Bi-Weekly Update

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Stefan Archer

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4/2015 (46)
Hello there, HNZ type people. Welcome to another amazing Bi-Weekly Update. Now sit back, and enjoy the ride!

Welcome Back Students and Professors
Week 1 of classes has begun! The school welcomes back it's students, who have all hopefully passed some busy and drama free holidays. Professors are reminded to post lessons and such. Students should attempt to attend lessons. As it stands right now, Hufflepuff is in the lead for the house cup, so maybe we should all collectively try to prevent that? :r

In line with classes starting back, remember to sign up for the classes via the gradebook. Thanks to Nick, 1st and 2nd years should not have to do this, but for everyone else, remember to sign up, or you won't be able to be given house points!

Welcome New Professors!
We have three new professors this term, Professor Connor Barnard, teaching Charms 1st Years - 4th Years, and Professor James Woodlock, teaching Herbology 1st Years - 4th Years and finally Professor Damien Champ teaching Astronomy 1st years - 4th years for this semester only. A very warm welcome to them from all of us! Good luck!

Accio! Yearbook
As we're in the second term now, this means that in the somewhat near future the pages of Accio! will be closed for Y18, and you will no longer be able to add your character's picture. Some pages are already closed, but you still have some time with the the clubs. So, post pictures before the time runs out.
Hosting Issues
As some of you will have noticed, as of a few days ago, HNZ was temporarily down. This was caused by external hosting issues beyond the control of the Admin. However, the site was back up and running within the day. So all is back to normal. To read more about this, you can find the topic here. Now, here's a competition, who received the most emails from Nick? ^_^

Holiday Forums!
With the start of term now upon us, this unfortunately means that the holiday forums will be closed soon, so students with RPs outside of school are encouraged to try to wrap those up.

The calendar has now been updated for up to the end of Y18. So feel free to check that out, and plan accordingly!
After a year apart, Indiana and Tybalt meet up again and the best friends are reassured that they truly are best friends.</LI>

[li]A First Date
Preston asked Indiana to the Yule Ball and the two attend together. Indiana is confused with feelings between Preston and Tybalt, whereas Preston is confused if he wants to be more with friends with Indiana. Nerves are off the wall in this plot.

[li]We're Radioactive
After Tybalt fled the Yule ball after the sight of the girl who bullied him in his first year. She follows him into the courtyard. Will he will listen to her as she explains she isn't who he thinks?
Other RPs in this Plot:

[li]When You Were Young
It would seem that karma has a bone to pick with Astoria.
Other RPs in this Plot:
But passion's grip, I fear

Pure Blood's and Half-Breeds aren't supposed to be friends.....right?

[li]Beware of Snake Bites
Are Isabella and Sergios ready to wave that white flag and call their rivalry quits?

[li]One Last Hurrah
A seventh year Slytherin has decided to throw a party, let's watch how events unfold, and how long it takes before a professor crashes it and ruins the fun for everyone.

[ul][li] Graduation
[li] Character Spotlight
[li] Accio!
<LI>[li] MESSI? [/li][/ul]
Right that's it over, enjoy it? Now, it's your turn, any questions, comments, that sort of thing post them here! If not thanks for reading and see you in two weeks time!

(on behalf of Site Staff)
Thanks for the great update Emzies!

Hey! There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuff winning the cup ;) Go Badgers!
Good luck to the new Professors, I nearly applied but I know how much of a challenge it is. I'm sure you'll do awesomely! (Is that a word?)
It won't be long before I have another graduate.. They grow up so fast :cry:
Now, time to read those plots!
Matilda Undersee said:
Hey! There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuff winning the cup ;)
Except that there definitely is.
Thanks for posting the Bi-Weekly Update, Emzies. :)
Great updates Emzies.
Congratulations to all new professors. I hope that you enjoy your duty (it becomes a lot easyer after the first year)

Go Go Hufflepuff, Go Go Hufflepuff
Thanks for posting the update, Emzies. The Gryffindors better get it together or Mrs. Kingsley will not be happy with them. :glare: :p
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
The Gryffindors better get it together or Mrs. Kingsley will not be happy with them. :glare: :p
I heard that if Gryffindor loses this house cup Kingsley will resign in shame.
Thank you Emzies! :)
Nicolas King said:
I heard that if Gryffindor loses this house cup Kingsley will resign in shame.

Interesting thing to know <_< :r

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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