Closed Away From the Lights

Elodie Wynshaw

~Kind~ Soft~ Innovative~ Independent~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
15 (4/24/2048)
Elodie wasn't in a partying mood. She was feeling a bit down tonight- though honestly she'd been a bit down for a while. She was just struggling, feeling lonely and missing home. She didn't want to go to the dance, and had instead opted for a walk outside. She felt a little better in the fresh air, stopping on the lawn with her arms around herself. She shut her eyes, leaning her head back and just enjoying the slight chill in the air and the breeze in her hair.
Oskar was determined to do a better job avoiding school dances this year and stayed even farther away from the great hall and the courtyard. His lack of wardrobe was one of many reason he stayed away but everyone in one place did make it easier for him to exist in peace as he walked through the halls and made his way out to the lawn to enjoy some fresh air. But apparently he wasn't the only one who had the same idea. He saw Elodie and wondered if he should join her. As much as he wanted to be alone at least the Hufflepuff was a less intimidating person to run into than Summer. Finally he decided to join her and he stood silently for a moment until he noticed she was holding her arms around herself. "Are you cold?" he asked quietly.
Elodie hadn't noticed Oskar walk up, and started a little when he spoke. She turned to him, a small smile on her face. "Hi, Oskar," She greeted, keeping her voice just as soft. "A little," She admitted, rubbing her hands over her arms to generate warmth. She turned a bit towards him. "You aren't at the dance?" She asked, a bit surprised that anyone else would skip it.
Oskar offered a small smile when she greeted him, realizing too late that he probably should have announced himself sooner. "Do you want this?" he asked as he gestured to the flannel shirt he wore over his tshirt. It was summer here, which still felt odd to him, and even if the evening was chilly he was used to much colder nights than this. When Elodie brought up the dance he frowned and just nodded. He didn't want to explain himself if he didn't have to.
Elodie paused, looking over to him as he offered her his flannel. She smiled softly, blushing a little. "Oh, that's so sweet, thank you," She half held out her hand. "Do you want to walk with me?" She asked, thinking a nice walk around the lake would be a better way to spend the night. "The stars are really beautiful out tonight."
When she reluctantly admitted she wanted his flannel Oskar shrugged off the shirt and handed it over without a word. But hesitated when she asked if he wanted to walk with her. Some how walking together seemed like more of a commitment than just standing in silence. He glanced over his shoulder at the lights of the castle and shrugged. "Sure." he said and fell into step beside her. He hummed in acknowledgement of her statement and could hardly find it in himself to look at the stars. He was suddenly so nervous. They were just walking but yet it felt like he was walking towards something terrible. What did he think was going to happen? Did he think a bear was around the corner about to eat him? While he didn't expect anything to happen now but it wouldn't be the first time he'd lured off as a part of some bully's plan. He just hoped he didn't seem to obviously uncomfortable to Elodie.
Elodie smiled softly, slipping his shirt on without buttoning it up. She folded her arms across her chest, walking slowly and just enjoying the cool breeze and the night sky. She hummed softly, giving him a gentle smile. "Thank you," She murmured. "This is nice," She sighed, stopping and shutting her eyes. Just letting the cool air wash over her. She didn't notice he might not be enjoying this as much as she was. When she felt the urge to lean against him, she opened her eyes again. "I have a silly question," She turned towards him a bit, smiling shyly. "Would you maybe want to dance a little? Here?" She offered, thinking she could hum some music maybe. But it was also a slightly silly idea he may say no to.

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