Bearing Witness

Freya Heimdall

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 16" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Sitting in her suite sipping a rather large glass of red wine Freya mused at how her life had changed so much since she left Hogwartz. Her professorship had only been a means to an end. To get the revenge she thought she needed. But once it was over she seemed more lost then ever.

Even her relationship and marriage to Conor had felt empty and lonely and then one day he too was gone. Her son, Njord, was also no more then a Christmas card and yearly photo. Her life had become so lonely she barely recognized herself.

What was she to do now with her life. "I can't spend my days drinking wine alone" she thought to herself. "At this rate I'll have a dozen cats and be knitting them all sweaters as my life's work." She shuddered at the thought.

Thankfully money wasn't an issue, her father had left her a tidy sum when he passed last year and while she missed him very much he left her comfortable and wanting for nothing. Yet in essence nothing was what she had. No family, no love life and not even a real place to call home.

Her lip trembled at the thought as it had so many times before. She often wondered if there would ever be a day when she didn't shed a tear for her life not lived.
Freya stood in front of her polished glass mirror. What looked back at her was less then pleasant. "We'll this will never do." She said to her reflection. She quickly jumped into the shower to wash away the effects of the wine and melancholy.

An owl had come last night with an unexpected note from Conor. He wanted to see her. The last correspondence she had from him was a note laying on her pillow that said "I'm sorry, but I no longer love you. Be well, Conor." And now a year later he wanted to see her. She couldn't imagine why but she knew she had to look perfect. His leaving her had almost killed her but she would be damned if she was going to let him see that. She wanted him to see her beautiful, strong, and confident. All the things she knew right now she wasn't.

Brushing her thick auburn hair, and applying just a hint of lip colour, she surveyed her herself again. "Well, not perfect, but certainly better then before. Her skin was paler, her weight had plummeted and her make up just barely concealed the dark circles under eyes from a year of sleepless nights, but there was only so much that magic and make up could do. Grabbing her warmest cloak headed off to Diagon Ally to meet her estranged husband.

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