[!BR] Hello Everybody!!! :)

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Sora Hale

New Member
OOC First Name
Hi everybody! I'm Sophy, and I'm from Good Ol' England!
I've have been lurking for a few days, and I think I generally know how the site works.
Just thought I'd say a few points about myself; I love Kingdom Hearts the same as I
love harry potter and I also love color blending! Oh, and My character is called Sora Hale, she is a girl, and I really can't wait to RP with lots of here!
Sophy xx
Hello! Welcome to HNZ Sophy! :hug:

Kingdom Hearts is absolute win! So is Color blending. I wish I knew how to do it and stuff though! xD Since you've been lurking around and stuff you're probably set for the most part on where things are and everything. But if you have any other questions you can always contact another member, the Admins or the Global Moderators too.

Hope to see you around the board.
♥ Jessye
Hey Sophy. Welcome to HNZ I'm Daniel.
Hey there,

I am one of the Global moderators, one of the slyest ones might I add :r , anyways, I hope you enjoy it here.
England? We have lots of users from around there, does anyone you know in real life introduce you to HNZ? My cousin introduced me. ^_^

See you around the site,
~ Sir Kaitlyn
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This topic has been found to break one of our Board Rules and as such has been closed by an Administrator. You will be contacted shortly by either Nicolas King or Professor Cyndi Weasley regarding this thread.

~The HNZ Admin Team
As a note for interested parties, the rules broken here were:[ul][li]Fake OOC Names</LI><LI>[li]Evading a standing ban[/li][/ul]
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