Banner for Louis

Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Character name: Louis Vernier
Play-by: Jared Gilmore
Banner Size: 500x200
Photos on Banner: 1, 2, 3, 4
Text on Banner: Louis Benjamin Vernier
Font on Banner: Something cursive
Colour Scheme: Maybe some yellows, whites and subtle reds or blues. Try to make it as colourful as possible if you can, but I'm not fussed.
Other: If you can try to use more than one picture that would be good, but if you can't that's also okay. I trust your judgement <3

Thank you so much :wub:
OMG i have no idea how i missed this! But that's awesome Clairey :wub: Thank you so so much ^_^
:wub: No problem!!!

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