Closed Breathe.

Cullen Yeong

Unable to Flirt | Quiet | Reserved | Corrine <3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Straight)
Sexual Orientation
Cullen looked at his image in the mirror once more before heading out the door. All his hair was in place and his younger sisters weren't bothering him at the moment which gave him time to compose his thoughts. He was meeting Corrine during their winter break at the park where they are first met. He was lucky to live not very far from Brightstone and his mother agreed to drop him off via apparation and pick him up later in evening after his date. He hadn't told his parents much about Corrine, saying he wasn't sure how much of a date it was, they were just meeting at a kid's playground after all. After thanking his mom at the gate to the park he walked in, making sure to glance up the trees as he walked towards the center of the park. It was a nice day, chilly but not freezing which was a nice change. He remembered she had told him she wouldn't hide in a tree and scare him but something made him more wary about being scared just for the fact she said she wouldn't. Looking around Cullen reached the central playground void of children despite the weather not being terrible for winter. He hadn't played on a playground in many years, always having felt too old for such things once he got past the age of about 12. He sighed and sat down on a swing to wait for Corrine. Maybe his mom had just gotten him here too early, or maybe he should have found out where she lives and picked her up there. Maybe she wasn't even from New Zealand and asking to meet here was a hassle for her and she wouldn't come. He had picked a date close to the start of the school year in case she was coming from another country. He thought she didn't sound New Zealand, her English accent not the same as others from this country.
Corrine had gone home for a few weeks, but she was back in New Zealand now. It was pretty funny that this place felt more like home each time she returned home. Her family's house still felt comforting, but the town and her old friends no longer felt as familiar. Corrine knew her sister had been happy to be rid of her for a while because she had a boyfriend. It was probably why she had panicked when Corrine had told her about Cullen. She had apparently spoken to their mother about him too because Corrine had been forced to endure a painfully embarrassing lecture from her mother about being safe. Glad that her sister had agreed to drop her off before work, Corrine had wandered the shops for a bit until it was time to meet Cullen. She entered the park, her hands in her coat pocket as she walked though she quickly removed one to wave when she spotted him. He was on a swing and looked adorable. Corrine felt her cheeks redden at the thought as she drew closer. "Hi Cullen" she smiled. "I'm glad you're already here. I thought I was going to be too early " she added.
Cullen swung back and forth for a few minutes until he heard a voice saying his name. Of course having been at home he wasn't used to hearing Cullen, it wasn't his birth name but his chosen English name. So knowing he was waiting for Corrine who called him Cullen, it made his head snap up quickly and he looked for her. He smiled seeing her dressed in her winter gear thinking she looked rather cute. She was smiling which made him smile in return, it had been a couple weeks since they had parted ways for the winter break from school but he was certain not much had changed about her looks. "Hello Corrine-ya," he said responding with the honorific used for friends and family in Korean. He was still used to speaking in Korean he hadn't even thought about adding the extra syllable to her name. "How has been your break?" He questioned her standing up from the swing trying to remember the plans he had made for them. Everything seemed to been lost in his mind about his plans once Corrine actually arrived.
Corrine's eyebrows furrowed slightly at the addition to her name, but she found it cute and quickly smiled. Cullen didn't make any mention of it so she simply went along with it. "It was...kind of weird actually" she admitted, pausing before she continued on. "My big sister has a boyfriend now, so I spent a lot of time at the magical sanctuary and then I went home for a little to give her 'space'" Corrine rolled her eyes as she made air quotes. "But now I'm back" she stated as Cullen stood up. Corrine stuffed her hands back in her pockets, feeling a little chilled. "Did you have a good break?" she returned the question, wondering exactly how he spent his breaks.
Cullen's smile was growing bigger the more he realized that she had actually come and this was real. It made him so happy to know that she might actually be interested in him like he was with her. He must have looked confused when she answered his question because she quickly began to explain why it was so weird. He couldn't help but to think that she was really cute as she talked. He wondered what she meant by space, he was always with his family during break so it seemed like it was weird that she gave space to her family during the holidays. But not having siblings that were older he supposed he wouldn't really understand. Still translating everything in his head it took him a moment to answer her question. He hoped she didn't mind, he wasn't used to thinking in English and understanding it in his brain. "It was good, my sister Bada is coming to school this year. We've gone shopping for books, I rest during the break, it was nice," he said pausing for a moment, "I thought about you a lot."
Corrine smiled at hearing that he had a sibling who was going to be attending in the new year. It was always nice to find out new things about Cullen and him as a big brother made a lot of sense to her. She imagined him as a really good big brother. "Me too" she nodded. Rest had been a very big part of her first weeks, especially after the craziness of OWLs. She was just on the verge of asking him how he had done, though she expected that as a Ravenclaw he had probably fared better than her. Not that she had done badly. Corrine had been quite pleased by her results and her parents had been even more pleased. But all of that flew out of her mind at Cullen's next words. He had thought about her. Her.

"Oh" she said, flushing slightly, very happy with his words. Thank you was on the verge of spilling across her lips but she managed to stop herself from that embarrassing reply. "Me too" she replied and then realized he might think she was saying she had thought about herself. "Not about me" she rushed to add, clearly flustered. "You! I thought about you... a lot" she mumbled the last words.
Cullen felt nervous admitting to Corrine that she had been on his mind a lot during the break. He had been looking forward to this date since he had asked her. It was funny to him that he had a slight language barrier with her, hadn't asked much about her home life yet he was still interested in her. Not just for her looks, though he did think she was really cute. But he could see she was kind and not like one of those girls that was controlling or annoying, which made him like her more. Once he got his words out he looked up at Corrine's face and saw her response. She seemed like she hadn't been expecting his words. He tried to remember, he had thought she'd know he liked her when he said this was a date. When she spoke more his smile appeared on his face and grew slightly, she had been thinking about him too? That was amazing to Cullen.

"There is aiseu seukeiting (ice skating in Korean) near here, would you like to come?" He asked changing the subject slightly, he wasn't sure how to respond to her thinking about him as well. It made him feel a little nervous and he had a hard time looking at her in the face now. He thought going on the ice would be a nice date, very traditional for winter time and maybe they'd get to hold hands so they wouldn't fall. He hoped that was the case, he hadn't ever held a girl's hand before, other than his little sisters.

*in Korean ice skating sounds pretty similar to English ice skating
Corrine waited with her breath held to see if Cullen would say something more, but to her great disappointment, when he did speak, it wasn't about what she believed should come from them thinking about each other over the break. Instead, he said something about ice skating. Or that's what she believed he had said. Corrine bit her lip, torn between bringing it back up and letting it go. Cullen had asked her here and he had admitted to thinking about her during the vacation. That meant he liked her. Right? she thought to herself, wishing Xena was around. She was just worried that maybe he didn't like her enough to want her to be his girlfriend. She might not have cared a year ago when she'd asked him to a dance on a whim. But now, she would care. A lot. They'd spent some time together and she thought he was really nice and pretty cute.

Corrine nodded, forcing a smile on her face even though he wasn't exactly looking at her anymore. "Sure. I've never been ice skating before. It should be fun" she said with a smile, trying not to be too bothered by the abrupt change in conversation. He wanted to hang out with her and that was the important thing.
Cullen was glad Corrine said she'd go ice skating with him, it would be a nice activity for them to do and hopefully keep them warm since they'd be moving. He picked up the bag he had on the ground and then started to head towards where the ice skating place was. It seemed to be a pond that froze over during the winter that was turned into a rink. He thought it looked rather nice with the hanging lights all over, although they came during day time, it would probably have been nicer looking at night. He sat on a bench and opened his bag taking out his skates before glancing at Corrine. She didn't have skates, he forgot about that. "Oh! Come we rent shoes for you," he said taking a hold of her hand in one of his and the bag in the other. He took her over to the ice skate rental booth still holding onto Corrine. They waited in line for a few people a head of them before getting up to the booth. "She needs one pair for rent," Cullen said when they reached the guy tending the station. The guy asked Corrine her shoe size and Cullen handed over the money to pay for the ice skates, he had asked her to come it was the right thing to do.
Corrine walked beside Cullen as he led them to the pond. She couldn't help but watch him out of the corner of her eyes and admiring him as he took a seat on a bench. When he pulled out skates, Corrine frowned. She didn't have any, but Cullen realized right away and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the little booth by the rink. It felt nice holding on to his hand and as they waited in line, Corrine was happy to look like a couple. She smiled at an older girl who smiled at the pair as she made her way to a bench with her rented skates. Reaching into her pocket to take out money, Corrine grinned when Cullen ended up paying. "Thank you" she told him as she held her skates while they walked back to the bench. "You've skated before then?" she asked, nodding at his bag where he had his own skates. "I haven't. I'm probably going to fall...a lot" she said, a small laugh. Hopefully, Cullen wouldn't mind too much. She was excited to give this a try because she had always wanted to skate but she certainly didn't expect to be any good at it. Corrine took off her shoes and began to lace up the skates.
Cullen nodded at Corrine's thank you, she didn't need to thank him, he wanted to pay for the date considering that he did really like her. He listened to her explaining about not skating and falling, he was secretly glad she hadn't skated before, it meant that he could help her along and get to hold her hand more. He was also happy that she hadn't taken her hand back when they had been standing in the line. He quickly laced up his skates and looked down at hers wondering if she managed to get them tight enough around her ankles. "I have, my sisters enjoy so we all skate for energy, but I haven't in a while, need to warm up I think," he said looking over the ice glad it did not seem terribly busy. He saw they had the little kid skate walkers and wondered if Corrine would want to try that. "Stand up," he motioned waiting for her to do so. He checked the tightness of her straps making sure the shoes would be good to support her ankles, knowing weak ankles could be a problem if she hadn't skated before. Finally he stood up next to her a grin on his face. "Ready?" He asked holding out his hand hoping she'd at least be okay walking over to the entrance to the ice.
Corrine listened to Cullen as he spoke, standing when he told her to and nearly losing her balance. Hoping he hadn't noticed, she concentrated on standing as perfectly still as she could manage while he checked her laces. She thought she had done a good enough job, but then he was tightening them even more. When he asked if she was ready, Corrine nodded, her heart rate going a little faster though she wasn't entirely sure it was because she was nervous to skate. It was probably more because he'd held out his hand again, and as she took it she confirmed it was that. She could hear her heartbeat and hoped he couldn't as she took steps gingerly towards the ice. Once she was close enough to see it, Corrine began having second thoughts about the ice. She was really supposed to go on that? And somehow move around?! She turned to Cullen. "Don't let go" she ordered him before taking a quick step onto the ice, her foot moving almost too swiftly for her to keep under her. She gripped Cullen's hand tighter, eyes wide as they turned on him. "Merlin, people do this for fun?"
Cullen was smiling as he stepped out onto the ice. He hadn't been since last winter, not finding the time this year to go with his younger sisters, but it seemed like second nature. He wasn't sure how many wizards actually took the time to do sports like this, but he came from a smaller country that took pride in national sports and even his family were involved. He had a cousin that had almost made the winter Olympics the previous time which had been exciting to see if he would. He turned still holding Corrine's hand as he waited for her to step on the ice. He could feel her grip getting stronger and saw that she starting to be unsteady and moved his other hand to grip her upper arm, opposite one that he was already holding. Now they were facing together and rather close as he held and supported her. He certainly noticed how close they were, but he wasn't sure if she did. Once their eyes met he could feel himself getting nervous and quickly glanced away, feeling awkward. "Yes, once you learn to stand, it's more fun," Cullen replied trying to be kind in his tone. "Here, hold the wall with this hand and stand, ankles straight and not bent inwards," he said moving her out of the way of the entrance and to the wall keeping people in the ice rink.
While she was ready to fall flat on her face, Cullen stood like a rock, unmoving. He grabbed her arm and suddenly they were standing very, very close. For some reason, it felt like they were closer than they had been at any dance. She'd never quite noticed how handsome he was. His eyes held a sparkle she had somehow missed or perhaps she hadn't and it was why she felt the way she did. Heart racing, stomach doing flip flops. And then the moment was gone and they were back to ice skating. Corrine took a moment to focus her attention back on his words and not on his lips. Corrine didn't know what the heck was wrong with her and she nodded dumbly, gripping the wall like her life depended on it because she felt like it did. Following his instructions, Corrine did feel more sturdy and she used the wall to take a few tentative glides. She moved in silence, concentrating really hard for a while. "You're a good teacher" she said after a bit, finally looking back up at him and smiling. Corrine wanted to show off, wanted to make sure he was having fun too and not with a baby who had to cling to the wall the entire time. So she let go of the wall. "Look Cullen, I'm doing aaAH!" Hitting the ice hurt.
Cullen had a smile on his face the entire time. He was hoping she'd get used to the skating and be able to enjoy herself, but he knew it might be hard for Corrine. His grin grew larger when she felt comfortable letting go of the wall, but it quickly turned into shock feeling her pull on him as she fell towards the ground. He stumbled a little not used to skating with someone larger than his 11 year old sister, the oldest of his sisters, but was able not to fall with her as well. "Maybe, you hold on for longer, it's okay, the wall can be fun. Confidence is all you need," he said offering her a hand to pull her off the ground. "You look cuter holding on the wall than sitting on the ground," he said a little softer almost not realizing he had said it aloud. He glanced in every direction other than Corrine feeling heat coming to his cheeks slightly. Clearing his throat he turned to face the direction everyone was moving in waiting for Corrine to say shew as ready to try again.
Corrine was mortified and wished the ice under her would somehow melt and swallow her up. She let Cullen pull her up, glad that she didn't bring him down in the process and nodding as he told her to try holding on a little longer. He was definitely right, and she wasn't sure she was going to let go ever again. Corrine almost lost her balance again at his next words, a flush crossing her cheeks. She wondered if her cheeks were as red as Cullen's were. "Cullen, wait" she tugged on his hand a little bit, her other hand firmly on the wall. She continued on before her bravery wavered. "I think you're cute too" she said shyly, "like all the time." Corrine didn't think her face could feel anymore hot. There. She'd said it.
Cullen was embarrassed his mouth betrayed his mind so easily in this moment. He wasn't really sure what Corrine's feelings were, they could just be friends and thinking about her as more might not be a good things if that was the case. He was using this date as a way to feel things out. But what surprised him more than his mouth spilling out his inner thoughts was that her's matched his. He looked at her, hoping his mouth wasn't on the floor in shock. She liked him too. She just said so, right? It surprised Cullen and he shook his head a little wondering if he had heard her right, though he was sure he had. "Eh?" He mumbled softly. He glanced around at the people skating past them before looking back at Corrine. "Do you?" He said still wondering if she really did feel that way about him. If she thought he was cute, that was meaning she liked him more than a friend right? "Would you be my girlfriend?" His hand holding her's hoping she wouldn't fall again since it had seemed like the shock made her forget to stand straight when he had said she was cute.
Corrine knew that breathing was important, but she was finding it very difficult to do even as she nodded to his question. She'd already said it so she may as well own up to it all the way. It wasn't like she didn't find Cullen cute. Holding his hand now was just a little awkward because what if he didn't believe her, or worse. What if he didn't feel the same way? Though she had to admit she'd be pretty annoyed if he was holding her hand and had asked her on this date and didn't feel the same way. Corrine could see herself shoving him on the ice, though she would probably be the one who ended up falling if that happened. Thankfully, none of that happened. Instead, Corrine heard words she had been hoping to hear since the last dance they'd attended. "Finally" she breathed, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Cullen" she added with a nod.

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