Break A Few Heads

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Wyatt might have never been so excited in his young life ever before. He was in the middle of watching a Professional Quidditch game with some of the best seats in the house thanks to his cousin who had gifted them to him and his Uncle. His Aunt wasn't a fan of magic for a reason he both could and couldn't understand and both his parents probably would have had their minds completely blown away seeing something like this. The game was so fast and exciting that he hardly wanted to miss any of it but he had to admit he was getting sort of hungry so the boy quickly escaped the booth, promising his Uncle Fletcher to rush back. As he left the seated area and made his way to the dining section Wyatt saw a sea of Falmouth fans and, sadly, opposing fans too. He had his own lucky baseball cap of the New York Mets on it making him stick out a little and a shirt supporting the team, an early Christmas present from his extended family and hosts. The boy looked around for a place that might serve some decent food and then found himself in a line where a few other younger people were as he could only assume where they were lining up would be good although he didn't recognize them from school although they must have been students there.

Looking around the room the boy smiled big. He loved this so much already. Quidditch was just about the coolest thing he'd ever experienced. Even baseball couldn't compare but how could it? It had flying brooms and bats! He had half a thought to ask to be taught to play the position of Beater by both his Uncle and cousin after today. The thought made him giddy because maybe he could try out for Gryffindor's team and show the House pride he was starting to have more and more with each day, despite not truly understanding the difference between the houses except that Slytherin didn't actually have a snake and weren't as evil as everyone thought. Not if his Slytherin friend was to be an example for evilness. Sure that Voldy dude was evil but that hardly made sense, saying because one Slytherin was evil they all were. Wizards were so dramatic sometimes. The boy looked around him as he waited in line, curious to see if he would recognize any faces in the crowd because he couldn't be the only one at the game. Hopefully he wouldn't run into any Professors because that would be the height of awkwardness. Or so he thought.
He cheered as loudly as he could when the game between the Falmouth Falcons and Moutohora Macaws started. Asaiah had been looking really looking forward to this game. One, instead of cheering for the Macaws with him and his parents, his brother was actually playing for the Macaws as a Chaser. And two, his friend from school stood besides him, also cheering for the Moutohora Macaws just like he and the rest of his family did. ''THOMAS! THOMAS! THOMAS! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!'' the boy yelled out while having both arms in the air, obvisouly supporting his brother. To show that he, Marisol and his two older sisters were fans of the Macaws, his mother had painted their faces with red, blue and yellow before they left for the portkey that brought them right outside the stadium the match was going to be played at. Their clothes also had red, blue and yellow in them. Asaiah was wearing a red and blue scarf with the teams mascot, sparky, carved into it, a blue and yellow hoodie with red stripes on both the arms and a blue cap with the logo carved in. Every now en then Asaiah looked at his friend who was standing next to him, to see if she was having a good time watching the Quidditch game. So far this Christmas holidays had been the best one he ever had.

Getting rather hungry Asaiah asked his father if he and Marisol could get some money to buy food for themselves. The youngest Murphy smiled and nodded when his father told them to be back soon and not to wander around the stadium as it was big and they might get lost. After he and Marisol reassured him that they would be coming back as soon as they had their food, his father gave him the money they needed and the two made way to a place that served food. Whilst walking to a food place, Asaiah had been checking out the game as well as trying not to walk into someone. He was having a blast so far and to finally see his brother play made him feel proud, even is his team would lose this match. ''Are you having any fun, Mari?'' the boy asked his friend when the opposite teams Keeper had caught the Quaffle one of the Moutohora Macaws Chasers threw. He hoped she would understand why he was so excited about this sport. Asaiah wanted to ask her something else, but because he was also watching the game again, he did not see where he was going and bumped into someone. ''I-I'm sorry, sir!'' he began, not realising that it was Wyatt, the Gryffindor boy he had met in the Kitchens.
It was almost overwhelming how many new things Marisol was experiencing at the moment, from wizarding traveling to wizard sports - but she was having a blast. It had taken quite a bit of convincing for her to do, with both her parents and the professors at Hogwarts, but in the end, Marisol had gotten her way and here she was at the game with the Murphys. Asaiah had given her specific instructions to wear certain colors, and now she understood as they were all dressed in the same three colors, cheering on the Macaws. She could see how proud Asaiah's family was of his older brother, and she had even agreed to paint her face in support of him as well. Even though she was still trying to understand all the rules of the game and trying to keep up, she was having the funnest time of her life.

As she and Asaiah walked to the concessions stands to get food, Marisol turned to him and replied, "Yes! It's so crazy watching the game, but I'm having so much fun!" It was the genuine truth. Although she was still adjusting to everything in the magical world, getting to experience something like this firsthand was incredible. "Thanks for inviting me," she said to him, smiling. It was the second time that Asaiah had invited her someone and she had enjoyed it. First the Yule Ball and now this Quidditch game. "If your brother is a professional Quidditch player, there's no doubt you'll make the team next year!" she said to him brightly. Just then he bumped into someone, and the guy didn't look much taller than Asaiah, so she didn't know why he called him 'sir' and she started laughing at her friend.
Instinctively Wyatt turned to face who had bumped into him, not noticing at first that he was being addressed as Sir but that wasn't what surprised him. Instead it was the person who had bumped into him because he hadn't expected to see anyone he knew here, much less a friend and although it was loud in the concessions he did hear a giggle but paid it no mind as he said, "It's cool, Asaiah." Then Wyatt did notice where the giggle came from and turned to see Marisol. Immediately he smiled wide at her, she was a great friend as far as he could see so far but he was a little confused as to why they were together. After seeing them at the Yule ball he had just thought that their friendship was similar to that of his and Kayla's - the girl who had pulled him onto the dance floor before even knowing his name. "Mari! Crazy running into you both," he said excitedly at the thought of seeing his school friends at the game although they were clearly cheering for the wrong team. The thought passed him by quickly as he realized that they probably all hadn't bumped into one another with Marisol being muggle born, she would've had to come with someone else too. Wyatt's face paled because this was not the first time he had seen them together unexpectedly and what it could all imply. The boy would hate to see that they were dating because they both were so cool but if they started to date all they would want to do is share germs and be disgusting instead of the important stuff: have some wicked fun. The thought made him feel hot in the face, like he had stumbled upon them doing just that in secret. No, that couldn't be, he thought. They were too young to be interested in dating and it didn't make any sense to date now at such a young age anyway. To distract himself from these disturbing thoughts he said, "Too bad you're cheering for the wrong team." He smirked, full well knowing that Marisol knew he was about as confused with Quidditch as she was but he supported Jay completely. He didn't just wear his lucky cap for any old thing.
Asaiah was glad that Marisol was having a good time because he honestly didn't know what to do if this wasn't fun. He nodded as she thanked him for invinting her over the watch the game with him and his family and said, ''Ah, it's nothing. You would've done the same if the roles were reversed.'' he shrugged. ''And besides, that's what friends are for, right?'' Asaiah added with a friendly smile on his face. ''Depends on who's team captain next year.'' he said, his cheeks changing to a red colour. ''I hope it's going to be Avie, he seems to be really good and definitely deserves to become a captain.''

He looked up after hearing a familiar voice and smiled to hide his embarrassment as he looked at his friend. ''Hey, Wyatt.'' Asaiah said whilst scratching the back of his head. ''Sorry for bumping into you, I was watching the game.'' He explained to him. It was a nice surprise seeing Wyatt at the Quidditch game too since he hadn't really thought about bumping into people from school here. The thought of him and his two friends together made him feel happy, althought he wasn't sure if Wyatt was cheering for the same team as they did. He nodded at what the Gryffindor boy said about seeing them here while he was watching the game again. The game was really beginning to unfold now that the Falmouth seeker had seen the snitch, or at least that's what the commentator said. Totally forgetting that his friends were standing next to him for a second, Asaiah loudly yelled, ''Come on, someone hit the guy with a Bludger!'' Usually Asaiah was just another, normal, hyperactive, twelve years old boy but when it came to Quidditch, the kid could be rather competitive. Turning his gaze away from the opposite teams seeker, he now had eyes on his brother, who was doing rather well this match. Asaiah watched as Thomas captured the Quaffle once more and made his way to the goalposts. Come on, Thomas. You can do this, I know you can! he thought. But as soon as he heard Wyatt talk again, Asaiah's head quickly turned towards his friends. He started laughing when Wyatt mentioned that Marisol was cheering for the wrong team and said, ''Wyatt, you can't seriously mean that, right?'' placing his hand on the boys shoulder while doing so. ''Moutohora Macaws is the best team, ever, okay? You just wait and see, we'll kick your asses right back to England.'' Asaiah had a grin on his face as he was talking.
Marisol didn't know many other Slytherins so she had no idea who Asaiah was talking about, but she trusted his judgment so if she said this Avie guy would be a good captain, she believed him. When she was laughing at him for bumping into someone, she did not expect to actually know the person he had bumped into because the stadium was packed with people. Yet what was even more surprising to her was the fact that the two of them seemed to know each other as well. "Wait, you two know each other?" she wondered, looking from Wyatt and back to Asaiah. She considered both of these guys as her friends, but she had never even considered the idea that they might also know each other. But noow that she thought about it, it made total sense for these two guys to know each other, since they were so similar! They were both huge dorks who had a penchant for mischief, and both had at some point gotten Marisol into trouble and made them all lose house points. It was a no brainer for Wyatt and Asaiah to be friends.

Smiling at this realization, she watched them exchange a few pleasantries, that is until the subject of the Quidditch game came up. She laughed at both their statements and shrugged her shoulders at her fellow Gryffindor. "I came here with Asaiah and his family, so I gotta support the Macaws!" she said mock proudly; she didn't know enough about Quidditch or any other team to know anything else but what Asaiah had shown her, and that was the Macaws. Back when she and Wyatt were first discussing Quidditch in the Gryffindor common room when they had officially become friends, he hadn't mentioned any team, otherwise she probably would've rooted for the team he did. "You didn't tell me anything about certain teams when we talked about Quidditch that one time, so really it's your fault that I'm a Macaw supporter now," she teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

It was funny seeing Asaiah getting so into the game, but then again his brother was playing so she had a feeling that would bring out more pride and competitiveness in anyone too. She looked over at Wyatt and saw that he wasn't exactly decked out in the opposing team's colors or mascot like they were and jokingly shook her head, "Where's your team spirit? Clearly I chose the right team to cheer for," she grinned. She liked antagonizing him this way and it made it even funnier when Asaiah was just as prideful of his team so Wyatt was outnumbered. Then she asked, "What are you doing here in New Zealand?" It was obvious he was here for the game, but she was wondering if he was staying for the break or just stopped by for this event.
Wyatt looked over at Marisol as she asked whether he and Asaiah knew each other and thought spitefully, I was about to ask you the same, but said only, "Yeah." He would ask about the two of them later when it might not be so awkward or maybe go to a third party because he didn't understand Mari and Asaiah's relationship yet thanks to the Yule Ball. It was all a bit confusing to the eleven year old who was disturbed by the idea of kissing. As Asaiah shouted out Wyatt's head snapped up to see what was happening and it looked as if Falmouth's seeker, who he was due to meet after the match, had caught a glimpse of the snitch and Wyatt bit his lip excitedly, almost forgetting about his thoughts of his two friends dating. He looked back over at Marisol, as he lost sight of the seeker and said, "Poor choices both of you. I'd expect better." Wyatt did shrug though, not being too competitive over it. As Asaiah said that the Falcon's would loose to the Macaw's he scoffed lightly. "Isn't that what New Zealand said about the last winter Olympics to America?" he asked, recalling how poorly New Zealand had done - it had been a pitiful sight. It almost made him doubt moving to the country for school even if he was a Cali boy born and bred who had only experienced a proper winter on vacation. "I'm pretty sure I'm cheering for the right side," the boy said smugly, not even sure if Asaiah would know about the muggle sporting event - he'd never really had to think about whether or not someone would know about them before it was just sort of a prerequisite to being a human over the age of four. Of course Wyatt's own favourite sport wasn't in either version of the Olympics but who knew maybe he could be like his Uncle Iz who was a professional surfer or maybe like Uncle Fletcher, who used to play for and coach for Falmouth, or his cousin Jay who he was seeing play as a Beater today. He had never thought much about sports before Hogwarts aside from the few games he would play with his friends because his heart was so set on being a surgeon but since his future was ruined, he might as well spend his new future on ridiculous pipe dreams. It was the only fun option he seemed to have.

"I didn't know how wizards dress for these things - I almost wore robes," Wyatt admitted truthfully although he still would have worn his lucky cap. "It's too far to go back home for a few weeks. I'm staying with my Aunt and Uncle in Sydney," he explained, leaving out the whole sad truth that he could have gone home but was too nervous to see the disappointment on both of his parents face at the realization that he truly wasn't normal anymore - that he was someone they could only relate to before the last September and no more. This world was just too much for them. They worked in logic and reasoning and no matter how he looked at it brooms shouldn't logically stay in the air the way they did but he accepted it in a way they just couldn't. "What about you? Are you staying at Asaiah's?" he asked, looking over at Asaiah with his stomach in his throat and then he looked up at the screen to see his cousin hit the bludger to the Macaw's seeker, only to have it rebounded just before. "So close," he muttered before shaking his head and looking back at his mates.
Asaiah nodded his head. ''We ate chicken wings.'' he smiled, remembering their time in the Hogwarts Kitchens as if it was yesterday. As Wyatt began to talk about the Olympics he scuffed ''New Zealand only lost because of the referee, who was being totally unfair by the way.'' Asaiah said, knowing all too well at what Wyatt was referring to because his father made them watch some of the winter Olympics. ''And you clearly haven't seen the rugby match between New Zealand and America last World Cup. They slaughtered America big time.'' he grinned, hoping his friend had seen the match and would remember how it ended. Talking with Wyatt about sports really made the competitive side of Asaiah push foreward. When Marisol asked Wyatt what he was doing in New Zealand, Asaiah looked up, wondering where he would live if he wasn't from around here. After their friend told them that he was staying with his aunt and uncle he curiously asked, ''Where are from if you're not from around New Zealand?'' Like his friend, Asaiah also had been looking up at the screen, and was relieved to see that their seeker didn't get hurt by the bludger one of the Falmouth's Beaters send his way.

next one will be better!
Marisol cocked her head to the side curiously when Asaiah explained how they had met, eating chicken wings, which sounded so odd to her, but then she remembered how she had met a Hufflepuff girl Miya in the kitchens while eating a nearly raw steak. So it didn't seem so weird after all. She laughed as the two boys argued about their respective countries in previous sports events and decided not to get involved in that. She nodded in understanding at what he meant by it being too far to go home, that was a good excuse for her to use if people asked her why she didn't go home either. The truth was that she had to stay at Hogwarts to be safely confined in the howling cavern during full moons. But that was not her concern right now as she looked up at the large screen showing the Quidditch match right now, she was happy to be here.

When Wyatt asked if she was staying at Asaiah's house, Marisol looked back down at him and nodded her head happily. "Yup! Asaiah invited me to the game, but once his mom found out I wasn't going home for the break, she invited me to stay and celebrate the holidays with them," Marisol explained with a warm smile. "I didn't know you had family in Australia, that's so cool. It's not too far from New Zealand either," she commented, wondering if that was why he was so into surfing. "Maybe we can all hang out over the break since we're not too far from each other!" she said excitedly, but then she noticed that both boys mostly kept glancing back at that Quidditch game frequently. "Oooor we can all hang out now and watch the game together?" she suggested an alternative that she thought they would agree to. It was clear they both were invested in the game but she didn't want to say goodbye to Wyatt just yet. "What do you say, do you think you could come over and sit on the enemy's side for a little while?" she asked the Gryffindor playfully.
The boy nodded his head as a further explanation of their friendship was given to Mari but couldn't help but joke with the Slytherin. Wyatt wouldn't be himself otherwise. "In every event?" he asked, throwing Asaiah a wink to say he was joking although the medal count for New Zealand had been quite the disappoint for Kiwi fans because they were meant to be good at these sports. They were hardly Finland, Russia or Canada but they had the hills for it a good portion of the events. With Quidditch and the upcoming summer Olympics it seemed that all things were wiped clean. As Rugby was brought up though the boy smiled dismissively. "I've never watched Rugby," he answered truthfully. It wasn't a sport most Americans cared for and he was included. "If you want to talk baseball though I'm interested," he said as if his lucky cap wasn't proof enough. Between watching the game and talking with his friends he might have missed what Marisol had said - maybe he wished he did. The Gryffindor narrowed his eyes at Marisol as she told him that she was staying over at Asaiah's home for much longer than just the night. He felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it. This confirmed his suspicions of their coupledom and he hated it. He thought he had a few years before his friends started to be disgusting but it seemed that there was really no hope for the boy. "All on my dad's side," Wyatt explained, his voice somber as if he was mourning for the possibility of a group friendship between himself, Marisol and Asaiah. No, he would be the third wheel from then on but for now he could just leave that for only Marisol to understand the depth of his relationship with the family members he was staying with.

"My cousin is a beater for the Falcons, actually," Wyatt explained why he was watching the game to Marisol, feeling pride for the family surge through him in a complicated way because he could only equate it to a game he completely understood and having a relative who was a professional athlete. It was a strange feeling and one that made him think maybe he could play too. Beater or Keeper were the positions that spoke to him most. "I'm from L.A.," Wyatt answered Asaiah offhandedly, he was polite but not as familiar as he might have been before finding that his two friends could very well be dating. The thought made him cringe. As Marisol suggested they watch the game together the Gryffindor weighed his options. His Uncle would be sure to say yes if he were to ask but the sour taste in his mouth was hardly from a candy like it should be. He didn't particularly want to spend time with them. After weighing his options he finally said, "I've got to ask my Uncle." He looked at Marisol and said, "Want to come with me so you can see how a good team is supported and then we'll meet you back Asaiah? Mari can lead us back to your seats?" This was his opportunity to ask Mari what was happening between her and the boy without being completely rude - he didn't want to upset her because she was a little scary but he really hated to see disgusting sorts of affection that they might do.
Asaiah sighed at Wyatt's comment and reluctantly agreed that New Zealand hadn't been at its very best during the last winter Olympics. ''Fine,'' he said, ''But we're still going to kick Falmouth's ass tonight, big time.'' Asaiah quickly added. He wasn't going to let his friend have the satisfaction of hearing Asaiah admit that NZ didn't perfrom as well as everybody thought they would. ''Sorry, I don't know much about baseball. How about lacrosse? Do you know anything about that?'' he as Wyatt mentioned talking about baseball instead. There weren't many sports Asaiah knew much about other than quidditch, rugby and lacrosee since both the boys parents were usually in controle of the tv-remote, he was forced to watch what they were watching everytime he sat with them in the living room.

As Wyatt explained to Marisol that his cousin was playing for the opposite team, Asaiah's looked away from the game again. ''Dude, we're like, sworn enemies now.'' the boy said with a grin on his blue, red and yellow painted face. ''My brother is a chaser for the Macaws.'' Asaiah said with pride. When Asaiah and the rest of the family received the news that his brother was going to be playing for the Moutohora Macaws as a chaser, he literally jumped into the air out of excitement and pride. Along with the news that he was a wizard, it was the best he ever got. He nodded and said ''Cool.'' when Wyatt told him where he was from. He had never heard L.A. before and wanted to ask his friend more about it, but now wasn't the time to do that since he could bearly here him. Asaiah wanted to react to Wyatt's plan, but as he opened his mouth a loud cheer erupted from the stands and Asaiah immediately jerked his head to the game again. To his utter surprise, since their Keeper seemed to be doing rather well this match, Falmouth managed to score a point. ''Sh!t'' the boy cursed under his breath and dreaded turning around because he knew that both his friends had probably also seen that the Falmouth chaser scored. When Asaia finally turned again he said, ''Don't.'' to Wyatt, already knowning what he was going to say. ''You go ask your father if it's okay to sit with us, I'll meet you two back there.'' It sounded like a solid plan to him so Asaiah agreed. ''And please, don't get lost.'' He said to Marisol as he turned around and started walking towards the stands where he and his family stood.
Marisol chuckled as the guys continued to talk about certain sports for their respective countries. She was surprised to hear that Wyatt's cousin was a player on the Falcons Quidditch team, which made sense as to why he was here. "That's so cool!" she said. Asaiah however had a different reaction, declaring them sworn enemies instead which made her laugh. "This game just got a a lot more interesting," she said, amused. No matter which team won, she knew one of her friends was going to be sullen; neither of them seemed exactly like good sports, which was her problem as well. She hated losing.

When Wyatt specifically asked her to come with him to ask his uncle if he could join them, she was a little confused why he hadn't asked them both to come. But as she saw how into the game Asaiah was, she didn't think he would fare too well at the opposing team's stands, even though she was wearing the same colors as well, she wasn't as spirited or vocal as him. She looked over to the Slytherin boy and he seemed fine with it so Marisol looked back at Wyatt and nodded her head, chuckling at his comment about a 'better team.' "Sure, we'll see you soon Asaiah!" she said to the Slytherin boy, hoping she wouldn't get lost on the way back. "Don't forget to get me some candy!" she reminded him, which is why they had been waiting in line for the concessions stands anyway. Marisol waved to him and then turned to Wyatt, linking her arm in between his so they wouldn't get separated by the crowds of people and said, "Lead the way."
Wyatt smirked as Asaiah admitted the truth of the athletic situation they had put themselves in. He did, however, notmanage a smirk when the boy claimed that Falmouth wouldstill lose. Despite never having a professional game he still felt that Jay's team would do exceptionally - or he really hoped so. Now even more did the Gryffindor want the Falcons to win. As lacrosse was brought up he was indeed because Wyatt had thought it was a sport only North Americans knew about as it had been invented by Natives. Clearly he hadbeen mistaken so he nodded his head and said, "I actually played it after school back home.'' While the pair of boys were declared enemies due to their familial connection to the sport he looked over to their mutual friend and wondered how their friendship might work now that he knew they were dating. Suspicion and certainty were the same to Wyatt about the topic so he simply shrugged at his own thoughts on the matter.

The first year managed a small cringe as his uncle was mistaken for his dad due to the distraction the game offered his friend. The boy was brought back to the conversation when Marisol his arm. Suddenly nervous the boy looked back at Asaiah just incase the innocent action would upset the boy but he didn't see him through the crowd so Wyatt continued on with Mari. "So..." The boy began as he thought of a way to ask this without upsetting his scary friend. "How did you like the Yule Ball? I saw you and Asaiah together'' Treading lightly was easily the best way to go about this, Wyatt figured.
For a moment, Marisol realized she was actually leading the two of them in the opposite direction, but soon enough she realized she didn't know where she was going, so she slowed down to let Wyatt take the lead. It was then she noticed that her fellow Gryffindor seemed to be contemplating something. When he finally spoke up again, his first word immediately sounded calculated, so she grew curious as to what he was going to say because now that she thought about it, Wyatt didn't seem as thrilled as she and Asaiah were to bump into him at the Quidditch game. So immediately her first thought was that he was going to tell her he didn't actually like Asaiah and had no intentions to hang out with them, which instantly shattered her dreams of hanging out with both of her best friends. But she tried not to get carried away with her thoughts as he continued.

"Oh!" she said, pleasantly surprised it was not what she feared. "Yeah I had a lot of fun! You were there? I must have missed you," she pouted slightly. It would've been nice to see Wyatt there too but it had been too crowded for her to have run into him. "Who did you go with?" she asked with innocent curiosity. "If I had known you were going, I would've looked for you so we could've danced together! Although Asaiah would tell you that he and I were the best dancers there," she said in jest, laughing to herself mostly at their slight inside joke.
It was a good thing that Marisol remembered him why they were standing here in the first place and quickly walked back to get them some sweets with the money his father gave them. While Mari and Wyatt were nowhere to be seen and the row in front of him was huge, Asaiah decided to watch some of the match again. He saw how the both teams beaters were doing their absolute best to hit each others seekers, how the Macaws keeper managed to save his team from another goal, how the chaser - who were now in possession of the quaffle thanks to their keeper - made their way to the Falcon's goalposts, and how the seeker was succesfully dodging bludger whilst keeping both his eyes open in the hope to catch a glimps of the golden snitch. As Asaiah heard the man behind the counter call him out, he turned around and noticed that the row in front of him was gone. The Slytherin quickly walked to the counter and looked at what the man had to offer him. His gaze slid to his hand, counting how much money his father gave him and then looked at the man again and said, ''Three boxes of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, nine chocolate frogs, and three liquorice wands, please.'' he smiled at the man and gave him the money he needed. With his hands full of candy, Asaiah walked back to his family, gave his father the rest of his money back, and told them that another Hogwarts friend was going to join them and that he had bought candy for Wyatt too.
The boy nodded his head as Marisol recounted her experience at the Yule Ball, although he wished she understood the underlying question instinctively but before he could add that question into the mix Wyatt shrugged his shoulders, "I went solo." He still thought dating was disgusting so he was glad to have gone solo and actually had a lot of fun with Kayla and would be sure to find her again when school started back to hang out. "I don't know," he said hesitantly as Marisol suggested that she would've danced with him at the Yule Ball. While he was sure she could make her own decisions he really would feel weird dancing with someone else's date, especially someone else's girlfriend. "So um... how long have you and Asaiah been together?" he asked, finally and awkwardly asking her. He felt so strange asking this question but he felt that he really should know if his two friends were dating so he wouldn't infringe on their private time or god forbid catch them kissing. It didn't help that he had a pang of... something at the thought of it. Wyatt couldn't even identify his feelings toward the situation and yet he had asked and waited on what might have been baited breath.

Sorry it took so long to respond. I just started a second job!
Marisol couldn't really figure out where Wyatt's hesitation was coming from, but she wasn't going to pry. When he said that he went solo, she wished even more that she had seen him at the Yule Ball so that they could've danced together and had fun since he had no date, but then he figured that he probably had fun without her anyway. You didn't need a date to dance with someone or have fun, and Wyatt was a social person so he wouldn't have had a problem striking up a conversation with someone, so she had no reason to feel bad for the Gryffindor.

At his next question, Marisol was taken aback and looked over at him with her eyebrows raised. "Together as in together-together?" she asked, wanting clarification so she didn't misinterpret his question. Then the latina laughed and shook her head softly. "Asaiah's my best friend!" she explained, "we're not dating, if that's what you thought?" she was still chuckling a little. Now that she thought about it, she could see why Wyatt would think that, especially since the two of them had gone to the Yule Ball together, but Asaiah had asked her as a friend, he didn't like her in that way, at least that's what she assumed, because it was the same for her. She was still trying to adjust to the wizarding world and get used to her monthly transformations, she didn't want to complicate anything with crushes.

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