Open Being Without

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Branson Archer

bookworm; good-natured; literary agent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 16 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
5/2041 (20)
Branson knew that it wasn't necessary to bring someone with him to the Halloween feast, but it was the first celebration that he had since Blair had graduated. He missed having her about with him, but Branson missed her most about it here. As he headed into the hall. He was wearing his usual type of costume, something that appeared like it was low effort, but had usually taken a lot to coordinate. This was less big than some of his other costumes, but still a good low effort. He twirled one of the drum sticks in his hand and was moving towards the snack table, eager to just get a couple of snacks, and then he'd see what else could bring. Halloween without Blair was a little weird, but he could manage it.
Hugo had tried to dress up for the Halloween feast. He didn't have the best costume but he used what he could and was a character from a book he had just finished reading, it wasn't a obvious costume like the chosts and the cats and the fairies in the hall but it was what he had. He entered the great hall and wandered around looking to see his friends however the problem with Halloween was that a lot of people were hard to recognise. he did see a few people he knew, but they were already talking to other people who he didn't know and on the other side of the hall. He decided to get some snacks and then head over to them. he took a plate and started to put some things on it when he recognised one of the older students at the table. "Hello are you Branson, the guy that does the books for the newspaper?" he asked. he wasn't sure where he was going with that. but he had just joined the newspaper, and he liked books.
Branson glanced up as someone approached him. It was a young student, a ravenclaw like he was but Bran was almost sure the boy was a first year. He had never been recognized before, but he figured between the quidditch, being a prefect and the articles it was bound to happen. The teen nodded. "I am yeah!" he replied. He held out a hand to the boy, "Branson, good to meet you," he introduced though he knew that this boy did know him. "Nice costume!" he complimented too, he wasn't 100% on what it was but he didn't need to know to like it.
hugo was glad that he had recognised the older student right and that the boy seemed nice. though he had a feeling that someone who wrote about books for the yearbook had to be nice. "nice to meet you branson, I'm Hugo. I like reading too" he said.
he felt pleased when he said that he liked his costume. he really hadn't known what to come as. so he had done what he could to find something. and hoped it wasn't weird that he was carrying a stuffed dragon. "thank you. I am Ben from the book dragon rider. I like your costume. it is very cool" he said wondering if he would ever be cool when he was older. he had a feeling he possibly wouldnt.
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