Bad Idea Right? (Spin the bottle, fourth and fifth years)

Vanity Mettlestone

🪞Girly | Middle Child | Thief | Judgmental 👛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/2047 (13)
Me, Kris and Rowan have taken turns organizing a spin the bottle game every few years, and it felt like time for one again

the funniest part is that it's always been a slytherin girl or a gryffindor boy which seems fitting

I'm thinking of having Vanity do one soon for fourth and fifth years, so keep an eye out for that. It might be a fun way to fan some drama flames right before the yule ball :r

I mostly made this pb to gauge interest and to see if anyone had questions/ideas for it. When I post the topic I'll explain a bit more, the use of a random generator is encouraged.

I'm probably starting the thread pretty soon because I'm impatient, but this is also a good thread to maybe discuss stuff or ask questions ooc.
Yes definitely interested. My characters have always been the wrong ages so I'm keen!
Oooooh, yes!
I don't have anyone this time D:
Definitely interested for Lucy! I've never gotten to do one of these before so I'm excited.
and just like that I'm summoned from my quasi hiatus :r

100% in with Audrey. Maybe Oz as well bur he'd probably not be into the fourth years being there.
My fourth year Veronica would be all over this.
Shame I don't have anyone the right age :cry: I shall stick to stalking :r maybe next time
Glad to see there's so much interest :D

I don't have anyone this time D:
Aww I'm sorry, I tend to do 2 year groups together so the age gaps aren't too big. Maybe the sixth and seventh years can do their own :r

Shame I don't have anyone the right age :cry: I shall stick to stalking :r maybe next time
Next time!
and just like that I'm summoned from my quasi hiatus :r

100% in with Audrey. Maybe Oz as well bur he'd probably not be into the fourth years being there.
hugo will be there. feel free to say he dragged oz along.

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