Better Left Alone

Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
For some time now, Aleyha Devearux was currently alone for her sixth year of school. Having heard her cousin Kaleb had moved on and transferred over to Durmstrang, Aleyha honestly did not know who to turn to. Hadan was in Romania, Theodore was in France, Cassancra was in Bulgaria, and she was stuck here. Continuing from that, she was under constant watch from her annoying man that had helped raise her as a daughter when she was nine to thirteen, before she returned to her real father, Arnost. That was not the least of her concerns. He had somehow thought that meeting every week would help her sway from her decision to marry Theodore (even though her arranged marriage, it was set in stone anyway) and to stop pursuing to follow after the man, the great man Arnost. How could she not follow in her father's footsteps? Being a Death Eater was her dream, and she had realized this in her fourth year. He accepted her from the moment she came into his life, with open arms and a lifetime of wisdom to learn what he had seen and done. She had felt some sort of closeness with the stories and memories of Voldemort because they both shared the same gift. Parseltongue. She loved her gift, and she was not ashamed to show it off when she was having conversations with her snake, Fenrir.

As of right now, Aleyha was walking across the lawn, her albinism showing all of its worth under cloudy skies. Her Slytherin uniform was just basic, and she did not have her robes around her at the time. She placed her green snake on the ground, where Fenrir perked his head up and he stared at her with black, beady eyes. Aleyha stroked his head for a moment before she knelt down on her knees, sitting her bottom on her legs, and Fenrir leaned into her touch, his green skin clashing highly with her porcelain white skin. Fenrir hissed eerily, his black tongue flickering out as he rose even higher to just stare at Aleyha in her blood, red eyes, "You are filled with such sorrow and anger, what displeases you?" Aleyha glanced down at the grass and she stared over the cliffs. "Beautiful as it is, my time here is soon to end, but it feels like an eternity. Prodan is nagging me, and I have to behave so that I may reside with my love one day. I just want to rip out his throat, but I can only vent to you." She could not misbehave or else she would be punished, under the orders of the Zhefarovich Family. She was the family's symbol in a way, other than the Patriarch, as she had received a talent that is so rare, it is almost forgotten until heard. However this Slytherin was not just sadden over being alone this semester, she was also angered by the treatment she was suddenly receiving, as if she was a child.
Starting back at school had proved somewhat difficult for Lily. Sure, classes were fine. She was getting through the work which had been set, and she spent time revising on some days, but it had not exactly been great. Lily had had a few minor problems, the first of which was Jaden. Jaden was someone who never really left Lily's mind. It just forever stuck in her brain and made her want to scratch her own eyes out. Mainly because if she admitted or not, Lily actually liked Jaden, as more than a friend. And that wasn't something that Lily had ever experienced. She had never really been that honest or close to any body. It really to her had just been one poor friendship after another. And tha was not even beginning to cover family. Sure her brother and her were on good terms, but Lily knew next to nothing about him, and he knew next to nothing about her. But that was just the way her family was. Lily wasn't sure what to do with herself on the day when she did not have to attend any classes. She had decided that actually working would defeat the purpose of not having any classes. But, it did leave Lily wandering the school. She knew she could've taken the time to see Jaden, possibly spend time with her, but, Lily had been too scared to. So, instead she'd decided to just walk the halls. Her school uniform being worn for the first time. Well, all of that week it had been worn, but before 5th year, Lily had always never worn it, but had the correct colours. She'd never clearly be told to change, but being a fifth year, Lily had decided it was time for a change. She was no longer going to be that girl with zero friends, who just didn't do anything she was told. She would be a fifth year Slytherin, who was someone to be messed with, while also being the the girl who did her work, who did her homework, and was not a disgrace to her house. Lily knew it was going to be quite a task, but she was a hard worker after all.</SIZE>
<SIZE size="50">After spending a bit of time wandering the halls, Lily finally made the decision to go to her favourite place in Hogwarts. Well, it was the grounds, but still Hogwarts. She had gone there many a time during her first and second year, since it had reminded her of home in a sense. She walked there slowly. Always aware that she was walking in heels on grass area. She wanted to be sure that she wouldn't fall over. Or slip into mud, because that would ruin everything. Her clothes, her make up and her hair. All of which lily had spent so much time picking out, doing. She took pride in her appearance. And it did show. As soon as Lily arrived at the Cliffs, she realised there was someone else there. Lily then heard her speak, it was an odd language, and she noticed the snake. At that point she realised who it was. Mainly because there were very few people who spoke to snakes. And she only knew of one. Aleyah, a girl in the year above her, but in the same house. Lily scoffed loudly. "Talking to a snake, now there is a tell tale sign of insanity." Lily said loudly, in a mocking tone. "You must be seriously losing it. Or you're just so lonely, only a snake can make you feel better. Now, that is not only mental, but, incredibly sad. I mean, does the snake even want to here what you have to say. I'm sure it's bored of listening to whatever crap you are talking about to it." Lily continued moving towards the girl, while still keeping a safe distance. Because if words turned into something more, Lily didn't want to be that close. She was not the kind of girl who fought. She preferred words, and when they ran out. She walked away. So, Lily had to be sure, that she could.​
The Parselmouth narrowed her red eyes at Fenrir, before she ended up standing up to her full height after Fenrir curled around her white arm, and she allowed Fenrir to curl around her neck. He seemed rather content with being this close to her, but already, her anger was boiling. A voice was speaking to her, so unkindly. "Talking to a snake, now there is a tell tale sign of insanity." A pause enough to cause Aleyha to bite down on the inner part of her cheek on her right side. "You must be seriously losing it. Or you're just so lonely, only a snake can make you feel better. Now, that is not only mental, but, incredibly sad. I mean, does the snake even want to here what you have to say. I'm sure it's bored of listening to whatever crap you are talking about to it." That was enough to even have Fenrir hiss in distaste. Aleyha dared not to even look, because she did not recognize that voice, but whomever it was, they did not know who they were dealing with. Aleyha was one of those that gladly would beat the living snot out of anyone that crossed her path. She heard Fenrir hiss, "Want me to bite her, mistress?" Aleyha simply shook her head just slightly, before she turned her full body to see a girl that she knew by reputation and one of the fifth years that stuck around long enough in the school. Lily Fossil, wasn't that her name? Or was it Livia? She couldn't remember nor did she very much care what her name was, but those words still echoed in her eyes. Though her red eyes swirled like pools of blood, and her lips were tight and stretched in a frown. White eyebrows furrowed just to cause her eyes to narrow as her expression quickly turned into irritation.

One should know Aleyha by her large reputation. When she was a first year, she fought two males, at once. Then in her second year, she got in many fights, including one with a seventh year, taking a piece of wood and beating him until he bled. After her third year, she immediately calmed down after demolishing her dorm room, and calmed down even further when she met her fourth and fifth year. Dating the Head Boy of the previous year really set her straight those years, but now, her temper was close to exploding like a volcano now that she had no one to calm her down other than Fenrir, whom supported her violent acts. He gladly urged her on to go on and talk and get violent. However, she promised Theodore she would behave as well as her family, plus being watched by a professor. If there was a chance that Professor Styx would be involved, she would be screwed. "Are you not a Slytherin, stupid girl? The founder of your house, our house, was a Parselmouth, like me. How could anyone even think that I would be interested in what you are saying as of right now? Perhaps you should leave, before I find your wand a new home in your arse." Aleyha was only getting started as well. She kept in mind the distance that was between them. Aleyha used words to have her victims go away, however she also loved to fight. She would love to find some sort of weapon like a thick stick and disfigure that pretty little face right now. If something did not stop her if she were to continue running that mouth, perhaps she would end up doing just what she thought. It brought a wicked smirk to the sixth year's face. There was a reason why she was never named Prefect. Aleyha might have some power of Accio! and a Slytherin Beater, but she was never what one would call a role model.
Lily couldn't help but smile when she noticed that she'd clearly hit a nerve. It wasn't hard to do. Lily found it fairly easy to pick up on other people and use that against them. Lily thought it was incredibly weird that the girl was speaking to a snake. That she was actually probably having a conversation with it. A friend. Lily hadn't the thoughts of pets being friends. It was completely riduclous. It wasn't at all right. Pets were pets not people. They were there, but they didn't have to do anything or that was Lily's stance. Frankly she just didn't like animals full stop. It was always a huge inconvenience for her to have to use owls to send mail. It was a good thing that she generally did not have to send that much mail. That and she didn't have that many people to send mail to. Lily wasn't exactly going to be sending any letters to her father who she wasn't currently on speaking terms with and her brother was at school, so if she needed to speak with him (which was almost never) then she would be able to. Without the messy use of an owl that enjoyed making a mess of whatever room they were in. It was probably why Lily wouldn't even send letteres if she had to. If she had people to send letters to, she'd make a trip to a post box before she used the owls. Lily smirked at the girl, as the girl got angry and yelled at her. Lily just let the girl vent. She had to be tactical about annoying this girl. Lily wasn't stupid she knew who she was dealing with, and that she was really putting herself out there. Lily didn't often physically look for trouble from people that she knew would pretty much tear her apart. But she had felt like it. She had wanted to annoy someone. It was always good feeling for her, and it wasn't one that she actually wanted to shift. Knowing that she was getting under a persons skin. Lily's hand was near her wand. She hoped she didn't have to use it, but she was pretty much ready to use it if she had to. It probably wasn't the best thing to be thinking, and she knew generally for most at this point they would walk away but, Lily wasn't like that. She was a stubborn girl. With a bad attitude and a great sense of knowing when to annoy those around her. She gave a small chuckle. "That doesn't let you off the hook, serpent tongue" Lily gave a small chuckle as she spoke. It was carefully chosen words, there was an art in a sense to being a b!tch. It required time, and an impatience, which were the opposite of each other timing came with the deliverence of words, and impatience joined with anger to bring the hatred and fire to the forth front.

"You might have the talent, but, it still makes you a freak." Lily was in someways jealous of the girl. It wasn't like she even held back on her talent. She didn't bother. Where as Lily's talent had been taken from her and then she'd been made to practice in the solutide of her bedroom, sure that no one was watching because they might just make fun of her. "I'm sure people made fun of the founder. I mean it's weird. And really to be honest, you have to have really no one to talk to, to resort to talking to a snake. It's must be really hard for you to talk to normal people. Considering a snake is your best friend." Lily looked from the snake to the girl "I'm guessing you don't talk to people. And that you don't have any friends. Which isn't hard to believe. Most would never say it, but it's not like anyone wants to befriend someone who takes to snakes."
Fenrir was almost itching to get out and use his fangs to sink into the flesh of the other Slytherin. Normally, Aleyha did not wish to fight with those of her own house considering that she was told to consider close to family. Aleyha's breathing hardened and she slowed it down so that she did not have to just wast her energy on huffing. Fenrir was more like Aleyha's guardian that watched over her and kept her safe when she was vulnerable such as sleeping or eating. Though Aleyha could make a fork a weapon if she needed to. Aleyha generally hated animals, but snakes understood her more than humans did. People like the one in front of her made her hate humanity even more. As soon as she was out of here, she was going to become a Death Eater like her father and slaughter anyone that crossed her, damn the consequences. She wondered if she would ever meet this girl out after graduating and such. Then again, they were close to the cliffs. She thought, Perhaps I should just banish her arse over the cliffs and be done with it. Not often thoughts like these had not crossed the mind of the albino Parselmouth. Aleyha remembered her promise to Theodore. "I promise I will behave, and you better keep in touch with me." Those were her exact words before departing on her way back to Hogwarts. She wished that she never did, because she felt like it had been years before she even knew life without Theodore. The punches, the kisses, she missed all of them. And now, she was standing here, glaring at the girl that managed to piss her off. However, the anger was simply building. Aleyha was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. She hoped that she could curse the girl before being caught. Anyone would figure that Aleyha was getting riled up, even enough to think about using an insult that she twisted around. No one liked the word mudblood, but she thought of it as people that were weak, rather than muggle-born.

Her arms folded across her chest, and she was quick just in case this turned into a duel. What if she just maimed the girl without really harming her, saying it was self-defense? Could she get into trouble then? Dealing with her reputation and past records, she knew better than to even consider that. Aleyha softly stroked Fenrir's head, whom seemed rather tense and she could feel him constricting. However it was not enough to choke the albino girl. Aleyha just smirked when the girl managed to call her one of her favorite names, Serpent tongue. That did not bother as much as it normally would. The other comments still echoed in her mind, and she just hoped that there was going to be something to stop this girl from running her mouth just a little more. Aleyha narrowed her red eyes and she hissed back, "Better having talent than being all words with no bite." Aleyha was daring the girl to really start a physical fight. With Aleyha training in martial arts, and having taken dancing and gymnastics when she was little, it was programmed into her muscles that she could have some powerful maneuvers, if only that worked with her arms and punches. Pinning her arms back and she was as powerless as a child. Aleyha snapped back, "As if you have a right in saying what is normal and what is weird. Never in my life have I seen someone so pathetic, pick a fight with someone to boost their own little ego up." Aleyha slowly stepped forward, as if she were a cobra ready to strike. Her arms slowly unfolded, and her fingers itched to get out her wand. "No one wants to befriend someone who acts like a weak mudblood as well, but I guess that is why you go around b!tching about anything. Honestly, don't you have anything better to do before I end up making your nose as crooked as Dumbledore's?" Any moment now, she would curse the witch.
With a well reasoned agruement Lily had to think a little further out of the box of normal insults. She didn't bother with people, so she just didn't bother to be nice or act like she cared. Lily was Lily and she didn't bother with those around her. It was something that she'd long learned to ignore. It didn't bother her that she was friendless. In most situations friends kept people down. Lily knew that at dance school, she wouldn't be having this problem with a girl who clearly was so easy to annoy. She didn't want to actually fight her, but it would be funny to continuously annoy her. It seemed only a little amount of time before the girl snapped. That was judging by how she held herself and that she was acting as if she was actually going to fight Lily. Lily found that dance had taught her a number of things that were perfect for every day situations. One was being lady-like. Lily was a little more lax when it came to that, but it didn't mean that she didn't try. The b!tch within her was just a lot stronger than she was. The second was a knowledge that physically fighting was not something to be done. It was pretty pointless and stupid. Fighting always ended by people getting hurt and both parties ending up in trouble. It was why Lily went for the hands off approach to fighting. It was clear to her that the girl hadn't be given that kind of training. Or been given any sort of normal lessons. Lily did get slightly annoyed when the girl implied she had no talents. Lily did, she just didn't have the freedom to be so open about them. With every passing second Lily was growing more and more annoyed. She had to keep calmer that the other girl though. She didn't want to be the one to cast the first spell. It was a fortunate thing that the word Mudblood meant little to her. She knew what she was in terms of blood status. She didn't care. Blood status didn't mean anything. There were mudbloods that were better at magic than the purebloods. At least with Lily and dance, she had inherited it, and her pure ballet genes passed on a real talent. Magic was an ability not a talent.

"Don't be so quick to assume, just because I don't go around showing off my talent, doesn't mean I haven't got one." Lily snapped at the girl, standing her ground. Her hazel brown eyes meeting the girls. Lily knew that she was prettier than the girl. The girls skin was so pale, where as Lily had sun kissed skin. Her hair was a lush brown colour, that cascaded down in lose waves. When not tied back. "Pathetic? Look in a mirror. Then you will see something that is truly pathetic." Lily shook her head. "I don't, as you have so convenantly pointed out. I don't have any friend, so therefore, I invite you to make my nose as crooked as dumbledore's." Lily snapped at her. "Do you having nothing better to do than pick a fight and talk to a snakes. And just in general be an oddity to the entire school."
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OOCOut of Character:

Sorry about the late-ish reply, I completely forgot about this topic.
Also, apologies for lameness.
With hearing what the girl said, Aleyha wondered if she had touched a nerve when she implied that this Slytherin did not have any sort of talent. Not that Aleyha could see that is. She did not know her, did not really want to know her either, but the matter of the fact was, this girl had started it, and Aleyha was determined to finish it. A cold smirk spread across those pale lips of hers. The albino was somewhat getting a little cocky, and she figured that this girl, actually, was not really that different from Aleyha. Well, appearance wise one could not be any more different. She was a normal girl, rather average with brown hair and eyes. Aleyha on the other hand was full on albino. No sun comes into contact with her skin because it damaged it so much. Aleyha could be taking potions for what she had to go through, but she chose not to. Aleyha's hands slowly turned into small fists, and she hoped that this girl would throw the first spell, the first punch, anything to make it so that Aleyha would not have to earn herself so much trouble, again. But a small thought crossed her mind, not so much a thought as Fenrir telling her, "Let not the enemy strike first. Attack, maim, kill." Aleyha's red eyes went to the snake for a moment, and Aleyha knew that the snake had a point. The enemy, this was the enemy. Aleyha's blood boiled from beneath her skin, and she wanted so much to just let her temper fly. The urging from Fenrir was not helping her in the long run with doing the right thing.

An evil smirk curled over her lips and she shrugged lightly, "I would ask what your talents were, but to save it from being the world's shortest book, I'll save it for someone who gives a sh*t." Aleyha glanced down at Fenrir, and the girl practically insulted her appearance, but Aleyha truly did not care. She was not vain, she did not really care about how she looked. She brushed her hair, put on clothing and that was all she did. Aleyha retorted, "The only way I'd see something truly pathetic is if you were in the mirror reflection standing behind me." Aleyha figured that she might be like some of those other Slytherins in the school that cared more about their appearance than anything else. It was downright annoying to the Parselmouth. Her hand touched the charm that Theodore gave her, and Aleyha narrowed her eyes when the girl said that she did not have any friends. "I'm not the one who started this whole mess, idiot. I have those that adore me, and from what it appears, you have absolutely no one. You are alone, and I suppose I will make your appearance as hideous as your attitude." Aleyha flourished her wand, clearly having enough with this girl. Aleyha was about to send out a spell, but her voice was cut off, "Co-" by a shout of her name, and the spell was not complete. Aleyha's attitude soured even more, because she looked like she was about to curse the girl, and not standing up for herself. She dropped her wand to her side, and her anger now approached by a man that caught her red handed.
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine. Just got to the point where Aleyha was going to attack, so must have a professor post. Twas awesome! ^^ After the professor posts, if you want, Lily can post the ending. But it is up to you
Prodan was actually just out and about, roaming from the castle to the lawns. After having sessions with Aleyha for talking about her future, and perhaps limiting that ability of hers to a minimum or even not using it at all because of how closely it relates to the dead Lord Voldemort, and thusly connects to his followers. Prodan was just concerned and truly did not think that Aleyha should really marry that Theodore Snow. He seemed to have a negative influence on her when it was really the other way around. Prodan glanced over to the cliffs and saw two students there. They were normally not supposed to even be over there, but he recognized one as Aleyha, and another as Miss Fossil. Prodan saw that Aleyha was about to cast a spell, and that was the only thing he saw, as he did not hear anything else. Prodan announced, "Aleyha Devearux! Put your wand down at once!" Prodan watched as she did what he said, and with a hand on her shoulder, he started to lead her away. He turned his eyes to the other slightly younger Slytherin, and he smiled, "Miss Fossil, please be so kind as to leave the cliffs. It is prohibited to students. Would hate to send two Slytherins to Professor Styx at once. He is in a bad mood today." Prodan led the albino student away from the cliffs, trusting that Lily would leave soon. From what he had seen, Aleyha was about to attack a student, and she would have another detention, more or less.

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