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Too Young to Care
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2051 (16)
Pixie had somewhat failed in her first attempt to go to a school event, and though she did still find it silly, she was a little concerned by her own growing inability to be amongst crowds. She'd always disliked it, and it had grown a lot over recent years, but she had also been aware that it had been getting worse. That she could manage it less than she had. So she was trying her best to get herself to a state where maybe it wasn't too bad. Though as she stood in a dark corner of the hall with a drink in hand, she thought maybe this was over doing it slightly. She felt a little panicked and just hoped it wouldn't get too much more crowded or that she woudln't end up trapped in her corner. Even less, she knew this might be easier with someone but she was trying her best to be completely unnoticed by the others in the hall.
Indi didn't care much for the Yule Ball, at least Halloween had costumes. If she wanted to get deep about it she could claim that everyone's fancy clothes they only brought out once a year counted as a costume but that seemed like a bit of a reach. When she entered the hall she was caught off guard to see that theme actually matched the weather outside and she found herself staring at the ceiling more than usual. She hadn't made plans to meet up with anyone and was regretting that now and just hoped she'd be able to stay far away from Jenna. Indi was just about to grab something to eat when she noticed a girl from her year lurking in the corner. "What are you doing all the way over there by yourself?" she asked and put a hand on her hip. "You look like some kind of statue."
Pixie looked up at the slytherin girl who greeted her. She knew this girl from her classes, she was a more studious person than Pixie was. She gave a shrug in response as if trying to ask through the motion if that wasn't allowed. She wasn't aware of any rules prohibiting standing in the corner, but given this was the first time she'd gone along she couldn't help it if she didn't know it wasn't allowed. She folded her arms across her chest and didn't say anything to the girl. She wasn't sure the girl's attitude was one she'd end up liking but Pixie could also say this was maybe in part due to being more nervous than normal.
Lucie wasn't sure what made her want to go to the Yule Ball, but with the main pressure of exams off her shoulders, she thought it would be a good idea to perhaps attend it, and maybe even a way for her to meet some more tolerable people. The girl entered the Great Hall, looking around for something to do. Most people were dancing or were over at the food table, which Lucie had probably no hope of getting anywhere near with the crowds of people. She wandered around for a little, keeping close to the walls when she noticed a couple of familiar faces up ahead. Lucie never spoke much to Indira, but she knew she hated Jenna almost as much as herself, and couldn't help but respect her. As the quiet Hufflepuff girl folded her arms across her chest after Indira asked her a question, Lucie couldn't help but make her way over there. There was no way she was going to ignore this. "You know, she's just trying to be nice and encouraging. Stop being so mysterious, no one likes that." she told her, believing she should start standing up for people more now.
Indi watched in confusion as the other girl just folded her arms. She shot her a look and wondered if this was some kind of weird game as she crossed her arms too. She didn’t know what her deal was but there was something keeping her from just moving on and ignoring her, like she clearly wanted. She was about to ask her something else when Lucie joined them. She kept her distance from most of her roommates and even though they were on the quidditch team together they didn’t talk too much. Indi wouldn’t have said she was being that encouraging but she didn’t mind being interpreted that way. “I don’t think just standing there counts as being mysterious.” she said and rolled her eyes. “What’s your name?” she asked and looked at the girl expectantly. She figured she should probably picked it up from lessons but she had never really bothered to learn most people’s names if she didn’t have to.
Pixie wasn't sure what about her new stance was bringing things, mess over to her, but a second girl, another Slytherin, joined the first and where Pixie had almost hoped it would cause the other girl to leave, she just rounded on her. Calling the other slytherin nice and her mysterious. She didn't she was mysterious, and she didn't care what people thought of her, but she was immediately more uneasy at the now two girls in front of her, and the zero directions she could easily escape in. She looked beyond the girls into the crowd of people and obviously didn't spot anything that might help her. They weren't being unkind but she also didn't think they'd be that nice either. She looked towards the first girl as she asked her name. Her gaze remained on the girl for a long beat before she quickly and quietly said, "Pixie,"
Lucie shrugged when Indira pointed out that just standing there didn't mean she was being mysterious. "She never says much though and I find that really odd. It's like she's up to something." she said as though the Hufflepuff wasn't even there. She never understood why people purposely didn't talk to anyone. After all, it had been a couple of years now and the Hufflepuff still wasn't bothering to try and make friends. If that wasn't suspicious then Lucie didn't know what was. As the Hufflepuff said her name was Pixie, Lucie nodded. "Oh so like the fairy. I don't mind that name." she said. "My name is Lucie." She put her hand out for the girl to shake, wondering if she would bother shaking it back.
Indi felt a little unease as the other girl stared at her for a while. "Maybe she is." she said and looked at the Hufflepuff curiously. "Do you have any diabolical plans in mind?" she asked with a laugh. "Do share. I like to be prepared." She sighed as the other girl continued to stand there. This was getting boring and Pixie, if that was her real name, wasn't proving to be worth her time. But since they were all introducing herself she figured she might as well join in too. "Indira. But call me Indi." she said bluntly. Most people knew better than to use her full name but it was always good to remind people.
Pixie shook her head at the accusation, it was done in jest but she wasn't up to anything and she wasn't planning anything. Both girls introduced themselves to her, with Lucie, the second of the two girls commenting on her name. She looked to the outstretched hand but didn't move her own to accept it. She felt almost certain if she did these girls would do something. They seemed nice enough but boy did she not trust it. Perhaps if she just remained silent nothing would happen and these girls would get bored enough to leave.
Lucie gasped loudly as the Hufflepuff girl refused to shake her hand. "You're so rude!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to find out what diabolical plans you have in mind, okay? And if you try anything against me, you will know about." Lucie officially hated the girl and was shocked that she didn't even have the common decency to shake her hand. It was just outrageous to Lucie and she had enough. She turned to her room mate. "I don't trust her, and I don't think you should either." she told her truthfully. Despite the fact she didn't talk to Indi much, she hoped that she wasn't going to bother getting caught up in that stupid Hufflepuff's business.
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