Old School Week Baking Away

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily loved this time of year. She was busy flipping through a cook book for baked goods her mother had sent her, trying to decide what she wanted to make. She sang softly to herself as she looked. "Red is the rose, that in yonder garden grows, fair is the lily, of the valleyyyy," Her voice carried through the kitchen, clear and sweet, and she paid no mind to where she was.
Ajaccio walked into the kitchens and was surprised to see a girl singing quite nicely to herself. He didn't want to interrupt but after a little while of listening he thought it would be rude to say nothing, "Hey, sorry," he said loudly hoping that she would hear him and that he wasn't interrupting too much. She sang really nicely.
Lily jumped, startled, and quieted abruptly as someone came into the kitchen. She blushed bright red. "Oh, h-hello," She greeted with a shy smile. "I, ah, I d-didn't see you there," She stuttered, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Was I, um, was I bothering you? I-I'm sorry," She laughed nervously. "I c-can stop. Heh. D-did you n-need something?" She asked, biting her lip to stop her stutter.
Ajaccio couldn't help the little blush upon his cheeks when it was obvious that he had startled her. His presence probably not what she expected, "Sorry, it's okay, it wasn't bothering me at all, it was really nice, you sing really well," he told her as he ventured a little into the room closer, "I was looking for some food really, but I heard you singing and though it best to announce myself, so I didn't startle you but that didn't really work did it," he chuckled lightly.
Lily blushed more as the boy complimented her singing. "T-thank you." She looked up, giggling a little as he laughed. "I-I'm easy to sneak up, I'm, sneak up on. Don't worry," She smiled at him. "I-I was just, um, just deciding what I wanted to bake myself. M-maybe there's something you like? S-Since you're, ah, you're here, I mean, " She amended quickly.
Ajaccio gave a little smile, "Still, I'm sorry for startling you," he did add sincerely. He grinned happily when she offered to bake something, "I'll eat anything! Muffins are the best things ever though!" Ajaccio told her happily. "Do you bake a lot?"

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