[!BR] My Barks louder than my Bite

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
The Seventh Year entered the gloomy forest, this was her favourite place other than beside the lake swimming with Mermaids. But here in the forest the seventh year felt like she could be who she wanted to be without any judgement, because no one knew who she was.
Kida walked through the forest casually ignoring the Animals who were lurking to see who she was, they didn't bother her.

Kida heard a Wolf cry out very close to her and she smiled, Kida's Pace picked up and she ran forward. As Kida ran she transformed into her Animagi, an Amazing Wolf, with Dark brown fur the colour of Kida's Natural hair with vicious teeth and Beautiful Hazel eyes. Kida picked up speed now being on all four legs and bolted through the forest, the wind rushing through her fur was an amazing feeling. Kida stopped and Howled listening as other Wolves howled back. Kida herself smiled which was hard to see in her wolf form, but she quickly turned and bolted back through the tree's dodging roots and branches, she had the speed and agility she could never have in her Regular form.

Kida Stopped behind a tree she smelt another student in the forest, she wasn't sure if she knew them, the scent wasn't familiar but Kida was going to try scare the Student off anyway, it was always fun.
Kida lurked out from behind a large tree, snarling at the student, Kida noticed it as a new girl, a 1st year, Kida beared her sharp teeth and glared at the student trying to see if she would run or she would have to fake an attack.
Jaedan noticed this wolf, and she transformed into a russet wolf with a black muzzle and green eyes. Jaedan beared her teeth and circled this new wolf, with a warning growl like Jaedan was telling this wolf to not touch the students here.
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