- Messages
- 99
- OOC First Name
- Tayla
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
- Age
- 11 (5th March, 2045)
Birdie 'Anne' Atwood
Date of Birth: 5th of March, 2045

Blood Status: Half Blood
Home town: Norsewood, New Zealand
Education: Hogwarts New ZealandPet: N/A
Birdie - bright; famous; little bird /// Atwood - at the wood
German/English/American Origin /// Anglo/Saxon origin
Played by: Sadie Sink
Known Languages: EnglishNationality: New Zealand
Hogwarts year: 1st Year /// Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Aspen - Aspen is a renowned duelling wood, having a great history within the art and exceptional skill for charms.
Pheonix Tail Feather - Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic
9 1/2 Inch - On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Curly - Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Flexible - Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
Curly - Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Flexible - Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
silky red hair, sea-blue eyes, pale pink skin
142 cm - 4'8 - 1.42 m
yellow knitted sweater, baby blue high waisted jeans, white sneakers, messy bun
freckles dotted over nose and cheeks, rosy pink cheeks during cold weather
Sarcastic. Quiet. Perceptive. Nice.
Enjoys a nice stroll through green fields and lying under the stars, looking at constellations.
Loves a good forest, and trees with huge trunks.
Listens to music on the daily but can't play an instrument.
Imagines living life in the comfort of her blanket filled bed.
Journalling the night away.
Obsessed with plush bears, owns one called Joe who lives at home.
Can run a mile without a sweat.
Finds books are aesthetically pleasing but doesn't like to read, unless her own journals.
Sunflowers, who doesn't love em.
silky red hair, sea-blue eyes, pale pink skin
142 cm - 4'8 - 1.42 m
yellow knitted sweater, baby blue high waisted jeans, white sneakers, messy bun
freckles dotted over nose and cheeks, rosy pink cheeks during cold weather
Sarcastic. Quiet. Perceptive. Nice.
Enjoys a nice stroll through green fields and lying under the stars, looking at constellations.
Loves a good forest, and trees with huge trunks.
Listens to music on the daily but can't play an instrument.
Imagines living life in the comfort of her blanket filled bed.
Journalling the night away.
Obsessed with plush bears, owns one called Joe who lives at home.
Can run a mile without a sweat.
Finds books are aesthetically pleasing but doesn't like to read, unless her own journals.
Sunflowers, who doesn't love em.
ISFP - An Adventurer is a person with the Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to have open minds approaching life, new experiences, and people with grounded warmth. Their ability to stay in the moment helps them uncover exciting potentials.
Birdie’s parents met in a tiny cafe at the heart of their little country town, Norsewood. There bloomed a romance, young couple living the dream life in a cottage outside of town. Then her mother got unexpectedly pregnant with Birdie. She gave birth and the three of them lived a normal life, or so Birdie thought. Because by the time she was the age of 5, her mum had left. Gone, no note, no clothes, not a single strand of evidence to say that three people had lived in that house. Her dad was distraught, rightfully so. Birdie was young, she didn’t understand. And so went the magical mother leaving Birdie and her muggle dad forever. But that wasn't the end of it. Her father became distant, so much so that by the age of 9 she felt like she had lost her connection with both of her parents. Just her, the sky and some music to let the time pass by.
Living in the countryside had some perks though, she wasn’t always drowning in the negativity of her parents. Her backyard was acres and acres of beautiful green grass and hills that she could spend hours sitting and rolling on. Summertime was spent searching the hills far and wide, only daring to come back at the sight of dusk. Wintertime was spent bundled in a heap of fluffy blankets, a warm hot chocolate in hand whilst sitting on her window ledge gazing at the snow on her paddocks. Or, again, outside playing in the white wonderland.
She had few friends, as many knew of her family drama since it was a small town, but never invited them over. She wanted her part of the country to keep as her own, something she thought would never leave her. Until the letter arrived. Hogwarts New Zealand. What was that? She hadn't a clue, no one else in town had received any letter similar to hers. Shoving it in her father's face, he blankly stared at the parchment. "Yeah, sure," he nonchalantly said to her. What he was agreeing to, she didn't know. Soon enough, a witch arrived explaining every detail to Birdie and her father, and it was fair to say, Birdie was not thrilled. Leaving her fortress behind to only come back to it for a month or two sounded like hell, but her father had agreed. Birdie thought he had agreed a bit too fast, but he agreed nonetheless.
So here she is. A first-year Gryffindor eagerly awaiting what this school has in store. It's gonna be magical!
Sorting Post
Birdie was awestruck. The stars, clouds, the whole roof was covered in the night sky that mimicked the one at home. It felt like she was there, sitting on the grass and staring at the twinkling stars that filtered the black sea. But she wasn’t, which was clear when a child bumped into her, forcing her to walk along the gigantic tables that stretched the hall. Surrounded by children of her age would surely ease her, yet the only thing that gave her comfort was the sky. Or the roof. She still didn’t understand it, magic.
As the headmaster spoke, she dazed away. Gazing at the stars again, occasionally looking around the bizarre room and the candles. She can’t remember the last time she lit a candle, probably the last time there was a power outage at home. She didn’t think that was common around here.
“Atwood, Birdie.”
Sitting on the stool, she looked through the sea of faces that she would come to recognise. And the hat was placed on her head.
"You are an adventurous one. There's no better place for you than Gryffindor!"
As the headmaster spoke, she dazed away. Gazing at the stars again, occasionally looking around the bizarre room and the candles. She can’t remember the last time she lit a candle, probably the last time there was a power outage at home. She didn’t think that was common around here.
“Atwood, Birdie.”
Sitting on the stool, she looked through the sea of faces that she would come to recognise. And the hat was placed on her head.
"You are an adventurous one. There's no better place for you than Gryffindor!"
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