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Abigail Lurken-Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Spanish Cedar 14" Core of Werewolf fur and Phoenix feather.
<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100">BIG NEWS

Abbey's secret* will be out when December begins from the Gossip Magazine

Now what I need is people to ridicule her so I can begin her rien of tyranny. She'll be awful to everyone except one person in particular who she knows wouldn't tell her secret

At first she is going to cry all the time and be on her own but after a week or two of being made fun of she snaps.. So anyone that wants to make Abbey go a little bonkers and b!tchy post here!

*Abbey's secret: She was homeless for all of last year, was abused before that which is why she moved here and that she works for Adira Ater, a person she cannot stand!
I don't think it should affect her seeker abilities negatively in fact it just might be positive
This plot will begin in IC December k?

Anyone else wanting to jump in feel free :)
Unless Alyssa is the person Abbey has intrusted I'll have her do it.
She won't tease of course, but she'll try and get Abbey to talk about it and come into realization that she has to get over it.
Goth Gang will be all over that one if you want. I need a reason to make the Gang name not just something someone called them.
Actually Abbey will be livid with Alyssa
the person she trusts is Theodore :p

Abbey with think that Aly wrote to Gossip Girl because she knows everything so expect some tension there Jessye :p

And Beth and Ana I thought you would be :) So tis good :)
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