BNP Wins Euro-Parliament Seats

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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I'm sorry, what? Has the world gone mad? Are the British gone racist again? I seriously don't see any political reason why a member of the second most racist party ever (second to the Nazis, I should say) gained a seat in the Euro-parliament. I don't give a crap how bad the economy is. Equality and human rights/dignity comes before any paycheque and I thought people knew that.
I guess not everybody does in the UK. -_-
The thing is Nicholas..... nobody gets off their fat **** and votes in the UK for the Euro elections. That is why an evil party such as them have gained a seat in the Euro parliament... It is stupid, it is evil and should not be allowed. I don't care if we live in a capitalist world, I say ... a party like them should NOT be allowed any votes or to even exist.

People think that because its the "European Parliament" that it doesn't effect them, well it does. I read another article about the BNP's candidate getting egged. Well if I was there I am pretty sure I would have done more than egged the ........... not going to say for rule reasons. :mad:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
So they are fascist? Oh I never knew that.... :blink:

Well, my view is that the party should not be allowed to get any votes, though at the same time that is messing with people's right to vote. Though to be honest, living in a democracy causes things like this, that is my opinion. If I was Europe, I would seriously not allow it and most likely ban all fascism parties.
I do detest the BNP and am grateful I live in Ireland but know at some point a party like theirs might set up here.

But the unfortunate thing is... we live in a democracy - the price of our democracy is freedom to vote and free speech. That means everyone whether we like what they say or not has a right to say it. It means the political views of some though not shared by all will still get aired.

But it does not always equate to them taking over Europe or attempting too again. I know that there are many such groups political and otherwise in Eastern Europe and in America. These people will always exist but once there are others willing to stand up to them and against them, it is not very likely that they will have much of a say. They have established for themselves a bigger platform to spout from is all. But who will listen?

I know many of us here in Europe will be keeping a very close eye on the goings on in our European parliament from now on, we have too.
Marko Prince said:
The thing is Nicholas..... nobody gets off their fat **** and votes in the UK for the Euro elections.
<_< Erm I dont think thats strictly true seeing as though a) I live in the area that gave them one seat and b) how does Labour etc fall percentage wise if nobody votes?

Well nobody can stop people voting BNP. Everyone is entitled to freedom to vote etc but I cannot see why anyone would agree with BNP's aims/goals etc. It saddens me to think that their are people out there that agree with their goals. I think we all know that the BNP will (hopefully) never come to power but that's not the point is it? Its the fact that their are some people out their that are just plain misguided =-/
Actually Mike , if you watched that video then it tells you what I said. Also in class we learnt that.
My dad voted for them - he hates immigrants. But my dads a racist, and I can't even vote damn it. I'm with the Green Party. They are against homosexualism so that already removes the chances me voting for them.
Marko Prince said:
Actually Mike , if you watched that video then it tells you what I said. Also in class we learnt that.

I can see why you say that due to the decline in the voting polls but some people are unsure who to vote for. Others are misguided and probably voted BNP thinking they need dramatic change and went about it the wrong way!
Professor Tom Fletcher said:
Marko Prince said:
Actually Mike , if you watched that video then it tells you what I said. Also in class we learnt that.

I can see why you say that due to the decline in the voting polls but some people are unsure who to vote for. Others are misguided and probably voted BNP thinking they need dramatic change and went about it the wrong way!
I guess that also could be the problem since the politics of the UK is really in an uproar at the moment.

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