Aye, lonely girl in progress

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Isla MacNiall

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Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker

Isla Eilis MacNiall

Isla is born at Tillingham, Scotland and at the age of 5 years old moved
to Edinburgh, Scotland just a drive away from Tillingham. She is smart, kind,
energetic, adventurous and pretty. Despite being a muggleborn, her parents
didn't stop enrolling her in a normal school like St. George's for girls. Isla is
currently a 6th grader. Her ma works as a tour guide while her da is an inspector
detective at Edinburgh Police Department and a Laird of the little village of

I would like for her to have company while she stays in New Zealand for
the school year starts again. A starting first years will be great or current
students can meet her too. No hardcore enemies for the mean time, maybe
frienemies of some sort and no love interest for the moment. It would be
appreciated if you reply here :) Thank you.
I can offer Jasmine Smith. I am just about to apply her for sorting. She is a very shy and quiet and likes to be a follower to someone. She hates to speak up for herself and would be a shy, quiet but loyal sidekick for her... I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but this is the character I have to offer!
Hope this helps,
I'm not really looking for specific kind of IC's anyone is fine being Isla's friend. I think she is perfect.
aha please don't expect it too soon... I have a few more replies to make and then a topic to post... I could be the queen of procrastination :r
I have Eugene Smythe who needs some friends,

He is a friendly guy who gets along with most people and likes exploring and adventure.He can be very sarcastic at times but he wouldn't really mean it.He likes flying,reading,cooking and music.He enjoys being in a spotlight and also likes pulling innocent pranks on people.Generally he is a good guy.And he is from Glasgow,Scotland.

So what do you think?
:D Yay Can you start the topic please?
So, I have Aaren Nightray who also needs some friends. She's a first year Gryffindor. :) Aaren is passionate and stubborn. She loves to speak up her mind and is really honest too. She's quite talkative to the point of it being annoying sometimes. So, tell me what you think :)
Eugene: I'll send you a link

Ryuuji: A perfect companion for Isla's crazy adventure inside the castle. Sweet. She's perfect
So, I have a first year Slytherin, Sage Ottavi.
She's a self-centered girl. She cares about herself and no one else. She loves having control and being the one to call all the shots. She loves the idea of being in power, whether politically, or Royally. She believes that she is queen.
She'd like to have Isla around. A daughter of a Royal Scotsman, she wouldn't be that nice to her, she quite traditionally slytherin and b!tchy. But, I think there could be something between them that could be fun to RP!
Just let me know!
Isla MacNiall said:
Ryuuji: A perfect companion for Isla's crazy adventure inside the castle. Sweet. She's perfect
Great! :) So, do you want to start the topic?? :)
Stefan: I have a question, is she some what connected to a politician or royal family? All in all she is great. Approved on my part.

Aaren: Sure, let me send you a link when I'm finish
Isla MacNiall said:
Stefan: I have a question, is she some what connected to a politician or royal family? All in all she is great. Approved on my part.
Neither, she just likes to think of herself as royal.
She likes to be the focus.
Would you like to start it or shall I?
I have Liam here, to be a friend for Isla if you like.

Liam is very active. He loves sport, and exploring. His love of exploring has gotten him in trouble from time to time, because his parents want him to partake in more suitable activities. This is why he started dancing. At first, he was reluctant, but he has come to love it. Liam does traditional dancing. He is incredibly protective of his little sister, and plans for her to have a future of her own choosing. He really resents the fact that he will have to run the stables, and the castle when he's older-though he couldn't picture himself doing anything else, he'd like a choice. This causes many arguments between him and his Father, who sees Liam as a bit of a rebel. He is correct in this line of thinking, as Liam enjoys breaking rules and often sneaks out of the castle as night. His family means a lot to him, and in public, he represents a perfect gentleman. He speaks very well, though his accent becomes more pronounced when he is angry, or nervous. He makes friends easily, especially through sport. He was raised away from muggle children, and the only time he met any other children was through rugby and riding. He has won many horse-riding competitions, and he played with the local rugby team, as a Flanker, though his Father watched every practice. They didn't want him to become too close to the local children, lest he accidentally let something slip about the magical world. The muggle world confuses him, as he has been raised with magic. they have a television in his house, though they have no satelite. Liam is a great lover of Star Wars, and will often quote parts of the movies that he finds funny. Yoda is his favourite character.

So yeah, they can be friends maybe? Whereabouts is Tillingham? If it's anywhere near Drnoch, they could've known each other when they were kids?
Stefan: Can you start it, Please? I have like three topics to start with :)

Liam: Too adventurous for Isla but she can handle it. Tillingham isn't really a city or a village in real life but I read on my book that its one hour drive to Edinburgh and 30 minutes drive to Sterling, Scotland. All in all I'm fine with the plan.

Could you please make the size of your font bigger? I have a hard time reading even though I have my glasses on, (my fault too much tv and pc time crack my vision) it would be appreciated and my head won't hurt :)

Thank you
Okay? So-we're going with them knowing each other as children? If so, do you want me to start a topic?
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