Aramis didn't think he could take credit for being able to block Gaby's next shot after the bludger hit, but he was still pleased to save the goal, grabbing the quaffle and throwing it back out with a nod of thanks to Gemma.
Sébastien flew right back to the Aramis and his goalposts, zigzagging as he did so in the hope that it would confuse the Keeper this time around. Once he was close enough to throw the quaffle, the boy watched it sail through. He cheered, finally scoring a goal.
Gaby had hung back a little to observe how everyone was doing and secretely give herself a second to get over the pain in her shoulder. She clapped when Sébastiens shot made it through and caught the quaffle when Aramis threw it back out.
Gemma almost missed the bludger as it passed but she reacted quickly and raced after it. In her rush she didn't aim as well as she should have and the bludger went wide and hit the new chaser instead. @Sébastien Cadieux
Sébastiens happiness over having scored his first goal was short-lived as he got hit by two bludgers in rapid succession. With tears filling his eyes, the boy tried to push through the pain and keep his focus on the quaffle.
Aramis was ready for Sébastien's next shot, though not for the one after when he managed to grab the quaffle a second time. Gaby also managed to psych him out, getting an easy goal in the center hoop and Aramis gave himself a little shake, throwing the quaffle back out, determined to block the next shot.
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