back to normal and need friend

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Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Ok so Riley has gotten over the whole evil thing and is now back to his owl happy loving self. Because of the fact that he turned evil he doesnt have many friends anymore. He is easy to get along with now and is very friendly. He is a huge flirt but if a girl makes it clear that he has got no chance then he sort of lays down again.
Please post or PM me if your interested

Laura x

He could get flirty with Rosie for a bit before she gets with Woody?
She's slightly mad and cray and impulsive.
Zeke and Riley probably would get along. Easiest way to get a hold of him is drop by the Hog's Head. There's a couple open threads, or you can start one yourself.
I can offer my Seer a friend seeing as she has more free rain as Hogwarts rep for Beauxbatons and is out for the Brightstone weekend. :D
Could you please? I actually meant to be doing RL lessons right now but am taking a bit of chance here :p
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