Autumn needs a family!

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Autumn Rivers

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beech Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Pixie Hair
Autumn is my newest character here, but I don't like the idea of role-playing as her sibling.
Pretty much, she just needs a sister or brother. Autumn is shy, and can't stand up for herself, so it would be great if she could have a sibling that will stand up for her.
Can be the same age, or older, I don't mind at all. Let me know if you are interested.
Autumn's development
Autumn's biography

Also, Autumn is in need a few friends, so if your keen for that, let me know !
Oh wow, awesome! Are you willing to role-play as her?
Not at all, that would be perfect! :)
That would be cool! Would you like to start a topic?
Yes please Patience!
Ah can you xD. I've been starting a bunch be nice if you did :) thanks
This is the link to our topic :)
Two muggleborns in the same generation of immediate family is generally rare.
The sorting will finish soon and so I took some liberties with Patience, sorry.
I apologise and if needed I will change her once she is sorted [hopefully.]
Currently her transferal states that their parents were afraid when she recieved her letter because it threatened to expose the fact that Patience wasn't really their child. As a young couple, their parents tried to have a baby but did not seem to have any luck and so they tried a surrogate mother. Through a strange turn of events, the girl they chose to have the baby was from a magical family. She had thought that as she herself didn't have any magical tendencies, she wouldn't pass on the gene. Unfortunately she did and when Patience was eleven she was sent away to Hogwarts Scotland. In the mean time, the couple had concieved a child when Patience was three and when the letter came, they worried about what would happen when the girls found out and had tried to keep the contact between them monitered. However Autumn ended up with powers too and since the girls were both witches, the parents chose to bring Patience here to Hogwarts in New Zealand.

Neither of the girls know this though.
This makes sense. Thankyou for doing this! :) Let me know if you have any questions, and when you get sorted! :)
The amount of transfer students [and the amount of new students I have undertaken] has led the Sorting hat to decide that Patience's transferral is not ideal. As such I will redo her application as a first year and let you know once she is sorted.
Okay, thankyou for letting me know. And thankyou for going through all this trouble for me! :)
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