
"I see them floating about and stuff but I haven't come up close and personal with one yet" she said off hand watching as he scoured through cupboards.
"So you're from Dublin, small world that. I'm from Cork" she told him picking up a shard of crystal and holding it up to the light from her wand.
"I knew someone from the Cork area once," Ford said, "But I only lived in Dublin for a few years," he continued, flipping through an old book or basic charms, "Most recently I lived in Sydney, Australia."
Andromeda looked at him from the corner of her eye as she placed a few of the crystal shards into her robe pocket. She couldn't believe he was standing there actually talking to her.
"so how is that working out for you? massive climate change that's for sure!"
"You adapt," Ford said and tossed the book to the floor absently. He looked around the classroom, sighed, there was nothing there for him to investigate. Nothing interesting, really. He walked towards the door, letting the girl catch up, "Although New Zealand is better."
"I haven't been here that long yet to make an informed opinion" she said as she followed him to the door.
"Can you lock it again as well? the door I mean!" she said as she stood in the doorway taking a last glance about the room and wondering why they hadn't done anything else with it.
When the girl had walked through the door, Ford pointed his wand at the it, "Colloportus," and the door shut and locked with a click. He looked at the girl, then began walking in the direction of the other doors she had mentioned, "Yep," he finally answered her question.
Andromeda followed me again, waiting to see what the other doors would reveal. She muttered the spell he had just said and tried swishing her wand the way he had as well. Nothing happened of course but she insisted on trying.
"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" she smirked, waving her wand about again, almost certain she knew what it was she was doing.
"All the time," Ford drawled and stopped in front of one of the other doors. He almost reached for his wand, but instead decided for a mor straightforward approach. He turned the door knob: it was stuck. "Damn," he muttered, he didn't know why, he was a young wizard after all. Pulling out his wand, he incanted, "Alohomora," and the door sprung open. Inside was a short corridor lined with old-styled gas lanterns that were illuminated by bluish green magical flames.

Pocketing his wand he walked down the corridor, which at his height he covered in a few long strides, to a door which closed off the other end.
Andromeda stopped beside him and watched him try the door handle, quite amazed actually that he had chosen to do it the muggle way. She did her best to hide a smirk when he had to pull out his wand and magically unlock the door again. 'Alohomora' she muttered trying to relay it to memory.
When the door swung open she tried to see around him into what looked like just a corridor, he entered and she watched as he quickly made it to the other side of the corridor to another door. Ok she was tall for her age but she knew her strides weren't as big as his, she entered the corrdior but in so doing the door slammed closed behind her. She turned around and tried the handle. There was no budging it.
"Will your spell work on that again?" she asked him hoping he would say it would. It had unnerved her, she was alright in small spaces sure but the strange light from the lamps and the locked doors as well as the sullen Slytherin didn't do her nerves any good when all combined.
Ford shrugged and pulled his wand out as he walked towards the door, "Alohomora," he incanted. Nothing moved inside there door; there was no click. "Interesting," Ford said, sounding more amused, than anything else. "Stand back, kid," Ford said dryly and pocketed his wand. He stood back from the door, then kicked it as hard as he could. Which wasn't very hard, for, despite his height, Ford was rather gangly.

Dear Sweet Baby Vishnu Holding a hand grenade! He thought as the door stubbornly did not move under his foot. Keeping the pain inside him, he stood up, Where is Bruin when you need him?

"I suppose there is only one way to go, then," he said nonchalantly, despite the pain in his foot.
Andromeda couldn't help but suppress a grin when his magic spell wouldn't work on the door. It took all her strength not to let the laughter escape her completely when he attempted it to kick it.
She turned in the direction of the other door and walking in her easy strides, no rush what so ever, she waited for him.
"Your foot ok?" she enquired thanking the bluish light that her smirk couldn't be seen too well.
There was no point in Andromeda even attempting to open the other door, as she didn't know the spells but quickly turned to Ford and asked him.
"Can you show me how to unlock the doors?"
Ford eyed the girl for a moment, considering her request. He was half tempted to tell her to piss off and leave him alone, but that really wasn't physically possible at this point. Then a thought entered his head, quite a Machievellian one: if he told her what to do, he could possibly gain access to information as to what Bruin was doing. His jealousy had died down, but there had been rumblings in relation to quidditch, and Bruin was extremely competitive.

Pulling out his wand, "First you make this movement," he explained quickly, and showed her, "Then the word is alohomora."
Andromeda waited for him to say no or something not so pleasant but around the same lines, so was quite taken aback when he actually showed her what to do. She turned almost standing beside him and held her wand as he had, she watched the motion he made and copied it exactly. She attempted the wand motion a few more times and then put it to words.
"alohomora" the lock on the door infront of her clicked and she grinned, beaming from ear to ear.
"Right I unlocked it but you're older, anything nasty and I have no doubt you can take them out!" she told him, "And eh... thanks for showing me that".
Ford pushed the door open, ignoring the girl's thanks for now. He felt he had been too nice to her already, a part of him felt as though he had died. Inside was the room he had seen through the crack in the wall. "This is it," he said. The room was reminiscent of pre-Revolution France, despite the Medieval architecture, all the furnishings were quite Rococo in flavor. "Interesting," Ford declared as he walked up to a gas lamp, which ignited as he got close. Aside from the anachronistic furnishings, the room was rather nondescript and nothing to write home about.
Andromeda followed him in and her mouth gaped open. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. Granted dusty and everything but it was in such good condition otherwise.
"Was this the room you saw from outside?" she asked him, kind of getting seriously fed up of his monosyllabic answers but knowing somehow all he would say would be a yeah or a no! So Andromeda didn't even wait for an answer but began to scout the room, her foot caught on the foot of one of the ornate armchairs and when she looked down the hair on the back of her neck rose. The feet were shaped like the face of a wolf.

Andromeda moved away fast pretending she hadn't seen it, most furniture in this castle had some bizarre carvings on them. Of course a wolf was bound to be one of them. At the far corner of the room was a closed curtain, large maroon drabes that hung and trailed to the floor. She felt herself drawn to it and reaching her hand pulled the golden sash that hung from the side. Her throat tightened and she thought she was going to faint. Infront of her was the largest picture she had ever seen of any animal in her life but the fact that this one seemed to be a pack of wolves gathered around a large dark ferocious wolf in the centre didn't help. Andromeda recongnised it as a werewolf. Her skin crawled and she tried to pull the sash again but it broke in her hand.
"Damn it!" she swore.
"Language," Ford grinned mischieviously as he went over to where the girl was. He looked at the picture at which Andromeda was looking, "That's a lot of wolves." He commented offhandedly.
"Yep sure is!" she said in a quirky I-don't-really-care kind of way, she dropped the sash and turned away from the painting. Was that a coincidence she thought, the feet of the chair and the painting? Totally she told herself as she brushed past Ford to get away from it.
He watched the girl walk away, then returned his attention to the painting. "They are rather largish for wolves." He noted, "Albeit I've never actually seen one before, in real life." He turned his attention to the rest of the room then, specifically the a small bookshelf in the corner. It was full of old books, one of which was actually a muggle book. Ford picked it up, it was a field guide of sorts. A section of wolves was highlighted, "Someone likes wolves," Ford said.
Andromeda heard his comment and wanted to correct him but thought it safer not to. She was browsing through a selection of books mainly on potions and ingredients when he passed his comment. She whipped her head about thinking at first he was talking to her until she saw the book in his hand.
"What is it?" she asked him moving over to where he stood. This was all just getting a bit too strange for her liking and she wished Ford wasn't there so she could explore it better.
"Some sort of muggle field guide," Ford said, holding up the book, "All the sections on wolves are bookmarked and highlighted." The girl, Andromeda, seemed rather interested in his previous statement, although Ford shrugged it off as mere curiosity.
Andromeda turned away to look at the other books that were on the bookshelf. There were others that she knew mentioned wolves, none of these had the word wolf in the title but they were about monsters and beasts. Andromeda knew in her heart that if she were to flick through any of them she would find a mention of werewolves in them.
"They aren't wolves" she told him matter of factly, she pointed to a word highlighted at the top of the page, 'Erant Lupus' "that is latin for werewolf".

She moved back to the large picture wondering what all of this meant, what it was all about. She knew the headmistress had only bought this castle some years ago, so she obviously had no idea what all of this meant or was for. Had the castle belonged to a werewolf perhaps?
Ford cocked his head at he girl, and looked up at the words to which she pointed. "Werewolves," he said, wrapping his mind about it. He had known that werewolves existed in the world, however this room was a bit too close for sitting comfortably. "Are you sure?"
She wanted to look up at him to emphasise just exactly how sure she was but a noise made her spin around. Andromeda was either getting extremely paranoid or they weren't entirely alone.
"Ehm Ford" for some reason her voice was a whisper, "yes is my answer to your question but did you hear that?"
Her eyes were now scanning the room, it looked the same but at the same time it felt different and she couldn't explain what that difference was.
Ford's left eyebrow raised slowly, "No," he spoke in a cautious tone. He closed the book, he wasn't sure if the girl was serious or returning his joke earlier in kind.
There had definitly been a sound she wasn't imagining things yet Ford hadn't heard a solitary thing. Or perhaps he had but just wasn't letting on for whatever reasons he had. Andromeda saw him close the book and looked up at him. His eyes in this light were a strange green and for just a moment she didn't know if she should be more scared of him or whatever was in this room. She decided for now to take her chances with him.
"I heard something" she whispered again, her eyes darted to the far library wall something about it didn't seem right. Not that she had been paying any real attention to it earlier. Andromeda moved past Ford just a fraction and looked down at the sash that had broken, the threads on the end were moving slightly as if blown by a breeze.
"Do you see that?" she moved to the library shelf and holding her hand up waved it up and down infront of it, "Ford theres something behind here! There's a breeze coming from here".
She turned to look at him, "Well?"

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