Breaking the Rules

Lyra Potter

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
The sun was shining down on her as Lyra peered down over the edge of the cliffs. She knew it was breaking the rules to be out here, but she had been dying to see the place that her mother had talked of with such fondness in her voice. She was tossing pebbles over the side of the cliffs. The Gryffindor was close enough to the edge to cause a shiver to run down her spine, but not close enough to be in any real danger. It was as beautiful as she imagined. Her mum had told Lyra and Link many things about Hogwarts and her days at Hogwarts. Lyra wanted to make her mother proud, but she wanted to have fun doing it.

Silus was free of the walls of Hogwarts, for now. Though it was rather nice compared to his "home" outside of the school, it felt constricting at times. So it was refreshing for him to have sometime out. Like the daredevil he was, he instinctively headed towards the cliffs. He paused, noticing a young girl already there. Her long red hair was what he spotted first. He let out an awkward cough, and then embarresed at the sudden and very uncharacteristic outburst, clamped his hand over his mouth an hoped she wouldn't hear.
Lyra heard a cough behind her and immediately turned her green eyes to search for the source. She found a boy standing behind her. Possibly the same year as her. Lyra smiled a friendly smile. "Oh, hello there. I'm Lyra Potter." she said as a means of introduction. Anyone who wandered out here, willingly breaking the rules, had to be somewhat fun.

What the hell is wrong with me?
Silus thought to himself as he met her smile with a playful smirk. The tips of his ears --thankfully covered by hair-- were pink, and he didn't exactly know what for. "Lyra? That's a nice name. Sounds musical..." He said musingly. He stood there for a moment before deciding to introduce himself as well. "Silus Hollister. He said gesturing to himself with his thumb. Castle get boring?"
Although he had only just arrived at Hogwarts about a week ago, Geoff was really getting a feel for the place. There was so much to do, and so much to explore. He wanted to see it all; he wanted to discover it all. From the Forbidden Forest to secret rooms in the castle, there is so much to see and learn about.
On this particular day, he felt a break from the castle was needed. However, it seemed as though you couldn't go very many places without breaking some sort of rule or getting in trouble. However, rules are subjective and to Geoff they are applied in situations depending on the environment. He wasn't quite interested in visiting the forest without someone to accompany him, so he decided to go to the cliffs he had overheard older students mention. He had seen them upon his arrival to the school and they did peak his interest due to the fact he loved to climb. Although, he was careful when he attempted risky situations. On this bright day however, he was feeling particularly risky.
As he neared the cliffs he noticed two students chatting. Geoff continued to walk towards them as he heard the girl say her name. He also heard the boy say his name. "Hello you two, lovely day out isn't it?" Geoff asked rhetorically as he neared. "I guess I'm not the only one planning on breaking the rules today am I now?"
"Thank you." Lyra grinned at the smirk on his lips. So he did have a sense of humor about him. She also suspected he had some wit in there too since he was a Claw by the look of his clothing. "Nice to meet you, Silas." she said, as he introduced himself. "It's just stifling in there. Plus, mother didn't really like for us to be outside alone. There's just so much freedom here." she said, throwing her arms out with a sigh. Her mum had only been trying to keep them safe, but it made Hogwarts seem so much more exciting.

Another boy appeared only moments later. Lyra smiled at him wickedly. "Of course you aren't! I know there is loads to get into around here." she said playfully. "I'm Lyra, and this is Silas." she said, introducing herself and her new friend.
Felix was headed out to the cliffs. There was so much he wanted to explore and he had to do it alone now. With Falon in Gryffindor with Finn he was all on his own. However he was a little surprised to see a bunch of students already here. Walking up to them, Felix burst into a fit of laughter. "HOW UNEXPECTED!" So many students breaking the rules, what was this?

Why did talking to this girl feel so nice? There where many things rushing through Silus' head as he stood there beside the red-haired girl.
His hands felt fidgety, so he stuck them in the pockets of his black jeans and nodded at her comment about the castle. It was rather hot in there, though strangely, he didn't feel necessarily cool out here either. He grinned as she said the word freedom. "Yeah.." he said calmly. He felt odd...

Silus' stance changed as soon as another student showed up. He felt like the boy had intruded in on their conversation. Apparently his presence had cleared his mind, though. Silus felt mostly back to his usually self as he glared daggers at the intruder. He smirked darkly, glad for the millionth time he towered over pretty much everyone. "Nice day, indeed." he said stiffly. D*amn it, there was another boy heading over.
He bowed to the two who he had just met. "Nice to meet you Lyra, and you Silas." Geoff stated. He wasn't super good with first impressions, although he knew they were pretty important. "I am Geoff. I was thinking of doing a little climbing. This place is just, wonderfully big and I can't wait to explore everywhere." He said excitedly. The sheer size of the castle made Geoff feel giddy on top of a certain happiness that followed. Shivers would shoot through his spine as he thought of meeting different creatures from the forest.
Presently, another student appeared bursting with the question, 'how unexpected!' He was thrown off as he didn't realize there was yet another student coming out to the cliffs. With this many students, they were bound to get caught. The anticipation of that made Geoff feel a little bit of adrenaline, and yet anxiety.
"With all these people out here, we're bound to get caught. Maybe we should go on the cliffs and find somewhere to sit." Geoff said nervously.
Lyra was petite, like her mother. In so many ways, they were similar even if she didn't know how similar. Another boy appeared. They seemed to be coming to the cliffs like flies to honey. She looked at the new boy curiously as he didn't even introduce himself. She turned to look back at Silas, the first boy to arrive. She hadn't noticed how much taller he was than her until now. He was even taller than her own brother. Her green eyes gleamed mischievously. "Maybe we get caught, maybe we don't. There isn't much fun without a little risk." she said. "I do like to climb trees." she said with a smile. Once, Link had broken an arm while they had been tree climbing though it might have been her fault for racing him to the top.

How Silus managed to fight the urge against shoving that twit off the cliffs, he'll never know. He scowled. The stupid boy wasn't getting the message that he needed to leave, or even just shut his mouth for a minute. He reminded Silus of the mice that squeaked noisily as they were taken down by his alley cats. Then there was the Hufflepuff who loudly decided to show up. Why were they all so loud?

WHAT?! Silus' inner beast raged. It was rather..not cute., Silus. Where'd you here that vile word? dumb when Lyra said his name incorrectly, but this fool was another story. He'd basically sealed his death. Silus sent him a rather frightening look and barred his arms across his chest. Feeling the silk tie there, he contemplated ripping it off and using it to choke the idiots.
Felix rubbed his eyes as they began to brim with tears before heading closer to the group and raising his eyebrow at the ravenclaw. He looked about ready to kill someone. Felix laughed again and turned to the other two. "Name's Felix. My twin and my older brother are in separate houses and I hate it. How's that for a life story?" he asked, his mouth falling open in a slight laugh again. He was completely miserable about being alone, but he wasn't telling them that.
For a moment, Randon noticed a slight advancement of hostility coming from the taller boy, Silus. Although he paid no attention to his obvious displeasure of his presence, he kept tabs on his movements. Jealousy often leads people to make rash decisions. Or at least that's what his brother told him. In reality he didn't have much experience with people. This is the most witches and wizards he had ever seen in one place. It was fascinating.
As Lyra replied, he then replied back, "Well perhaps we all climb that big tree about 100 metres over there!" He pointed to the large sycamore that looked like no challenge at all to climb. Geoff waited for Felix's input. "So your siblings are both in a different house than you? Do you feel a little exiled?" He asked Felix.
"I have a twin too, but he's in the same house as me. I can't imagine what it would be like to be separated from him." Lyra said to Felix with a shutter. "Link says he asked the hat to put him wherever I was. Did your twin ask the hat to do the same?" She asked curiously. "I'm Lyra Potter." She said introducing herself once more. "I'm in." She said immediately to Goeff's idea. It sounded like fun.

If he wasn't so p****d off right now he would've grinned at Lyra's statement on taking risks. He did his best to look away from the Gryffindor boy and focused his attention of the Hufflepuff. He seemed less of a threat, and not half as annoying as the other one. His ears perked up at the mention of the climbing of a tree. Big tree? Pft.. That's tiny. He thought as he scrutinized it. He'd be able to scale that with his legs tied together. Blindfolded. Silus, he couldn't keep it in any longer. The urge to et rid of the boy was overwhelming. "I know what, he declared darkly. "Why don't we make it a bit more... challenging." He quickly shot the idiot a threatening look where Lyra wouldn't notice. Suddenly, an idea hit him. He spoke in a surprisingly soft tone, directing his words at the problem. "If you like climbing trees so much you should be rather good at it. In that case, prove your worth and race me to the top. Without use of your legs." with that, Silus grinned. There was no way this measly little fool could accomplish such. He probably will start protesting..
After Lyra's reply, Geoff started advancing toward the tree. If the others decided to follow or not really didn't phase him. He wanted to climb, and he didn't necessarily feel like getting caught by a groundskeeper or professor his first week here. It would definitely make things more of a hassle than they needed to be. "Did the hat abide by Link's wishes?" Geoff asked. "I didn't know there were so many twins that went here. I'm the middle child. My brother graduated a couple years ago. Although, he doesn't do much, mostly stays at home and helps around the house." He continued.
Presently, Silus burst with a challenge. Something that intrigued Geoff. "Without the use of my legs? That seems interesting. I'm pretty decent at walking on my hands y'know. Being an avid climber, balance isn't really an issue with me. Although, you do have size on your side. But like I say, the bigger they are the harder they fall, isn't that right ol' Silus m'boy?" Geoff asked jokingly. "Who all wants to participate?" He asked.
Felix shrugged at Lyra, he wasn't sure what Falon had done, but they had been put in different houses. "Not a clue, but at least I get away from my older brother, he's always picking on us!" He laughed again as he looked at them all and raised an eyebrow. "If you's are climbing the trees I'm going to stay right here. I'm not that good at climbing trees." He also didn't have a death wish. If they fell, he was so going to laugh.

Oh, well. He didn't run from the challenge. I'll give him that. Silus thought, grimly.
He smirked darkly at the boy's remark on "the harder they fall".
He shoved his hair back with one hand, flung off his robes letting them fall to the ground, and loosened his tie. He quickly glanced at Lyra and smiled politely at her. "Would you mind keeping watch on us? Making sure neither of our legs touch the tree?" He whipped back around to face the Gryffindor. Hopefully he'd slip and fall to his death. But that'd be asking for too much. "Don't worry about me. I never fall. No, I'd worry about you. See, the smaller they are, the less likely they are to survive the fall."
"Of course it did. Though I think he would have been in Gryffindor anyways. Most of our family has been. My Aunt Cyndi is our Head of House." Lyra mentioned casually. The Gryffindor girl missed the dirty look Silus gave Geoff. She did hear the challenge though. She was excellent at climbing trees and never would turn down a challenge. Lyra eyed the boys, noticing something seemed to be going on. "I would accept the challenge but I will judge for you if you need me to." Lyra said with a charming smile to Silus.

Silus felt the sudden urge to vomit the moment Lyra mentioned she wished to join in on the challenge. He shook out of it, though and smiled playfully at her. Deep down, he liked how she wanted his approval. He frowned internally at himself. He didn't want her to get hurt. No! He didn't wish to see some girl die when term hadn't even started. That's what it was he told himself. "Do you have a problem with it?" he asked the Gryffindor smirking. "If not, I don't mind." he told Lyra. Though he did mind, a lot.
"Then it's just me and you pal." Geoff said laughing slightly. He was a bit nervous, as Silus was a lot taller than he. There was no doubt he would be faster to the tree, however Geoff felt confident in the sense of climbing with no hands. Balance, and his hands. For a kid his size and age, he had very decent upper body strength in proportion to the rest of him. "I'm ready when you are Silus." He said loudly, pointing in his direction. "Thanks for being the judge Lyra and perhaps Felix, you be the other judge." Geoff suggested. "When Lyra says go, we'll begin. Is that alright with you Silus?" He asked.

Silus felt his ears go all pink again as soon as she shot him that smile. Gosh, what the hell was wrong with him? Focusing back on the challenge he'd gotten into he glanced at his opponent. The boy was small for sure, but there seemed to be a decent balance about him, and of course, he was rather confident, no, cocky. Silus never underestimated anyone. It was unlikely that this shrimp would ever beat him at anything other than looking and being stupid, but there was always that small chance... Silus grinned, almost excitedly for a moment. He would finally be able to teach this fool a lesson. His balance was spot on, as was his running, and just about anything he set his mind to -- with the exception of studying of course. Thanks, Mother. he thought his, rolling his eyes. After all, she was why he was good at all this dumb stuff.
"Fine with me. Watch yourself, though." He said, his voice even colder than ever. He felt determined.
"I will." Geoff retorted blankly. His annoyance started to grow with the coldness of this guy. Perhaps his head was filled with hot air and his thoughts were filled with even hotter air. From where Geoff comes from, those people are known as: hot-heads. "I'm just waiting on Lyra's mark." He replied.
Lyra looked at Silus and then at Geoff as they agreed to let her call the race to a start. She grinned at the pair, thinking that this was all good fun. Her green eyes sparkled. "On my mark, get ready.....set......GO!" she shouted with glee. She stood back and watched to see if anyone used anything other than their hands. Never did the thought of this being dangerous cross her mind.

The sound of her voice. The second she gave the word, Silus tore off in a furious run, using the momentum to help him swing up and grab a rather high branch. He used a monkey-bar like technique, swinging from one to the another at an incredible rate. No way was he going to lose to that idiot. He barked out wild laughter. He hasn't imagined this to be enjoyable, but it was.

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