open Brightstone for weekends otherwise it will get too complicated and confusing. There is plenty of time to get an rp done properly. I say we leave it like it is as long as its not too much trouble for the admins.
I think it should be kept canon. It is annoying to have RPs cut short, but they can always be continued again on the next Brightstone Weekend.

One idea is to open up the village every IRL weekend... But, that is just a suggestion.
I definitely think it should be kept canon and only opened for a brief period of time.

I think if the village/harbor/mall were open all the time, it could end up potentially taking away from the school threads, which to me is and should always be the focus of the site. Having an unlimited amount of time to complete threads in those areas will like Julie said just make the threads drag on. At least with the time limit students are given, they know that threads must be started and ended within a specific period of time or else they won't be completed until the next weekend/break.
I would prefer to keep it canon and closed except during the weekends and such. Sometimes I do admit that it can be hard to fit in a roleplay and actually have it get finished that about the only negative view to it.

If it does change then students may be less likely to Roleplay at the school and more likely at Brightstone. And it would most likely get confusing, complicated, and after awhile it could cause other problems. :lol:

Besides waiting for Brightstone gives all the students something to look forward to! :wub:
I much prefer the way we run things now
too much of a good thing otherwise
I fear we'd do exactly as Julie as stated happened before - rp's would drag on and on endlessly but they might also get timelines confused

I do think these periodic weekends are something to look forward too as a student character and they are canon :)
I don't want to say I agree with everyone because I don't but I get why it happens. Not only does it help things to stay in order but it also helps shop keep when brightstone comes around. With many characters coming into one shop it will never end but than it brings back greater concern either way. I guess this comes along when sites likes this grows and everyone just a bit to busy to answer their rp. So if it must carry on, when the voting took place the first time I voted no to close it.

Madz x
Brightstone closing makes me grumpy, but I like things running in the natural order. To me, it's always been like this and it's best to have a good thing in moderation so you appreciate it more when it's there. I mean, if it was open all the time and then it had to close for an event or suchlike, imagine the gripes! No, let's keep in simple and keep it closed during the designated school times.
Thanks for your feedback, everybody. :)
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