Bouquet needs flowers

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Bouquet Simons

Well-Known Member
So, Bouquet needs friends, enemies and even lovers. If you are willing to rp with her, just reply here or pm her.

Glad to met and greet some new friends.

OK I have to reply here because the title is just too cute :lol: :wub:

Well the only character (that isn't in school) that I could offer up is my squib. She's 11 and lives with her sister who owns Gambol and Japes. She is meant to be a first year currently but yeah, she's a a squib :lol:

Lol cute title! :lol:

I have Hannah Chambers, a fellow unsorted who's really sweet and down to earth so I can offer her up as a friend. :) And I have her twin sister Summer who can be an enemy if you want? :lol:
I got this lady here, she's quite aggresive and mean but can be a really good friend.
I'm not sure reaally, it all depends how you meet her and what you say. She is extremely defensive.
Yeah i can help out if you still need an enemy or friend.... :d

Angela is spunky and sometimes hot headed so if ya want...
I can make one if you like.
Okay if you want i can start or what/ev

I can offer up Lily/Livia as a friend or enemy. Which ever you think would be best.

Lily/Livia is at the moment pretty angry with being a witch but is polite, sometimes kind, fashion obsessed and is graceful and balletic.


Well, they'd meet, Lily is quite angry right now so anything would annoy her, so
Maybe Bouquet, would bump into her and Lily/Livia would be annoyed about it and shout/agrue with Bouquet.
Is that good, or can you think of something else?
What kind of things does Bouquet hate?

Okay, well good. I'll start the topic as soon as I get the chance.
I'll post a link here.
For the third or fourth time, I am offering up Michael as a crush or a relationship ^_^ He probably won't recognize her from her movies - Half-blood - and if he did end up dating her it would be an on/off thing, because he doesn't want to be tied down aged 11.

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