Maddie sat the table, and began wondering who would join her. She had some magic puff (thats sounds like hufflepuffs ) and started to eat them, looking around for anyone she, or didn't know.
Ash was reading a book while walking at the hufflepuff table, as she was walking she saw in her peripheral view of a girl eating something that she always criticize. She rolled her eyes and sat a the table her back against the girl.
Maddie watched as another hufflepuff sat down with her back towards her. She frowned to herself, and picked up a piece of pop-corn, chucking it at her back to get her attention she grinned. "Hey, I'm Maddie" she said, wondering why shes still had no friends and why no one seemed like talking to her.
Ash heard the girl spoke, "Hi." She said in her sweetest fake voice, And got back into her reading. She really hate talking to gryffindors in this fine day.
Maddie sighed and rolled her eyes to herself. "Suit yourself" she said, guessing she didn't want to talk to her. She carried on eating her magic puffs, and studied the other students around her.
Ash was thinking while reading, what if i can be friends with her, or just fake it. Ash smiled like a devil. A great plan always attacks her, She turned to the girl and said, "Hey, sorry for the chops. I'm Ashley Cooper by the way." Smiling again.
Maddie smiled, glad to finally get her attention. "Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Maddie. What are you reading?" she asked, trying to keep her attention.
(hm..i could be...but im already ologed on as two people in other RP's)
Maddie grinned, "Nice" she said, peering over. Any book was good, esspecially one to do with vampires. "What's it called?" she asked. When she offered to borrow it, her eyes sparkled, "Yes please, if that's alright. Reading is my thing" she said, sitting back and finishing off her breakfast.
"The title is, Vampires: Are they Living with us? But its nice." Ash said giving the book to Maddie, "Here you go, i just finished reading it.". She stood up and sat beside Maddie, Thank god her brother Tom is not here.
Maddie smiled and accepted the book, "Thanks" she said. She opened a random page in the middle to see what it was like, "woah.." she said, closing and smiling again."What house are you in?" she asked.
"Yeah im Griffindor. I actually hate it though. Me and my twin were meant to be in Ravenclaw, but i got seperated" she sighed, Dakota was loving Ravenclaw, and laughed at her for making Griffindor. She didn't seen much of her anymore.
"I wish my brother would end up in Slytherin, i'm sure if not he'll do what he did to me when i got in Hufflepuff." Ash said smirking, thinking the senery in her head.
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