Away for months.

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Kyle Alcott-Ward

french | theatre dad scrivenshafts asst manager
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Matt ) ( Gay
Apple, 13 1/2 inches, Essence of Belladonna
8/2011 (48)
Yeah, so I'm not exactly sure how much I'm gonna be on for the next few days at least. I'm getting a bit stressed out by being at home for a number of reasons I won't list here, so I'm spending the rest of this week at my friend Jess's place, then going to my dad's for the weekend. After that I'm not sure if I'll go back home or make other arrangements, but either way I'll be doing NaNoWriMo so RPing will probably take a bit of a back seat. Sorry to anyone in a RP with Kyle Alcott, Gabriel Blume, Maria Madison, Ricky Madison, Ellen Castor or Mercy Lee; my replies will probably be FEW AND FAR BETWEEN for about a month or so.

EDIT: I'm living with my dad at the moment, and he hasn't got the internet, so I don't know when I'll next be on :( So sorry all. I miss you! </3
Just an update on this; I'm not going to be online at all this week; asides from it being the start of NaNoWriMo, I'm staying with a friend who has dialup, and it took me half an hour just to post this :lol: I'll probably be semi-back next week, but don't count on it. Sorryyyy kjfkjeyrk :(
Why did it take so long for me to see this?

I'm online all the time and i haven't seen you around for the past few weeks, thinking; hmm, i wonder where she is? Well i decided to look here and i see this and i'm all like Oh Noez how could i miss this

So Can't wait till you get back. And i almost did NaNoWriMo, but i didn't have the time; too much work and stuff :(

Miss you lots!!

Eep! I'm sorry :/

I'm really not online at all right now, because I'm living with my dad and he doesn't have the internet. I had to give up on NaNo and everything >.< I've got a job at the Warehouse, which is kind of NZ's version of WalMart, and I'm starting Tuesday, so I might be able to convince my dad to get the internet so long as I pay for it, which will mean I'll be back online, but I don't know how it's gonna go. He doesn't really want me to live with him, but I've got nowhere else to go.

So I won't be online for at least the rest of this month :/ Sorry akjshfarekjgajksnk ARGH!
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