Birds of a Feather...

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
Theodore was not very thrilled about being a fifth year soon, growing up and actually having to go out and do things like start a family, get a job, and sleep less were definitely not on the top of his list of things to do anytime soon. Even if he was smitten by his fiancée Aleyha, he knew it was far to soon to be even thinking about anything family-wise with her, right now he would just stick to shameless flirting and pestering with her. The sky was covered with gray clouds, blocking the sun shining down, which he didn't mind one bit, he hated it when it was extremely warm outside seeing as it made him sweaty and tired more quickly.

"Better get down from here incase it decides to rain.." Theodore sighed to himself as he lent against the trunk of an old tree that was near the lake here. The grass around this area was actually quite nice so he figured he would just try to take a nap or something while he still could, but the clouds made him nervous. "I'll just nap later." He yawned lazily and pushed himself up so he was standing on both feet, his silky blond hair blew around his face in the windy air. Theodore scrunched his nose and started towards the castle, but stopped when he caught sight of a young boy resting in the grass nearby. 'Maybe I should wake him up and tell him...' As funny as it would be to see someone get rained on while sleeping, Theodore knew he had to be somewhat of a role-model and at least warn the boy, with heavy steps he walked over until he was standing next to the kid who's appearance looked somewhat similar to someone he knew. "Psst...hey kid! You dead?" He asked when he saw the boy lying absolutely still, either he was definitely asleep or he was dead as a doornail.
As much as Levi loved sleeping in the grass, with his Slytherin robes draped over his tall form, his stormy eyes closed, today his dreams were filled with nightmare cries of newborn children. However, this wasn't just a nightmare. He had to deal with it at home, with his dad and his two new babies. Both boys. Only one was pure-blood. The other had tainted blood in it, and whichever one it was, Levi would not approve of it. He was the oldest, and a role-model. It was getting difficult to shake out of this nightmare, even though his body was perfectly still, and he showed no signs of distress. Then, a voice called out to him, and his dreams shattered before his eyes as they fluttered open. However, out of alarm, Levi sat up, had his wand out, as if ready to kill. Stormy eyes landed on an older Slytherin, and Levi sighed as he put the wand away. Gazing up, Levi muttered, "What?" He was highly annoyed, but then again, he still had sleep in his eyes, and it didn't process to him that this boy was somewhat keen to him - at least by a future marriage.
Theodore blinked coldly as he watched the boy pull his wand and point it at him, most likely out of surprise from being woken up more than anything. When he lowered it and ask what the problem was in a rude tone, Theodore didn't waste time to roll his emerald green eyes before he pointed a pale finger to the sky, where the clouds were growing darker and darker by the minute. "A storm." Was the only words he bothered to mutter to the boy, ever since Theodore had left the fourth year he had become noticeably quieter and colder as well, it was all part of him cutting his old ties and friendliness being one of those ties.

"As enjoyable as napping is, I doubt you want to get drowned by rain." He rolled his eyes and motioned for the kid to get up and follow him, he didn't feel like being out here when it started to rain or have any other storm like effects, as much as he hated to admit it he didn't want to get his hair wet so that he would have to dry it later. " can stay out here, I don't really care." He raised a hand up as if he were saying no offense to the younger Slytherin, he didn't want to pick fights but he wasn't going to let this boy walk all over him either.
Levi's stormy eyes met those clouds of the sky as they got darker, about the same hue as his own eyes. It was odd. Why didn't he notice the clouds before? Levi groaned as he stood up, and dusted off his robes. Levi stared over the fifth year and he snorted, "I would have expected nothing more but to leave a younger year out to his or her own misery. I suppose you deserve thanks." Though nothing like a 'thank you' passed the newly second year's lips. He instead glared over at the taller boy, but not by much. It was amazing how tall the Zhefarovich's got. The pure-bloods could stand at seven feet. Levi folded his arms across his chest, after examining this boy. "I know you are in Slytherin, but I recognize you from somewhere. What's your name?" Levi was quick with words, and he was often quiet and icy. He could be very much like Aleyha when she was in one of those cold, uncaring moods which was what Levi was in all the time. Even at a young age, he already portrayed the Zhefarovich character quite well. Almost too well. Levi just hoped that this boy was no mudblood. That would be just vile and unclean. Levi would not associate with breeds like that.
Straightening his back out and standing to his full 6"2 height he stared down at the boy with a raised eyebrow, he remembered this boy being sorted into Slytherin last year which must make him a second year now. As the boy spoke about something Theodore kept his gaze on him and listened intently, at least this kid wasn't annoying or anything, in fact he actually sort of reminded Teddy of himself. "Yeah well, someone's got to make sure you don't die." If no one else was going to make sure the kids didn't get themselves into dumb situations like that, Theodore would take it upon himself to keep an eye on them because now that he was a fifth year, he felt obligated.

"Theodore Snow. And you are?" This boy wasn't so bad if he could handle himself like that in the presence of Theodore, but it made him wonder slightly where the young boy would have recognized him at other than around the halls or something like that.
Cracking his knuckles just because he could, Levi shrugged at Theodore's comment. Who cared if people died or not. It would be better off if the weak died off anyway. More room for those who are stronger to take command. "Well, that's a first," snorted Levi. Theodore Snow, huh? Isn't he getting married to one of my cousins through means of an arranged marriage? Levi nodded, "I thought I recognized you. Snow. One of them pure-blood families. You are a descendant from them. And getting married to my cousin that can talk to snakes." Levi sighed and he put out his hand for a gesture of respect, for Levi was oblivious to the fact that Theodore was Part-Veela. Levi introduced himself, "Levi Zhefarovich." Levi glanced down at his hand and then at the sky when a lightning bolt streaked across it.
Theodore shifted slightly before he extended a snowy pale hand out to the boy before he gripped his hand his hand shook it quickly. At least the boy had manners enough to be formal and shake hands with someone who whom was not only older but someone he had just met not too long ago, that put this kid pretty high in Theodore's books already. When the boy mentioned that he was not only a Zhefarovich but Aleyha's cousin as well, it made him stiffen a little out of surprise that he and this boy were already related sort of. "Ahhh, your related to Aleyha then?" He asked with a raised eyebrow before he smirked slightly, he even looked slightly similar to Aleyha by the hair and other certain features, at least he was taller than she was though. "I guess that makes us family then." Theodore almost wanted to laugh, how odd it was finding people randomly popping up all over the place that he was suddenly related to in some way or another.

Yawning loudly he flipped some of his silky hair away from his face before he looked tiredly down at Levi, this boy came from an equally powerful family so he figured he could be civil. "D*mn clouds ruined my sad attempt at a nap." He was tempted to actually lay back down and sleep again, but one more look at the dark clouds made him think otherwise. But he really needed a long nap right now if he was going to function later, oh what to do right now?!
Slowly nodding, Levi added, "But I am on the pure-blood branch of the family. From what I heard, anyone with half-blood or lower is getting wiped out. Filthy bloods with muggle in them." Levi rolled his stormy eyes as thunder clapped above. To him, it was almost agreeing with him. Levi knew his place in the world. Levi's arms folded over his chest, continuing to look like the descendant from the powerful family. "I guess that does. We tend to be everywhere... I know a Slytherin that is apparently my uncle, and a fourth year." Azerail Varius, a lover of a Hufflepuff. It was quite odd really. Yawning, he shrugged. The storm just looked like a storm. Nothing more. No rain... He sat down on the grass once more, before laying down to stare up at the lightning. "Don't let a little storm ruin your nap man. That's like being weak. Others run inside in fear of the storm. I on the other hand will sleep through it. Which side are you on?" Levi smirked a bit before shutting his eyes.
Theodore averted his gaze away from Levi when the young boy stated about being a pure-blood and who also seemed to be quite proud of having people with lower blood than him killed off. It was a strong reminder that he himself was a half-breed, or rather one of those who were lower than dirt because they were barely considered humans to begin with. "Our families views must be extremely similar." This young boy reminded him a lot of his own father and those Death Eaters that he always brought around the manor for various meetings or reasons. Theodore knew knew that even he might someday be stuck with the task of ridding the family or dirty blooded wizards or traitors, whether or not he thought it was wrong didn't matter. If Theodore planned to be the Head of the family he had to let those feelings go and let the darkness in.

When the boy laid back down on the grass and closed his eyes again Theodore sighed and shook his head as his silky hair blew in his face from the breeze that had begun to blow. Levi had a good point, or at least enough of one to make Theo cave in and sit himself down on the grass. "I'm on the side that doesn't get wet." He answered with a snort, if it started to rain he would just head inside and head up to his dorm room and take a nap there, from what he remembered him and Levi actually shared a Dorm Room now as well, seeing as he changed rooms during the second semester of last year. "I think you may actually be lazier than me, better shape up kid... apparently ladies don't like lazy guys." He made the last part sound sarcastic, he didn't care if the kid was lazy or not but it didn't hurt to kid around with the boy a little, Theodore liked lazy people a lot better than he did ones that were always all over the made him feel okay to be lazy. "Kidding, I appreciate you not being a hyperactive loud mouth." He snorted again, feeling a yawn coming on as he tried to keep himself awake a bit longer in case it started to rain on them or something.
Levi glanced over at Theodore, and he did not comment on the families. Of course they were like each other. The Snow's and the Zhefarovich's. Both pure, or at least it tries to be. Levi rolled his eyes, "Man, you sound like a girl... Getting rained on... Psht." Levi chuckled and he cracked his neck before he stared up at the sky stained with lightning. Levi thought that it was rather interesting to stare up at the sky, dark and dangerous, and something so marvelous and beautiful could be just deadly. Hearing the comment, Levi snorted, "I don't even like girls, dude. Don't even want to be around them." Levi closed his eyes and he added, "Loud mouth... You've never heard me talk to a mud-" But then, Levi was sound asleep, and didn't even finish his sentence. Just like any other Zhefarovich, he looked like the sleeping dead.
Theodore rolled his eyes about the girl comment, it was one that he had heard all too much from people that didn't know about the Veela blood that ran through is veins, oddly enough it gave him somewhat of a girlish personality. " I've never heard that before." He commented under his breath remembering fully well that Aleyha had commented about his feminine behaviors before. At least he wasn't nearly as bad and girly as his twin sister was, otherwise he'd probably kill himself for acting that foolish. When Levi fell asleep in mid-sentence Theodore blinked owlishly at the boy, he was nearly quicker at falling asleep than Theodore was. 'Maybe I should poke him?' Was his only thought as he found it incredibly odd that a boy could fall asleep like that. As he reached his hand out to poke Levi he stopped half-way and sighed, he was too lazy to do anything right now.

"I guess a short nap wouldn't hurt." He sighed when he heard a loud crack of thunder in the distance. His emerald green eyes grew heavy and he soon found himself falling fast asleep, completely unaware of everything and anything around him.
After a storm, the night was clear and the stars were shining. However, things were not as it seemed. The two Slytherins that were sleeping on the lawn managed to sleep almost twelve hours. Kalif had not watched them for that long, but he did find it odd when his onyx eyes landed on two sleeping figures out on the lawn. However, a crow had stooped in, and it screeched as it dropped a letter into Kalif's gloved hand. Narrowing his eyes, he read the letter, and he rolled his eyes at his son's handwriting. If Kalif wasn't pissed off before about Olivia being born and making him a grandfather, now he is just infuriated. Hades had a daughter, and Kalif failed to notice it. Why didn't he pay more attention to Hades' damned name on the tree? Kalif crumbled the letter and he decided to calm down the best of his abilities.

With long steps, and his black robes fluttering and the family crow Verrine flew above, Kalif approached the boys and stood over them. With half a mind to use Aguamenti to wake them up, Kalif decided against it. A motion of the hand, and Verrine flew down and landed on Theodore's chest. The black beady eyes looked soulless and merciless as the bird stared into the face of the Part-Veela. Kalif folded his arms over his chest, rather relieved that he was just a few feet from the boys, but not too close to them either. Verrine flapped his wings, before looking over at Kalif, and back to the boy.
Theodore had been having a really good dream involving him and Aleyha while he slept, actually nothing really happened in the dream but it was still nice enough for him to enjoy it. When he felt something land on his chest and a small noise he suddenly awoke quite quickly, his amazing dreams coming to an abrupt hault. What the hell..' One of his eyes cracked open to see a large bird sitting on his chest and looking at him with big black beady eyes. Bringing a pale hand up he swatted the bird away and turned over to fall asleep again when he suddenly felt as if someone was watching him and turned back onto his back. Finally deciding that his nap was probably done he opened his emerald green eyes to suddenly feel like his heart was going to burst. "'s you!" He screamed but froze in mid-sentence when he saw that is was none other than Professor Styx that was standing there looking at the two of them. He hadn't seen that man since their argument last year, the one concerning his marriage to Nicolette.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Theodore hissed as his eyes shifted to Levi, then back at the tall man standing before him again. He let his back fall back against the grass as he felt a headache coming on, why is it every time something odd happened this man decided to show up and make it ten times as worse.
Levi's eyes fluttered open when he heard a scream. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep away. Glancing over at the bird, Levi whistled for the bird to come to him and it perched on his lap. Levi murmured, "Hey there Verrine." When Theodore acted like a complete moron, Levi smacked Theodore in the shoulder and he hissed, "You idiot, don't you talk to him like that! God." Levi rolled his eyes but he said nothing more. His stormy eyes locked with Professor Styx's, and he can't see anything in his eyes. Nothing. It was creepy and drove a shiver through the young boy. Levi had heard from his dad about what type of man Kalif was. Family knew about family, and Levi heard of the vicious killings that the man had done before the name change.
There were some nights that Estrella wouldn't be spending with her husband and daughter. This was just a fact of life, albeit one she hadn't been conditioned to. At least she was only teaching the first and second years this term. She had snatched that silver lining and now held it close. Since she wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight anyway, she had decided a walk would kick her spirits a few feet upward.

Naturally, she gravitated to the Lakefront. This was a special place for the former Ravenclaw. So much good had happened to her here that she knew it was the right place to be. Tugging her cloak so that it was snug to her form, she stared over the winter-kissed waters.

Her reverie wasn't to last. The voices of two young males interrupted an otherwise uneventful evening. She wasn't technically a professor, but that wasn't going to stop her from telling off troublemakers. She'd been Head Girl not so long ago, after all. It wasn't long before she found the two, with all the noise they were making.

"Excuse me, boys, it's long past curfew," she said sternly, her voice rising over the din. Only then did she notice her father-in-law. Oh, Merlin. Kalif had been her professor, was her father-in-law, and was presently something of a coworker. Estrella was able to manage a nod in his direction. It was no secret that the man still intimidated her.
With narrowed eyes, Kalif watched both of the boys react. Theodore of course was being just as stupid as ever. Was it not obvious why Kalif was here? Not only did he work here, his office was just a bit away. Kalif did not bother replying as someone else stepped in. From the sound of it, it did not please the Death Eater. Eyes turned to see none other than his daughter-in-law. He thought that he would be getting a break from those who annoyed him this year as Cecily was taking a leave, but now Estrella had to step in and replace that void. Kalif nodded in her direction slowly, and he turned his attention back to the boys. With a cold, chilling voice, Kalif said, "Indeed. I highly suggest that you two return to the dormitories, immediately."

Now, Kalif glanced in the direction of Estrella and he inquired, "And what are you doing here? I didn't know you could return to school so soon."
Theodore blinked tiredly at the creepy Herbology Professor then towards the woman that had just arrived a few moments ago, he remembered her being in this school a few years go, she was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. "What are you doing back here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, wondering what on earth would posses her to come back here or even be outside at this time of night. His eyes went back to Professor Styx before he sighed under his breath, he hadn't meant to flip out but if you were having a really good dream and woke up to see your creepy Herbology standing there, he doubted anyone would be happy to see that.

"Sorry Professor, we uh...kinda fell asleep." He shrugged and sat up before he flipped some of his blond hair out of his face and stared at the two of them. He could sense some sort of brawl, argument, or whatever going on and it got him in the mood to see something big, he wondered if Levi would leave or if he wanted to stay and see what happened too.
Verrine flew off into the sky, and Levi sat up. Having heard the orders from both adults, he sighed, "I really don't want to serve detention... Back to the dorms. See ya, Professor Styx and...whoever." Levi rolled his eyes and he stood up to walk back to the dorms. Levi wondered, did they sleep all day? Wow, that was some storm too. Levi shrugged and he entered the dungeons just to fall asleep in the common room.
Estrella didn't recognize the young boy who took off toward the castle, but she did recognize the Slytherin who still remained. He'd been one of the more vicious beaters in Quidditch. She remembered all too well being carried off to the Hospital Wing for that one. The brunette regarded her father-in-law coolly. "I applied for a job here and got it," she responded, answering both of the males. "I'm a Professor-in-training." Sure, she didn't have the professor title just yet, but she hoped to someday.
"Not surprising," uttered Kalif to the Slytherin boy. Kalif was not even looking at Theodore from this point. The first year was at least smart enough to head back to the castle. Regarding Estrella's answer, Kalif thought rather harshly, I wouldn't have been surprised if she had to repeat a year with the dumb choices she has made recently. However, she does now have a job. Kalif stated, "Let's see how long you last then. You returned as a student - more or less, and hopefully won't be influencing others to wed and spawn at an early age. I suppose I could only wish you luck, Estrella, and hope Jaken doesn't kill his first child while you are here. However, if you do pass and manage to become a professor, people will have to get used to another Styx around here." Two, that was all they needed, didn't they. One mean and strict, and the other young. Kalif could not think of any adjectives to describe Estrella that were very pleasant. His head inclined to Theodore and he said, "Shouldn't you be going back to the dorms before you wind up in trouble, again."
Theodore shrugged his shoulders at Professor Styx before he pushed himself off of the ground and wiped some of the dirt and grass from off of his Slytherin robes. As much as he wanted to just stay there; he made a promise to Aleyha and himself that he would just listen to the man and try his best to avoid angering him. "Fine, I'll head back inside." He held his hands up in defeat before he looked towards Estrella and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, he muttered a quick congratulations to her on making Professor before he turned towards the school, new teachers were popping up everywhere and that hopefully meant they would make it an interesting year for him.

"See you later." He didn't know if he would see Estrella around anywhere, but he knew for a fact that he was taking Herbology this year, even if the OWL's were hard that man wasn't going to get rid of him that easily. Just before Theodore started to walk away he turned around to face the Professor's one more time, his emerald green eyes gleaming as he did so. "Ah Professor Styx, tell your wife that I said hi." He quoted the word wife before he rolled his eyes and walked off to the castle, chances were that Nicolette was still upset with him and such, but he had to start somewhere with making amends towards these people.
"Your son is not incompetent," Estrella sniffed. "He is a great father." Much better than you. Glowering, she pulled her robes more tightly about her. She still hadn't readjusted to the backwards weather in New Zealand. Instead of getting colder as the school year went on, it would get much, much hotter.

"Thanks," she murmured to the Slytherin kid, watching as he walked away. He knew Kalif's wife too? Coincidence already seemed to have staked a permanent spot in Estrella's life. As did sarcasm. "Oh, don't worry, I won't encourage anyone to start popping out pups until they've hit fourth year."
"Never said he wasn't. Accidents tend to happen, Mrs. Styx," uttered Kalif. Kalif narrowed his eyes at Theodore as he stalked off. He shook his head and he heard the sarcasm Estrella had pointed. With a smirk on his face, and words to combat, it was hard to tell whether or not he was being serious, "At least it would be an improvement to this generation rather than the last." Kalif glanced toward the castle, and he murmured, "You best be heading to bed. Morning comes fast. I bid you farewell until the next meeting." Turning, he retreated to his office.

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