Bleak Street Ball

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Luxen Silverback

Well-Known Member
In Celebration of the changing of the Seasons and the Return of Luxen Silverback, I propose a masquade in the center of Bleak Street.

I'm still not sure what to call the ball as I'm debating upon

The Midnight Mask


The Silver Hour

Either way it will be held at Midnight and will be most formal!

It will also officially reintroduce Luxen back into Bleak Street Society!

The Ball will be by invitation only!

However I am curious as to who might or might not enjoy this plot!
The Silver Hour as it is now called will begin Friday May 29th (RL)

Anyone who has not recieved an invitation may PM me asking for one, they must include a picture of their outfit and the mask they will wear and if need be I'll photoshop the mask onto the picture. Afterwards they will recieve their invitation.
I'm just confused, why are my random characters invited? =-/

I honestly think only one of them would go there. I'm not complaining or anything, I just saw that three of them had been invited. :wacko: Was the selection random or what?
Estrella Drage said:
I'm just confused, why are my random characters invited? =-/

I honestly think only one of them would go there. I'm not complaining or anything, I just saw that three of them had been invited. :wacko: Was the selection random or what?
Selection was indeed random however if someone wished to be invited mostly all they had to do was ask or PM me.
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