Best friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life.

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi looked at her overflowing bag with shock. She couldn't believe that she fit everything in that one huge bag. Yes of course she was a girl, and had a lot of stuff. But it took her to shock that she could fit it all in.. but with some help of shoving and pushing. Caysi was super excited to go to Kiera's house in England while James was away for a bit. Caysi hadn't re-united with her best friend for a while. This would give her to the time to talk about why she left, and so much more that had happened in her life. Caysi quickly put in some more things that she would need and finally zipped up her bag. It was heavier than she was, but that was alright. " I'm going dad, be back ... not to sure when, going to Kiera's for a while." She smiled as she left the back door. Of course she would apparate in the backyard, she didn't want the neighbours staring.

Caysi arrived to Kiera's England house, she loved the look of it, very very cute. She smiled as she got to the front door, once infront she knocked and waited for her best friend to arrive.
Kiera was sitting on her couch in the house she shared with James in England. It had been a gift from Harry and Ginny Potter. It had once belonged to Harry's godfather but the Potters had no use for it, instead giving it to Kiera and James to use. The young couple often spent time there since they were constantly in England for their quidditch careers, which was the reason Kiera was here now. She was back playing for the Harpies and been ever since Christmas. James was traveling with his team to an away game. Kiera hadn't felt like being alone so Caysi was coming over to spend time with her. Kiera really appreciated her best friend dropping everything for her like that. Not that Kiera would immediately do the same for Caysi. They had been inseperable since first year.

Kiera turned as she heard a knock on the door. The young brunette got up from her place on the couch. It would be nice to have a girls night. Kiera had stocked the fridge with plenty of food as well as alcohol. She put a smile on her face as she opened the door. "Hey Sham! Come on in! " she said stepping out of the way so Caysi could enter the house on Grimwald Place.
Caysi smiled as her friend opened the door. " Hey Peachy!" She said walking into the house. " I love it, it's very nice!" She said happily. Caysi put down her bag so that she could hug her friend. " So much to tell you Peachy, you won't even believe it!" She laughed as she bent down to pick up her bag again. Of course Caysi would have to tell Kiera about Jacob, Jason and all that jazz. " Remember the first time you came to my house?" She smiled from ear to ear. " I totally remember us using brooms and diving, going out to the magical place at night, burning the pizza." The blonde laughed. " Ready for a girls night?" She asked her best friend.
Kiera smiled at Caysi. The girl hadn't changed a bit since they first met eight years ago. They hugged as Caysi said she had a lot to tell Kiera. The brunette girl couldn't help but wonder what it was. Kiera shook her head at Caysi's bag. "Here. I'll send that upstairs." she said, pulling out her wand and waving it. The bag jumped up and heading up the flight of stairs. Kiera laughed lightly as Caysi reminded her of their first summer break together. They had both been a little wild back then. Kiera nodded her head. "Oh I remember. Wasn't Mark there too? I think I remember you playing a trick on him." she teased lightly. To the second question she nodded her head. "I really am. I can't think of anything I need more." she said honest.
Caysi smiled and watched as the bag flew upstairs. Certainly she could of thought of that but she was too excited to see Kiera. " Oh yeah, Mark was there too." She gave a soft laugh. " I'm pretty sure that I did." The blonde remembered, bringing up a laugh. " Well then, let's get started with the gossip, laughter and all nighter." Caysi smiled looking over at Kiera.
Kiera laughed and shook her head. Mark was a funny one though he hadn't been Kiera's favorite brother. A long time ago, the young woman had dated Caysi's brother, Daniel. Daniel had left her without saying goodbye so Kiera had moved on. It wasn't long after that when she had her first encounter with James, back when he was still very much a playboy. Reminising, Kiera couldn't help but smile. It was funny the way things had of working themselves out. "Okay so what first?" she asked her best friend.
Caysi smiled as she looked at Kiera, she looked really happy, and that made her happy. Caysi took a deep breath. " I have something to ask you." The blonde said cheerily. " Will you be... the maid of honor at my wedding?" Caysi asked waiting for Kiera to respond.
Kiera's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't known Caysi and Jason were back together. "Of course I will!" she said grinning at her best friend. "When did you and Jason decide to get married again?" she asked curiously. Kiera had been the maid of honor at the last wedding but Caysi had decided to call it off right before hand. "Oh and I forgot to tell you. I bought Ollivanders in New Zealand." she said, with a sly smile. It was something not even James knew yet.
Caysi smiled, she was so happy that her best friend was going to be at her other wedding. " Oh, it's not Jason." Caysi replied. " I started to see someone else after him, his name's Ryan." Caysi nodded and smiled at Kiera. " Trust me, you'll like him." Caysi said with a big grin. " Oh Merlin's Beard! That's fantastic!" The blonde replied, " We're all full of good news today!" Caysi laughed. She was so excited to get married and have all of the important people in her life there. " When did you buy the shop?" Caysi asked her best friend.
Kiera frowned as Caysi said that she was going to marry a guy named Ryan. Where the heck had that come from? Kiera was majorily confused. "Wait what? Who is Ryan and what happened to Jason?" she asked, wanting an explaination. Of course Kiera would be there for her best friend but this made no sense to her. Kiera smiled as Caysi asked about the shop. "Well just this morning actually." she said sheepishly. "I haven't exactly told James yet." she admitted though she knew her husband would be understanding and supportive.
Caysi sighed. " Jason and I didn't work out." She replied. " After the twins were gone, we didn't feel the same about eachother, we really couldn't stand to be around eachother because it would get awkward, so we just ended it." Caysi added. " I found someone else, who's just there for me all the time." Caysi smiled. " Ryan's our age, he's amazing." Caysi said smiling. " I'm sure that he will supportive, I think that's really good Peachy." Caysi said happily for her best friend.
Kiera pursed her lips. She really hoped this marriage worked out for Caysi. Her friend deserved to be as happy as Kiera and James were. Though Kiera considered herself the luckiest girl in the world to have the husband she did. It was more than she could have ever asked for. Kiera smiled at her friend. "Sham, if he means this much to you then I need to meet him." she said decisively. "I feel bad I didn't know about the Jason thing before now." she admitted. Obviously Kiera had been way to wrapped up in her own life to realize that Caysi was going through some problems herself.
Caysi nodded, of course Kiera needed to meet Ryan. " You need to meet him!" Caysi smiled and nodded. All Caysi wanted to be was happy, she knew that there was something about her and Jason that didn't sit when they first met, but of course she had, had to hold that back to see how things would end up. " Don't worry about it Peachy, you had a lot of things on your plate, love comes and goes." The blonde gave a small smile and shrugged. " Now I'm glad that both of us are happy." The blonde said cheery.
Kiera grinned at Caysi. It was excellent that they were both happy. Kiera had the perfect husband in James and she wanted Sham to find someone just as perfect to marry. Kiera had even managed to keep Alex around her as a friend."I can't wait to meet him." she said cheerfully. "So what would you like to do now?" she asked curiously. After all, they had Grimwald Place all to themselves tonight. Surely they could find some mischief to get into.
Caysi smiled, " Good, now I'm even happier." The blonde said grinning. " Well Ms. Potter, what kind of trouble can we get ourselves into today?" Caysi asked as she looked around the house. " This whole big house to ourselves." She said laughing. " How about we throw a party?" Caysi said slyly looking back over at Kiera.
Kiera pursed her lips as Caysi asked her what they could get themselves into trouble with. She laughed. "Well I have some wine in the kitchen...." she said, knowing that it would be more than plenty for the two girls. Kiera shook her head at Caysi's suggestion of a party. That was something they could not do. "I don't think that's a good idea. I would really feel guilty having a party without James." she said with an apologetic look on her face. She hoped that Caysi wouldn't be upset with her for saying that.
Caysi smiled and nodded. " No no, very true." The blonde said as she stood up. " Let's have a Peachy and Sham Sham party?" Caysi asked looking down at Kiera. " We can have some drinks, dance, do what we do best." Her green eyes scanning the house, she would have so much fun with Peachy tonight.
Kiera laughed at Caysi's words. She always knew how to cheer her up. The brunette nodded her head. "Sounds perfect." she said, her chocolate eyes sparkling. "Follow me." she said as she led Caysi to the kitchen. Kiera went and got the wine out of the fridge. She summoned to glasses. A flick of her wand removed the cork and she poured two full glasses. She raised hers. "Here's to best friends forever!" she said with a grin.
Caysi smiled as she followed Kiera to the kitchen. The blonde had a feeling that the night that they were about to enjoy; was going to be one of the best nights of their lives. " Agreed, to best friends forever." Caysi moved her hand back down to her mouth with the glass letting the bitter drink enter her mouth. " Ooh, this one's really really good." Caysi smiled as she read the back of the bottle. She took a bit bigger sip. " How do you like marriage Peach?" She asked swaying the drink around.
Kiera grinned as Caysi clinked glasses with her in a toast. The young brunette tossed the liquid down her throat. She grinned as Caysi complimented it. "Thanks. Its my favorite wine." she said as she poured another glass. Kiera laughed as Caysi asked her how she liked marriage. "Not getting nervous for your marriage are you Sham?" she teased lightly. "I like it alright. I mean I love my husband and James means the world to me. I just wish we saw each other more. It kills me to be apart from him this much." she said sadly.
Caysi poured some more wine into her glass, she couldn't help herself; the wine was amazing. " I'm not too sure about marriage anymore, I mean my first one I wouldn't even call that a marriage, but it didn't work out the best." She gave a small laugh before taking a big sip of wine. " I know, I think that's bad because both Ryan and I joined quidditch teams, but I'm hoping since both headquarters are close, that we won't be too far apart." She shrugged. " How's your brother and Kat?" She asked changing the subject. Caysi would always have a soft spot for Kiera's brother, no matter what.

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